Saturday, December 27, 2008

Why Caroline Kennedy is Qualified...

Compared to Sarah Palin.

1 a tie): she is a Kennedy and a Democrat (not a low-born Republican).

2): She went to Harvard undergrad and Columbia Law (she is obviously much smarter).

3): She is an author, which means so much when considering a C.V. (Palin does not even know how to read if media reports are true).

4): She is on the board of many non-profit organization which means she really cares for people (Palin only cares about corporate profit).

5): She has always lived in a big city which means she does not carry those small town prejudices (small town values means you are racist and you shoot helpless animals) .

6): She believes abortion is just fine (no daughter of hers would be allowed to stay pregnant).

7): She believes in Public Education (even though her kids attend private school and heaven forbid she be on the PTA let alone act as the PTA president).

8): She does not toil in commerce, dirtying her hands in filthy profits (Palin worked in a for-profit business which means she is for injustice).

9:) Look how important she is! The country cannot be without a Kennedy in the Senate when Ted dies (Sarah who?).

10:) She lived in London for nine months while studying art which equals foreign policy experience (Palin only deals with Canada being a border state).

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Ugly Side of Evnironmentalism

Thomas Malthus ventured a guess that the planet would run out of food some 200 years ago as the population increased. He was proved wrong, discredited, and dismissed by most common sense thinkers. However, he did create a cult of idea that persists to this day. I am not sure why, but most holders of Malthusian ideology are enviros. Oh who am I kidding? I do know why they hold this ideology, because they see all humans as a cancer upon the pristine earth (except for the enviros of course!). The BBC aired a show where two professors discussed the problems of overpopulation and the best solutions.

Their solution is problematic in two ways: first it is misanthropic and second it is racist. To wish mass death on people is grotesque and dare I say anti-intellectual. Genocidal dreams belie a deeply entrenched racism. The bird flu is predicted to devastate Asia and the sub-continent. For the benefit of doubt, perhaps these egg-heads see WWI and WWII as the culling of the European heard. I seriously doubt it, but with crazy thinking like this, one never knows the depth of the psychosis.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Suggestion to Christian Parents

'Tis the season to read stories about school systems sending home notices saying, "Achtung Verboten Jesus." While it is deflating to see Christians singled out and told to leave their faith at the door, there is the long standing tradition of smuggling in theology through other means. But, parents need to get creative and acutally pay attention to Christian history. What I am suggesting is the use of Apocolyptic language. There are two reasons for this. First: There is a rich tradition within the Church and second: It makes for better poetry and prose if done well. So, it's a win win. You get to stick it to the man, and your kid learns the importance of well crafted creative written media.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

An Curious Trend

Having spent years at a certain Canadian Seminary and having been exposed to neo-postmillenialism, the more I read certain theologians, the more I see a movement towards what I am calling Christian Nihilism. This movement ties its cart to social and community issues that read more like political advertisements than theological issues. The danger is the untying of faith from the parousia, Christ's triumphant return. Indeed, reading one theologian, it seems he makes the connection that the Church on Earth is the Second Coming of Jesus. He doesn't outright do so, but in his section on eschatology, he so deflates parousia that one is left wondering if there is anything more than the hear and now. This is what I mean by Nihilism.

While I don't dismiss the concerns of social and community issues, I do reject the USA=Rome analogy that is pervasive in this form of theologizing. I also chafe at boiling Jesus down to only "empire opposer" and his cross to a nonviolent opposition of imperial oppression. All of this narrowing-of-definition tends to make Jesus in our image and arrogantly poo-poos the 2000 year history of theology. Selective application of history and scripture was one of the (many) things with which my seminary cohorts harangued the so-called 'religious right'.

But, I digress. Focusing too much attention on the importance of their ministries of 'opposition', the stink of hubris starts to raise in the nostrils. To those whose britches seem to be rather snug: return to a wholistic ministry and understand that you are but one of millions of communities of faith around the world and throughout history that has been given the undeserved honor of preparing the way for the Lord's return. Remember God's word to the Jews in exile, live peaceably among your captors, build houses and plant gardens. Your ministry is not the second coming. Don't throw a tantrum when you don't get your own way. Be thankful you don't live in one of the many oppressive regimes where hundreds of millions of people were murdered over the last century (ironically, many of which you fail to criticize with the vigor you aim at the USA). Jesus will return in power to put an end to the ongoing rebellion, which includes America as well (if it still exists when He returns).

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Case for the HRC

So, Sarah Palin's church was torched last weekend. Is an interested party going to sue Heather Mallick for "creating an environment conducive to violence" through her vile and libelous article defaming and dehumanizing Sarah Palin and her religious beliefs? It seems to have all the ingredients for an HRC case. Indeed, an ACTUAL crime was committed. Does this not lend more credence to charges being brought?

For my American readers, the HRC is the Human Rights Commission in Canada. It has the authority to prosecute thought crimes based on slippery definitions of 'conducive environments' and 'perceived threats' towards and individual or group.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

When is the Fence Going Up?

In the State of California, 380,000 people pay 40% of the income tax bill. That's 1% of the population! Better hope they don't get frustrated and leave (hence the fence going up a-la Berlin). Victor Hanson has pointed out the looming problems facing Cali.

What Goes Around...

I guess the trend is fitting for today's culture in the West. As we enter into another Christmas season, Christ is being ghettoized (not actually for He is the King) by the declared seculars. Mark Steyn has pointed to a couple of politically correct offering for Christmas. The irony is that the "12 Days" song was written to specifically combat the suppression of Catholic teaching.

So paganism in the form of secularism has come around for the winter solstice. As the Christians took the pagan-beginning-of-winter festival and Christianized it, now the reverse is happening. I don't mind such humbuggery from the seculars. They just show themselves to be bitter curmudgeons, much like Scrooge.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Great Rivalry

Now, I am a Navy fan myself, but this really does deserve my congratulations. The game is this weekend.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I would argue that food is not an entitlement, i.e. people should not expect to be fed. I am sure that the few readers of this blog would now question my Christian motivations. Let me explain. Food does not happen on a magical tree, it is the product of someones time and effort. If it is an entitlement, then the producer is morally obligated to produce and give it away. Put differently, the producer has no recourse if people take the crop because the takers are entitled to the food. Sounds like slavery to me. Sounds like oppression wrapped in good intentions.

I think the Christian way of charity solves the question of indigence better than the government way of entitlement. It is good that people eat and are satisfied, but you cannot subject people to oppression to meet this good end. Serving the community means being productive (that covers many things). If Christians are producing abundantly and abundantly giving to charity, it serve the community very well.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

One Last 'Blame Bush'

Ever since GW Bush was elected as President of the USA, things have been falling apart. The environment has been especially hit hard. If you don't already know, the global mean temperature has been declining since 1999, and this year the impact is finally being realized. In Canada, 200 whales have been trapped in the Arctic sea ice because it froze at an unforeseen rates in October due to record low temperatures around the world (even James Hansen's GISS had to admit its numbers for October were wrong (that' because they cut and pasted September numbers to October)). The whales will be slaughtered and it is all Bush's fault. If he would have signed onto Kyoto, this would have been averted! The signers of Kyoto have been expading CO2 output faster than the USA and if the US had toed-the-line and increased its CO2 output the whales would be swimming south instead of feeding families in Canada.

What?! Don't they know any better?!

Last night Mac and I went with friends to go see Quantum of Silence the latest installment of the new 007 series. As we were driving home we saw something that made me seriously wonder about the sanity of some drivers. While on I-295 we saw a car in the left hand shoulder up ahead of us shooting off sparks from the driver's front tire. Initially I thought that perhaps they had hit the barrier. Then without warning (or signaling!) the car shot across the highway (luckily at 11:30pm there was very little traffic) towards the exit ramp. They swerved around a car that was parked on the shoulder and continued to drive down the exit ramp -- shooting off sparks all the time. Initially it looked like the car was riding on its rims. But as we passed the car we realized the driver must have removed the front tire -- there was no tire, no inner tube, no rim ... no tire -- and then continued to drive the car. Ummm can we say unsafe?? I think that the tow truck fees would be less costly than all the damage that woman did to her car by driving it without a wheel. But who am I to judge?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

TheThing the Electorate Knows

Now that the media has admitted it was favorably reporting for Obama in the election, John Ziegler is attempting to find out just how much impact media bias had for Obama. Using the Zogby Polling firm, a bunch of people were asked some question concerning politics and politicians. Some of the results are as follows.

When asked which candidate said they could "see Russia from their house," 87% chose Palin, although the quote actually is attributed to Saturday Night Live's Tina Fey during her portrayal of Palin during the campaign
Nearly half (47%) did not know that Biden was the one who predicted Obama would be tested by a generated international crisis during his first six months as President.

Interesting. An SNL joke is mistaken for fact and a no-kidding real-life potential situation is unknown by the majority. Or, a non-gaffe is attributed to the person who said no such thing and a real gaffe is shrugged off. Another example.

[94%] of Obama voters correctly identified Palin as the candidate with a pregnant teenage daughter.

57% of Obama voters were unable to correctly answer that Democrats controlled both the House and the Senate.

Wow, that is either a condemnation of a voyeuristic country or a round indictment of what the media feeds people as important to making a p0litical decision. I find it uncomfortable how much people know about Palin and how little they know about Obama and Biden due to media coverage. Watch as Tom Brokaw and Charlie Rose attempt a little CYA on media bias. To his credit, I think Brokaw saw this coming for the past year. He was instrumental in having Olbermann relieved of anchor duties as MSNBC. But, the damage has been done.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Is Atlas Shrugging?

State budgets are suffering. Many of the most progressive states in the Union are burdened by huge budget deficits this year. The question is based on Ayn Rand's book Atlas Shrugged, the thesis of which is the wealthy who support most of the weight of society's expenses will one day 'shrug' the weight of the world from their back. The idea is that there is a breaking point where the demands far exceed the gratitude. I wonder if this is a back door version of the author's premise? The rich are not actively shrugging, but because our republic has tethered the majority of its financial burden to the wealthy, is it appropriate to relying on the rich getting richer to pay the government's bills? Heaven knows, we sure do tear down 'the rich' during political debate while we rely upon their largess to fund government. Indeed, asking 5% of the population to pay 50% of the taxes is a recipe for disaster in an economic slowdown.

I don't agree with Rand's overall thesis, but perhaps she swerved into something. I am probably wrong in my question because of my limited research in past economic slowdowns, but I do know that the tax burden has been steadily transferred to the 'wealthy' over the past 20 years.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Disturbing News

This from BC Canada, close to where I lived and real close to where Melissa lived.

This from Michigan. I wonder how violence and intimidation are soft peddled as 'action'. Sounds like fascistic bullying to me.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Double Standard

The left is demanding post-partisanship from the right now that a Democrat will be President. Conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh is being roundly criticized for his comments about the new President Elect. It has even made the news in Canada! Whilst I disagree with the sentiment, some research has shown that Limbaugh was quoting Bill Clinton when calling Obama a Chicago thug. When Limbaugh stirs the pot, there is a reason. Now, I don't remember the outrage at Clinton. Indeed I don't remember the outrage at all the agitprop with side by side of Bush and Hitler. Thanks to Newsbusters, Joy Behar represents the face of hypocrisy:

"View" co-host Joy Behar seems to have trouble seeing her own hypocrisy when issuing condemnations of other individual’s comments. On the November 10 edition, Behar objected to Rush Limbaugh, whom she baselessly labeled a "terrorist," labeling Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel "thugs." After Barbara Walters promised to question Rush on that issue in an upcoming interview, Behar exclaimed "he needs to apologize."

Joy Behar, under her own standards, ought to issue several apologies. Beyond the Rush Limbaugh "terrorist" smear, Behar also made such outrageous charges as labeling the Bush administration "liars and murderers," accused Republican presidential candidates of attending "Klan meetings," and called former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld a "Hitler type."

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I have seen something that I will never forget. America, the country that continues to lead the rest of the western world in what it means to truly reflect freedom and equality, has just elected as its leader a minority, a black man who 50 years ago held little hope for any sort of equality. I am proud of what America has stood for, and I believe that the fundamentals of American governance has allowed for today's historic outcome. As a conservative, I can truly stand upon the rule of law and the principles of opportunity and freedom that have given this great country the admiration of the world.

My wife has informed me that I must clarify this next paragraph. First, I hold out a Utopian dream that the likes of Daily K_s, Guardian UK, Der Speigel, and Le Figaro writers come to read my posts to understand the pulse of America. I know it's silly, but I'm unemployed and need my fantasies. Second, I believe the cartoonish stereotyping by these publications tries to break down civil discourse and foment hate. Finally, I hope the right wing fringe will heed the critique and be as classy as McCain was in his concession speech.

To the detractors of this country, both internal and external, I would like to say that your assessments are wrong. As you hunker down in your bigotries, the wind of freedom blows strong and unhindered regardless of your slanders. You have proven yourselves to be empty cans, and your rattle has become annoying. Your hubris has been tolerated with grace; it is now your responsibility to recognize reality. I hope you are mature enough so to do.

I may disagree with many aspects of President Elect Obama's politics, but I am proud to be living in the USA today. Barack Obama is my president (elect).

All Eyes on PA, FL, and OH

If Pennsylvania goes McCain, that would be the story of this campaign. I think Florida and Ohio have broken for McCain. Virginia is also a question, but the trend is for McCain. Obama's desire to Bankrupt the coal industry may be the issue the turns Pennsylvania red.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


What is the difference between William Ayers and Timothy McVeigh?

I should like to know. Both are homegrown terrorists, however Ayers got a pass while McVeigh is dead at the hands of the justice system. There are classes in humanities departments that study people like McVeigh while Ayers serves in these same humanities department. McVeigh is an icon of everything wrong with America;Ayers is celebrated as a solution to everything wrong in America. McVeigh's attack sought to generate awareness and justice for the wrong type of people (Branch Dividians), whereas Ayers bombings sought to generate awareness and justice for the right type of people. It appears that the ends justify terrorism only in certain cases. On Sept 11, 2001 William Ayers told the New York time he wished he had done more bombing. Apparently, the difference is the media.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Financial Mess Origins

Here is a helpful time line that shows the complicity of government in this financial meltdown. I find it rather peculiar when this problem is blamed on the unrestrained free-market. It actually appears to be a product of Liberal Fascism. The bullying by Government and NGO's is appalling. Don't read this the wrong way, I hold Wall Street accountable for not refusing the Freddie and Fannie Mortgage Backed Securities. But with $2 trillion in trades to make, the commissions are huge. Why Fascism?...because fascists bully the businesses if they are resisted and they promise wealth if the government is complied with. This is why I cringe every time I hear a politician say they will use a carrot and stick policy when it comes to business.

Virginia Lightning

That's right, I'm talking about moonshine. I was in the ABC store yesterday and I saw that moonshine has gone legit. You can purchase corn alcohol...the father of NASCAR racing in state regulated shops. What is this world coming to?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Special Thanks

I would like to recognize George W Bush, Big Oil, and Commodities Speculators for the steeply declining price of oil. We blamed them for the price spikes in the summer, so it is only fair to recognize their efforts in the price slump...n'est pas? Just Sayin'.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Here's what I've noticed

Mac is much more of an active political analyst than I am. I must admit, most days I'm pretty passive when it comes to politics in the States. The campaigning has gone on for so long that I really just don't care any more. I just want it to be over.

That having been said, there are a few trends that I've noticed that bother me from a faith perspective.

1) There is a growing group of Christians who align themselves to the left side of the political arena who seem to think that the government has been given the mantle of the church to save the world. Let me rephrase that -- they seem to think that its the governments job, led by Obama preferably, to take on God's mantle and save the world in general and the United States in particular. Earlier today, or maybe it was yesterday, i'm not sure, I stumbled on a blog that says that Obama is spreading Christian values when he says its the governments job to take the money from people (taxes) and give it to those who don't have money -- to share the wealth around. Maybe I missed this in seminary, but which part of the sermon on the mount was directed to the Roman officials? I thought Jesus was talking to Galilean Jews who had come to listen to Jesus teach. Jesus said that if you see someone in need you should take off your own cloak and tunic as well and give it to the person.

Now I believe that to whom much is given, much is expected and we have a responsibility to share our resources -- be they financial or otheranwise -- with those around us. I think this is the duty of the church, NOT THE GOVERNMENT! And quite frankly, the current financial melt down that has been caused by sloppy governmental handling (to put it nicely) does little to convince me of the Government even being able to adequately meet the needs of the people in the states.

2) Somehow its horrible, anti-Christian and evil if those who are Christians conservatives make projections of what might happen if Obama is elected, but if those who are Christians liberals proclaim what evil McCain will bring its ok. First, neither of them have ever been president (or for that matter, been in an executive office), so we don't know, really, what they will do. Sure we have campaign speeches and they make promises, but we all know the promises can quickly be forgotten when the realities of the office suddenly hit them square in the face. But why is it ok if one group does it and the other one doesn't? These type of statements made on the left side of the equation only cement my earlier conclusions that really Christian liberals are only interested in created a "Religious Left" Theocracy -- the same thing they condemn the Right for wanting.

3) This is what I find most troubling. There is far too much language of hate, animosity and anger within the Body of Christ being directed at other members of the Body of Christ. Asking questions is fine, but I've seen comments that are nothing short of demonizing. That just isn't right. We are brothers and sisters in the Lord first and that is true regardless of our political leanings. I've seen so many blogs that claim to be Christian blogs, but seem to be towing the party line (on both sides), throwing in the odd verse or Christian statement to try and justify their position. I have read more politically informed theology than theologically informed politics and that concerns me. The latter will still lead to different positions in the political realm, but it is (hopefully) less likely to result in us changing the Gospel in order to make it match our politics. When that starts happening, how long will it take us to change other things in the Bible just to make it fit better with what we want to believe?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Why McCain Will (and Should) Lose

I don't like to do a postmortem premortem, but I want to see if my predictions come true. There were two distinct issues going into this campaign with a third showing up smack in the middle of it. The issues are as follows:

1. Energy independence.

2. Raising taxes and increasing spending in recession.

3. The financial meltdown.

The McCain campaign is only now hammering issue 2 which is raising taxes in the face of recession. Thanks to Joe the Plumber, McCain can put a real face on the common American who believes it is service to the community to run a successful business that provides good service and jobs. But this is only half of the equation. McCain should be making a bigger case for cutting government spending. Why is it that only average people need to tighten the belt when times get tough? McCain could have distanced himself from Bush by denouncing the profligate spending over that last 8 years.

Second, what about energy independence? Why isn't McCain stopping in every town saying, "Our American Energy Independence plan will promote your community to develop new energy sources. There is $700 billion being sent overseas that needs to come home to small towns like Springfield, especially as we have an economic slowdown facing our future." Say this everywhere.

Finally, the financial crisis had McCain's so-called maverick reputation written all over it. He bottled the whole thing by going to the nest of vipers instead of using his already established position as reformer. In 2005, McCain submitted legislation to reign in Freddie and Fannie which the Dems blocked. Now $2 trillion in bad paper has infected our financial system with most, if not all, forced down our throat by Government. Why have I not heard a single mention of Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, Henry Waxman et al.? These are the people who supported this wretched practice by blocking reform after reform. McCain had the opportunity and squandered it. The people on Wall Street who fenced this $2 trillion are losing their jobs and hopefully their bonuses. The people in Washington who stole this $2 trillion are safe.

These are all real world issues that effect the average person. The candidate who spoke directly to the people on the issues would have broken the Obama spell. The Obama/Media template is to blame all our ills on the rich and corporations. This is a caricature of reality and an easy myth to dispell, but McCain only grabbed onto the that has Obama as gatekeeper. Because Obama mostly controlled the message of this campaign, he wins.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe Biden is Meanspirited

Biden decided to attack a middle class guy who works in the trades trying to realize what America has to offer for the average Joe. Biden campaigns that he is for these types of folks, but when the constituent question Obama-Biden policies that directly effect his future, Biden belittles the man. Biden is a typical class-warfare bating elitist. Just listen:

Now get the story from Joe the Plumber. He is living the opportunity that America affords to so many people. He has been saving money for years to buy a business and Biden impugns the guys integrity. Typical class warfare.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Live Blogging Debate #3

I will be live blogging the debate under a different format. Where I hear something different, will note it. Everything else will be omitted with analysis to follow. I guess I am making an editorial comment that the debates are boring and too measured. The candidates are passionless and, they are not speaking to the people who are looking for leadership.

Here we go:

Nothing new so far.

Still nothing new.

Something new! Obama addressed his opponent as Senator McCain not John.

McCain a little feisty and more believable on cutting spending.

Good grief this could be a train wreck. McCain's not backing down. Now Obama claims 100% of ads a being negative! that is bald face. Obama just told a big lie about Palin rallies. McCain did not go all the way with the nasty anti-palin t-shirts.

Back to talking points memos

shout out to Canada by McCain

When I buy gas I do not borrow from china so get off that mr obama

More talking points

Controlling health care costs means less service and in a nationalized system, waiting lines. we will negotiate with drug companies? Who is we?

Uh, Obama does not understand employer based health benefits.

Senator Government!!!! Brilliant quip by McCain

Nothing New. In fact, education was a softball for McCain that he whiffed.

Has McCain confused Autism with Down's Syndrome

Ugh! That was boring. Joe the plubmer was the most important person in this debate.

Capitalism Does Not Equal Greed

Capitalism is a way of funding ideas and projects. Ideas or projects are brought to the market, and people can choose to invest or not to invest based on decisions informed by individual ethics and morals. Any project or idea that is not accepted by the people choosing to invest are left unfunded. This system encourages the abuse of self interest where the payoff from investment outweighs the good of people. (example being the porn industry, bad for people; good for profits)

Collectivism is a way of funding ideas and projects. An elite (best case, elected) few decide which project and ideas are to be funded based on an ethic or morality purportedly derived from the people. Any projects and ideas that fall outside the collective process are repressed. This system encourages the abuse of power where controlling people becomes the focus for maintaining power. (example ends justify means, the common good trumps all individual digressions from the collective).

Both systems have their problems with greed. But, collectivism concentrates power and money in the hands of the government. I prefer Capitalism as a force of balance to the government's intrinsic power. Taking away the individuals opportunity to innovate is wrong for the community.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Grass Roots Populism or semi-Pogromism

I'm thinking here about how disdain for a certain group is taught. Right now, the target is Wall Street, and rightly so. The wall street gang had the responsibility to say 'no!' to Freddie and Fannie who were the #1 securitizers of subprime debt. But, the culture of earning your way to bank VP was disconnected from the anchor of fiduciary duty to protect the markets and people from bad investments.

What I am concerned about is the political hay being made by blaming only greed and ignoring the ongoing power grab. Obama and McCain are doing this. There were bad policy decisions forced on Americans by the government that are going unscrutinized. So, in order to preserve their power, politicians are blaming Wall Street and fomenting hate. Whats more, this class warfare of Obama dividing the country into 95-5 is unacceptable. The more I think about it, class war is semi-pogromism.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Live Blogging the Debate #2

Tonight is town hall style with so-called undecided questioners. I expect to hear McCain asked about his negative campaigning. I also expect to find out in a couple of days that one of the questioners is an Obama supporter.

I think it is a McCain's must-win. The electoral map is 100 points in Obama's favour. If McCain cannot (or will not!) make the case for the financial meltdown being at the feat of terrible liberal policies, the Whitehouse is Obama's. He must connect with the middle class and show that concentrating power in Washington led to strong arm liberal tactics that forced bad loans to be made under threat of government penalties and sanctions. He must show he is a leader and those in Washington who really messed this whole thing up will be held to account.

First question on how to give people money. Obama calls for concentrating power in Washington. Class warfare. Spending more money is Obama's answer.

McCain calls for reform pointing out big debts. Washington gets to buy up home loans. Treasury gets more power to tinker with individuals.

Obama talking about his 95% tax cut and Treasury making sure people have good paying jobs?

McCain: Here we go! Freddie and Fannie the problem. Tried to regulate. Obama and his cronies blocked. Good move

Obama: Does a better job of explaining the credit markets. But he just talked about top down economics. Obama doing CYA. Calling for regulations his party blocked 7 times.

McCain: Basically, saying the same as Obama. Jabs back at Obama. Going for a populous message.

Trust is the next question.
Obama: Talking about cutting spending! What a joke. When GB came into office, there were two more buildings in lower Manhattan. Spend money on health, no cuts there. Investments does not equal cuts. Where is he cutting???

McCain: The bipartisan reformer. Obama is a partisan liberal who wants to spend even more of your money. McCain pointing towards Obama's spending records. McCain on energy independence.

Health, energy, entitlements
McCain: Entitlement reforms depend on bipartisanship. New energy intiatives to keep $700b home. No need to put any asside.

Obama: Energy today based on government investment. Healthcare is broken, unless you're sick. Education? New entitlement?

Sacrifices of Americans
McCain: Cut earmarks, Spending freeze, back to healthcare.

Obama: 911 was an atrocity not tragedy. Looking for a call to service. Talking about conservation of energy. Young people want to serve so Obama wants to organize young people all across the nation.

Debt and Easy Credit
Obama: Again on class warfare. Sending the message of resentment. Wealth distribution was the message.

McCain: good point saying you shouldn't raise taxes on small business that creates jobs. No tax increases.

Unfunded Obligations need reformation now
Obama: Apparently Obama is calling McCain's tax cut a departure from Obama's tax plan. Again with the class hatred by Obama. 30% don't pay taxes so how can he cut 95% of people's taxes?

McCain: Social Security is easy to fix? That's crazy talk. Smartest people in America huh, hope it's not the Freddie Fannie crowd.

Congress moved fast, environmental issues.
McCain: Global warming BS. Clean up, green tech, energy independence.

Obama: New energy economy with 5million jobs. National security issue so we must spend money. Trying to pin oil on McCain.

Manhattan Project on Energy
McCain: government should take the lead and give it off to the private sector. Getting bogged down in Senate voting. Bridge gap between oil and new energy initiatives.

Healthcare as profit, is that bad?
Obama: (My premium is $37 a month). Okay, so government is going to make sure prices are low, how? Uninsured will get money to but government style coverage?

McCain: Obama will fine you if you don't have coverage, that's a bit fascist. McCain plan gives tax rebate so people can shop, less government.

right, privilege, responsibility
McCain: responsibility, people have the right to decide

Obama: right, people must have coverage

US a peacemaker
McCain: America greatest force for good in the world. But what will our economic challenges.

Obama: Iraq a mistake. Budget is under pressure. Darfur is fault of Bush.

Doctrine of Force
Obama: Ethnic cleansing is wrong and we must consider intervention. Lot's of cruelty and need allies. but that was the problem in Rwanda, talking let 800,000 people die.

McCain: Do whatever we can to prevent genocide. Must understand the limits of using force.

US in Pakistan
Obama: Bin Laden in Pakistan because US went to Iraq. Change policy when they are under huge pressure from militants. Killing and crushing bin Laden

McCain: Criticized Obama for not understanding Pakistan situation.

Obama: Followup is foolish

McCain: McCain is the responsible one.

Afghan Situation
Obama: Responsible withdrawal in Iraq and help to Afghan. still promoting democracy

McCain: Same strategy in Afghan as in Iraq. Secure the towns so people can lead normal lives. Petraeus is the man for the job.

McCain: No new cold war. Putin is a thug. Cannot let Putin reconstitute USSR. International pressures and all leverage available.

Obama: Resurgent Russia is an issue. Support is both moral and financial. We must predict the future. Anticipate sounds like preemption with Russia. Did Jimmy Carter just hear that? Evil behavior but not USSR.

McCain: must keep an eye on russia.

Iran Attacks Israel
McCain: No waiting on UN. Cannot let Iran get nukes. Going after Obama's 'no pre-conditions'. Tough sanctions through league of democracies. Cannot allow second holocaust.

Obama: No nukes in Iran. Israel stong ally. Military is on the table. Must prevent this scenario from happening. tighter sanctions. direct talks are not 'no pre-condition' talks. CYA.

What don't you know
Obama: It's that challenges that you don't expect. Now moving to final statment. Wages, healthcare, college money, bad Bush economics. Change!

McCain: Don't know the future of america's challenges at home and around the world. He's the man to lead through difficult times because he's been there. Steady hand.

No Knock out blows. McCain did good but he needed to do more. Obama held his own but he was not authoritative. Overall McCain but does he move up in the polls?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Gaffe Everone Missed

Including me. I must admit that when Joe Biden talked about the US along with France kicking Hezbollah out of Lebanon, I scratched my head not remembering such a thing. It appears the lunacy of Biden's statement was psychologically dismissed by everyone watching the debate. The truth is, only Israel warred with Hezbollah in 2006 and the engagement ended with no changes in territory. The notion that Hezbollah was booted from Lebanon is from Mars at best or some senatorial fantasy world at worst. I don't remember any NATO operations except evacuating refugees.

Winning the war on terror, one imaginary victory after another. Obama- Biden, foreign policy leadership based on fantasy.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Live Blogging the VP Debate

For Palin, the going talk is she must do well and be Sarah Palin. But what does 'well' mean? The media message about Palin is that she is not too smart, so any point won by Palin will look great. But what if she completely wins?

For Biden, people think he must avoid the gaffe and not insult the Governor.

Biden has left the door wide open with the bailout question. Palin saying nothing so far. Good answer with the McCain reform bill.

Biden not Polarizing!! First gaffe there. Biden foolishly challenged McCain on bipartisanship.

Palin got the biggest softball and whiffed. Predatory lending?? Okay she made up for it with the personal responsibility card. Whole lot of nothing being said. I am not going to get any satisfaction on the Financial bailout.

Class warfare is now called fairness? Maybe in Marxist philosophy. Good comeback by Palin on the small business point. Ifil's question was leading and answered well by Palin.

Biden just got left in the dust, he is getting wonky and detailed.

Biden is talking numbers numbers numbers over the head of everyone listening. Palin picked a good fight here challenging the energy policy of Washington. Good answer, addressing her newness.

More numbers by Biden. This is his big problem.

Biden is disconnected from reality and going so policy wonky. He sounds like a great Senator. Palin just brushed off Biden. I think she is starting to take over the forum.

Here is comes! Liberal bias. Real changes but there are many variables. she is doing well. Biden is on the Al Gore Cool-aid. Biden is doing a good job with alternative energy but he does not understand the energy needs of the economy. Palin has just chewed up Biden. Biden is not being honest with McCain.

Why the homosexual question? Seems like a gotcha question to paint Palin as one of those crazy Christians. But it has come back on Biden to say no to gay marriage, brilliant!

Biden has caricatured McCain. Palin's comeback was poorly phrased but she has done better towards the end. I don't believe Biden saying McCain cut off funding and neither does anyone else.

Biden just separated with Obama on Pakistan in 'supporting the government'. Palin needs to talk about Pakistan, but otherwise she has done well. Ifil is trying to cover for Obama. Diplomacy is not always president to president. Now Biden is covering for Obama like a good VP. Blowing off Ahmadinijad as not in control is foolishness. the old spain canard. bunch of bluster.

Biden is doing well taking on Hezballah and Hamas. Palin should be careful with defending Bush. Okay, huge blunders, good point. Biden won that point.

Use of Nuclear weapons? What the crap is this question? Deterrent is a good answer blocking proliferation also good. sounds like surge priciples to me Sen Biden. Biden sounds foolish. Palin knows the General's name! She just handed it to Biden.

Biden voted for iraq but was against it!! C'mon Palin get to Sudan and rub it in later. Darfur by both candidates was answered poorly. Back to Iraq. I think this is McCain's advantage

Biden did not hear the question of, how would your administration differ from your presidents? This question played to Palin, she is taking the mainstreet mantle and wearing it well. New flash, Biden spend a lot of time in Home Depot.

Palin just threw some good charm out there. We all like Sarah now.

Biden had a goodwill chance that he just blew. Biden has some anger issues with Cheney, but it is more wonkiness which means nothing to most people.

Palin did not address the opponents good answer. Was that a fake choke up by Biden?

Biden was baited into fussing about McCain, well done Palin. Biden is angry.

Biden admitted he has litmus tests for judges.

Palin won, hands down. She is charming and fresh and did a great job with the facts. She took control of the debate. Biden kept talking about himself and senatorial stuff. He was trapped by the numbers and vote counts.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Dear Leader Indeed! I don't remember being forced to sing Reagan's praises when I was 8. It appears the link has been censored by Big Brother O! Or USSR Young Pioneer Camps sued over copyright violations. I'll try to find another link. In the meantime check out the official page of the group. Seeing Jeff Zucker's name on the list was not surprising, but it was disheartening. Jeff Zucker is the President of NBC. At least no sane person can claim the media is somehow objective.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Government Is Not the Answer, It is the Problem

This is why you do not put the government in charge of the market. When people see a problem, the politicians who get power from the problem circle the wagons and lead the country to financial crisis.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Financial Misrepresentations

There has been a lot of talk about Wall Street impropriety over these past two weeks. The situation is completely politicized and truth has been the first casualty. Politicians are running for cover like cockroaches confronted by the Orkin man. The Dems are attempting to make one of the greatest power grabs in the history of the US. By blaming everything on the "unfettered free market" and "deregulations", liberals are making the case for concentrating power in the seat of government, which they control. But if we get to the bottom of this mess, I don't think the public will be willing to give so much power to the people who forced this problem on America while accepting millions from fiancial giants. BTW Sec of Treasury Paulson is a Democrat.

The government forced banks to make these type of mortgages. Look up redlining. This is a terrible practice if it is truly the motivation behind business practices. The government ran bogus studies and basically labeled the financial industry as using racist redlining tactics and threatened big fines if loans were not made.

So, why did they make the loans? Government regulation.

Some of the very people who are now advocating new regulations were the same ones that forced through the regulations over a decade ago that caused the problems that we are facing today.

This all started back in 1992, when a Boston Federal Reserve study claimed to find evidence of racial discrimination. The Fed later used the study to produce a manual for mortgage lenders that: “discrimination may be observed when a lender’s underwriting policies contain arbitrary or outdated criteria that effectively disqualify many urban or lower–income minority applicants.”

So what is on the list of Fed’s “outdated criteria”? Such “discriminatory” factors as the borrower’s credit history, income verification, and the size of the mortgage payment relative to income.

But it turns out that the original study was mistaken.

Economists discovered that there were errors in the data the study used. Some minorities were listed as having wealth up to hundreds of times greater than they actually had, making it look like wealthy minorities were being turned down for loans. When the data errors were corrected minorities with the same financial background as whites had been at no disadvantage in getting mortgages.

Read this article. Watch this video.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Live Blogging the Debate

McCain has blown the first question. He could have taken 2 sentences to explain how fundamental flaws in the system were overlooked by Senate and House Democrats twice in the past 5 years.

Bickering about absolutely nothing except how technically they understand the budget process.
Obama needs to be challenged on this 95% of people get tax cuts when only 55% of Americans pay taxes.

Obama has won the tax debate. Even framing the debate by concentrating power in Washington, Obama has won the tax issue. McCain is nitpicking.

Obama just talks about spending, spending, spending while saying absolutely nothing. McCain is at least more specific but nothing was really said...they are senators!

Change of culture means what Mr Obama? Jim Lehrer is getting frustrated. Obama talks about more spending spending spending...cut Iraq. Climate change by McCain... bring the bucket.

Obama raises taxes by $300,000,000,000 and nationalizing health care. Wow, McCain called him on the healthcare. McCain on low taxes but he does not talk about how it helps. Obama still trying to tie McCain to Bush. McCain should just look at Obama and say, "I am my own man and don't forget it buddy."

McCain should have said no Saddam Hussein is a good thing and it was the right decision before going into his criticism. Lehrer was leading by comparing Vietnam and Iraq; McCain has the experience to have challenged the question in the first place. Obama got McCain on the reasons to invade in the first place. 'Military wisely' is a good point by Obama. McCain should focus on the fundamentals and not nitpick at Obama. Obama just completely blew this question he had won, but McCain did not walk through the open door. These guys are terrible...I'm voting for Nader!!

Now we are back in Senate bickering. Good grief, I see now why senators are awful presidential candidates. McCain is sounding defensive instead of confident.

Obama is not acknowledging the presence of NATO in Afghanistan. Obama does not understand Pakistan and the internal strife that is ongoing. Bhuto was just murdered by radicals and the bombing in Islamabad shows massive problems. Obama lost that one.

McCain has been doing a little too much folksy reminiscing. Uh so what are you talking about. What is this bracelet crap tit for tat? These two senators really look like kids in the sandbox.

Multilateralism is necessary for dealing with Iran says McCain. McCain names names when it comes to Iranian violence in Iraq. Wow, Obama has just given Saddam Hussein his approval, "Iran's chief enemy is gone".

Obama does not address China and Russia veto seats on UN SC. Obama is nuancing to cover his asinine remarks in the past. Obama is lying flatout but will anybody challenge him. Obama is in trouble on this issue and the lies keep coming. McCain made Obama look silly.

Obama has said absolutely nothing about Russia invading Georgia and the provocation of Georgia by Russian agents. What about Russian posturing? What about the Baltic states? Ah, McCain has rightly addressed the Russian intentions. McCain definitely has his game on. Obama is covering tracks again in the face of naked Russian aggression. At least he doesn't go as far as Toronto Sun writing Eric Margoles who blamed the Russian aggression on the USA.

Channeling T Boone Pickens is Obama. Voting against means what? Making it illegal to pursue these energy policies, or does it mean not giving taxpayer money to big companies. Obama more nuance to cover his backside.

Good answer by McCain...Lehrer was looking for a gaffe seeing how it was the last question. More senator grandstanding. Now McCain is rambling. Obama cannot say the US is safer. Obama will restore America overseas. McCain just made a huge error by going down the Iraq road again. Did Obama just call for a new cold war with China?? Projecting power around the world Mr Obama? Back to senatorial grandstanding. Obama is nuancing again to cover his true beliefs.

The debate was a draw to slightly McCain. Senators are terrible candidates. McCain got under Obama's skin and did better in places but he did not take the openings Obama gave to him. Obama did not stutter or look uncomfortable without his teleprompter. No one got rattled and no one was embarrassed. They both called Iranian revolutionary guard the 'republican guard'.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wealth Transfer

The wealthiest 5% of US citizens will pay $600,000,000,000 to bailout bad loans. If you add the newest bailout to the previous bailouts, the total is about 1 trillion dollars. The top 5% pay 60% of the US' bills thus the 600 billion figure. There is no such thing as a free lunch and the nationalization of this much wealth will have effects far into the future. All roads are leading back to Freddie and Fannie which are government controlled entities. Will the American people be protected from future government debacles? The government forced these bad loans to be initiated in the 1990's and now the government is forcing the American people to cover government graft.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The paper work is finally finished

I'm finally done
Today I got 2 things in the mail from US Immigration.
1. Another letter saying they received my visa package and I will hear from them within 30 days. (Note: I got this exact same letter a couple weeks or so ago).
2. My permanent resident card! I have my green card now (and no, its not actually green)! So I can get my VA driver's license and no one will have any problems with me being in the country or working in the country!!


Heather Mallick...Bigot

Canadian Nationalism has a new spokesman. Heather Mallick has confirmed my prediction about the cultural elites. Stay tuned for biting, in depth analysis.

One should not be surprised at this sort of hate and bile filled rage from elitists. They one thing the media and intellectual elites hate more than anything is not being listened to as the authority on everything. I will try to be gentle in this next statement, but I beg forgiveness from all my Canadian family and friends. There is a strong sentiment in Canada that America and Americans are stupid brutes...a country full of white trash and redneck racists. This is the foundation of Canadian Nationalism, the idea that Canada is smarter and better than America in every way.

I don't say this about all Canadians, only those who subscribe to Mallick-style malice. Recently, a Canadian theologian suggested, in more pleasant terms, that Americans got behind Palin because she is pretty and pretty white. All this said, here is my question. Can I sue Mallick in the Candian Human Rights Commission? I feel like Canada has become a hostile and potentially violent place to my people group because of Mallick. If you want to know what real racism looks like, read Mallick's work. She is trying to get you to hate people, that is evil.

Google's Hypocrisy

Google's motto is: Do No Evil.

Great! but let's be honest here. It means do no evil based on liberal morality. For a long time, Google shut out Pro-Life advertisers. Abortion is arguably the greatest ongoing evil in the world with 25,000,000 people killed each year with the blessing of the governing authorities. Google reconsidered their ban on justice advertising after a group sued the company.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Follow the Money

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac successfully lobbied against any sort of oversight for decades. Go look at who they gave their money to. They owned congress with the top 2 recipients being democrat presidential hopefuls.

If you want a thumbnail sketch as to why all these loans are going bad, read this article. When the specter of failure is removed from the free market, prudence is forgotten.

As those in congress start to defend themselves, read this 2003 article from the New York Times. Here is Barney Frank (D-Mass) in 2003:

”These two entities — Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — are not facing any kind of financial crisis,” said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ”The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.”

Now Barney Frank yesterday 2008:

Separately, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, plans a forward-looking hearing with economists on Wednesday to “begin a conversation about where we go with the capital markets,” a House aide said.

Frank plans “oversight of what happened this weekend with the Treasury and Federal Reserve,” and will look at “how bad the capital markets are, and what may be needed.”

“The markets are not self-correcting,” the aide said. “If they continue to not self-correct over the next several months, is there a federal response? There might be more federal intervention that’s needed. We’ll proceed cautiously, and that would be next year."

I wonder if Frank's committee will look into how he and his comrades blocked reforms 5 years ago.

Cowboys and Rednecks

The growing discomfort in the intelligentsia and institutional elites is exciting to see. They are having a real problem with Sarah Palin and her popularity. The common slander of men like her is 'cowboy', the connotation being the unthinking gun-toting hot head. I also see this attitude from Christian elitists especially in the academy. Having spent time in this environment, it was surprising to see the bigotry displayed by Christians when it came to simple folk with simple faith. Simple faith is when the believer tends to lean heavily upon the Bible, the pastor and reads theology sparingly due to time constraints or educational constraints. It is this faith that the Christian Elites condescend to at best or ignore, lampoon, and vilify at worst. I have seen all of it, if only anecdotally. An aside, I don't understand how these people can go to church every week knowing their faith is better in God's eyes compared the other 95% of congregants.

My point is that these elites, Christians included, want desperately to call Sarah Palin a redneck or white trash. They live in their elite echo-chambers with no interaction with common people and have lost touch. They are fearful of someone who doesn't march to their drum beat. It comes down to control and the elites know that she is well...common. Controlling the electorate was easy with Obama, lots of words with lots of charisma. Palin is popular because she is doesn't put on airs, shoots straight and doesn't nuance over the heads of the average person. She prays to do God's will. "Fanfare For the Common (Wo)man" was written for people like her.

Some red meat to drive my point home.

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Tax Debate

Barack Obama says he will only raise taxes on the top 5% of income earners. This 5% already pays 58.8% of the income taxes to the treasury. While watching Obama's interview with O'Reilly, the candidate gave the reason that 'the top 5% can afford it.' Well okay, but should they be forced to pay more than their fair share? This same 5% earns 37.2% of the income. They already pay a 20% premium in taxes. I think it is immoral to look at people as cash machines instead of members of the community. It seems that liberal politicians only see the wealthy for the money they have. I still want all the people in favor of paying a higher level in taxes to send in voluntary payments over the mandated tax.

News That Won't Make Headlines

America’s rate of growth of carbon emissions has decreased by almost ten percent since 2000, while that of the EU has increased by 2.3 percent.

In 11 out of 12 major conflicts between Muslims and non-Muslims, Muslims and secular forces, or Arabs and non-Arabs, the United States has sided with Muslims and/or Arabs.

Six years after 9/11, growing numbers of Germans think the U.S. government is responsible for the destruction of the World Trade Center.

McDonald’s is so popular in France that the country is now McDonald’s second-biggest moneymaker in the world after the United States.

Read all the fun facts here!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Oh No!

First it was Susan Sarandon, then it was Matt Damon, and now it is Lindsey Lohan. All of these celebrities who have a full sense of what it means to be an average American are personally attacking Governor Palin. I am sure that they will all threaten to move to Canada if McCain wins and then not follow through on their threats. Commitment is not a defining word in Hollyweird.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Jesus Comparison That Won't Quit

Susan Sarandon, Donna Brazile, and other liberals keep using the Obama=Jesus Palin=Pilate metaphor. I prefer to think of it this way: Pilate was an urbane and educated professional. Jesus was a Galilean redneck born in a barn. Political silliness aside, in all my dealings with the so-called 'religious-right' no one has had the audicity to compare a candidate to Jesus.

Credit to Andrew the Noisy on PW.

You Gotta Love immigration!

So Mac and I arrived in the States 2 weeks ago now. Shortly after we arrived (maybe a week or so) I received my Social Security Card (same thing as a Social Insurance Number). Yesterday i got a letter from Immigration. It informed me that they had received my immigration package from my point of entry into the States (the Peace Bridge between Erie and Buffalo) and that at some point within the next 30 days.

Now, I do not handle paperwork like the immigration office does, but I would think that it would be easier to have one person receive my package and then send me the appropriate paperwork than to have one person send a letter saying that they have received the package and then have another person do the follow up work.

See here's the issue -- without this paper work I can't prove that I'm here permanently in the States, so I can't get a job or update my driver's license etc!

One thing is for sure...the gov't likes making (wasteing?!) paper!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Telling Juxtaposition

I said it before, but you can't make this stuff up. Today, Democrat Governor of NY Patterson declared Republicans' new racist term to be 'community organizer'. This is a rubbish political attack and displays the desperation which consumes the democrats at the moment. On the same day, Obama calls Sarah Palin a pig and the the Democrat party puts a pig picture on its website calling Palin a pig. I don't know if this speaks to the Dems complete loss of reality or some Freudian barn-yard fetish.

Update: I just looked at the date on the Democrat party web page and it was August 30. So, apparently Obama is getting his material from other sources.

Monday, September 8, 2008


As Mac posted a note saying that Hannah was due to pass over us, I figured that I should give the update as to what happened.

Well there was some pretty good rain and wind, but the bulk of the storm past west of us (likely Mac's bro Jon and his family got his worse than we did). There were a bunch of twigs blown of surrounding trees, some leaves came down, and we did lose one tree -- however... it was having issues anyways. The tree was planted after hurricane Isabel (2003 i think) and has never quite stood staight up. So it fell over and unrooted itself. Also the phone and cable lines fell off the pole, but this hasn't interrupted service (the phone company is going to fix it on friday for us).

Also we lost power for a few hours -- a limb fell of a tree down the road from us and cut off the power to our street.

So that was all the excitement to be had for us from Hannah. I wish all were so lucky when Tropical Storms and Hurricanes go past.

In other news, most of our boxes are unpacked and most things are put away. On Saturday (the 13th) we are having a few friends over to celebrate our arrival and Mac's birthday (the 15th) and then on the 15th Mac's parents are coming over to celebrate with us. So I can guarantee you that all will be mostly in order by the time they arrive!

Well that's it for now!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Palin Coverage

It has occurred to me that their is an underlying reason why the media won't let go of Bristol Palin's pregnancy. You will hear them say something along the lines of bad parenting. But I think it is more insidious than that. And I also think that Obama tipped his hand (and the liberal hand for that matter) when he declared his unequivocal endorsement of abortion by saying, ' I don't want them [his daughters] punished with a baby.' The liberals see the Palins as bad parents because they are punishing their daughter. In the liberal world, the moral option was to have their daughter submit to an abortion. That would have been 'good parenting'.

Here is another stunning example of elitism from the left. Warner is saying that real people are too stupid to recognize that the McCain is treating them as stupid. Why is a successful small town woman a "thoroughgoing humiliation for America’s women?" Because, like Clarence Thomas, she did not pay proper homage to her liberal overlords (remember how CT was pilloried by Joe Biden and was dismissed by Obama a weak minded). This article is full-blown fear-mongering. The libs are in panic mode.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Media Bias

I know it's an area of disagreement but this picture of side-by-side magazine covers is a round indictment. Ah, but Us magazine is a tabloid. Indeed it is and it is published by the unabashed Obama supporter who also props up Obama in his Rolling Stone magazine. The good thing about the media supporting Obama is they are starting to admit their bias. Not all have confessed, but the intellectual honesty of those who have is appreciated.

Gingrich really tore into an NBC guy for parroting the way-left talking points. At least Fox doesn't try to pass off Hannity or O'Reilly as a news anchor and headlines their shows as opinion programming. NBC has Olberman running the convention coverage. This is a guy who consistently says hate-filled things on his show and now he is pretending to be objective.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sick and tired of the pro-life attacks

One of the criticisms of Sarah Palin (and I'm pretty sure John McCain as well) that is starting to really annoy me is that she is pro-life/anti-choice. Before i go any further, I'll just state it out right that I am most definitely pro-life. I don't understand how people can see a fetus as anything other than a life being formed. But I don't get why being pro-life is such a detraction for some people!

First of all, the likelihood that any politician or judge is ever going to reverse Roe v. Wade or write a law that outlaws abortion is extremely unlikely.

Secondly, if someone is truly pro-choice, does that not mean that a couple actually has the right to decide either way what they are going to do? To me it seems incredibly hypocritical when someone who is pro-choice objects to someone who chooses to value a baby's life!

Thirdly, does anyone who considering to have or not to have an abortion ever really consider what their vice-president thinks on the subject?? I really don't think anyone thinks that way. No one is that loyal to their vice-president.

I really don't understand why pro-choicers are so upset that someone would think differently then them. It shouldn't matter!

Presidential Candidates...the Real Difference

Before they were elected to any political office.


2008 Barrack Obama - Lawyer
2004 John Kerry - Lawyer
2000 Al Gore - Uh...Army Press, Media
1996 Bill Clinton - Law Professor
1992 Bill Clinton - Law Professor
1988 Michael Dukakis - Army/Lawyer
1984 Walter Mondale - Lawyer


2008 John McCain - Career Navy
2004 GW Bush - Oil Business
2000 GW Bush - Oil Business
1996 Bob Dole - Army/Lawyer
1992 G Bush - Oil Business
1988 G Bush - Oil Business
1984 Ronald Reagan - Actor

You will notice a big difference. Democrats with the exception of one were lawyers, whereas Republicans with the exception of one were NOT lawyers.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Welcome to Virginia Beach

We've been here a week and it appears that a Hurricane is on its way.

UPDATE: We are now under a state of emergency. George Bush has cordoned off the poor areas of town and the Sojourners photographers are here to document the Republican oppression.

A Big Obama Error

Barack Obama has made a terrible mistake, and if I were a McCain strategist, I would point this fact out every time the press was nearby. O! has compared his resume to Sarah Palin's. There are two reasons this is foolish: 1. Barack Obama is running against McCain 2. Palin's resume is a check list of getting things done whereas Obama's is earily empty. Don't get me wrong, he has a great elitest resume. Ivy League schools, good grades, Harvard Law Review, lecturer at Chicago, community organizer, senator of Illinois and Senator of the USA. O! has been so busy burrying his nefarious relationships with unrepentant terrorists (Bill Ayers, Bernadette Dorn) that his record is opaque.

But that's not the real problem. Obama is challenging McCain and here is how the add should run:

"Barack Obama, is he ready to lead? Apparently Obama has conceded that John McCain is more experienced and is better prepared to lead the USA because Barack Obama is now running against Sarah Palin. [Run Soundbite of Obama saying he is more qualified than Palin]. When the times get tough as President, Barack Obama won't have the option of deflecting the issue at hand. John McCain has never run from a challenge. He has stood up to his own party when they were wrong (Abramhoff), he has called for policy changes when they were unpopular (Surge), and he sacrificed his freedom and comfort to support his fellow Americans. Courgage and Strength, the qualities a leader needs in order to put Country be party."

Again, free of Charge.

Monday, September 1, 2008

This is disturbing.

Gustav is currently causing problem in Louisiana and all the networks are doing a good job of covering its track and the destruction it has caused. He's a category 4 hurricane and so its packing a lot of punch. And i'm super thankful that the Gov. of Louisiana has done a good job of organizing the state and mobilizing it in a way to protect the people living there.

The networks also did a decent job of talking about what it did as a category 3 storm when it went through Jamaica and Dominican Republic. It is being blamed for the 90 some deaths there. I've also seen some pictures of what Gustav did there as a category 3 storm.

Here's the thing. Gustav slammed into Cuba as a Category 4 storm and not a single word has been said about the destruction caused on the island. Very disturbing!

You Can't Make This Stuff Up

A clear divide has been marked in this Presidential season. Sarah Palin has confirmed that her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. What difference am I talking about? Obama has already declared that he would not want his girls 'punished with a child' if they were to become pregnant. This is one of the reasons he endorses abortion on demand. The Palins see their daughter's pregnancy as a blessing and a responsibility, not a punishment. You don't kill inconvenient babies, you love them and care for them. Palin keeps bringing real life to the ticket, an aspect to national politics that has been absent since JFK. There is a show on TV called 'Tougher in Alaska', I think it was aptly named.

Sun Spots

The sun is off. Well it's still there but it is less active. For the first time in a century, there have been no sunspots in a month. I found this quote to be telling about scientists and their dogmatics:

In 2005, a pair of astronomers from the National Solar Observatory (NSO) in Tucson attempted to publish a paper in the journal Science. The pair looked at minute spectroscopic and magnetic changes in the sun. By extrapolating forward, they reached the startling result that, within 10 years, sunspots would vanish entirely. At the time, the sun was very active. Most of their peers laughed at what they considered an unsubstantiated conclusion.
(emphasis mine)

I think we are going to be in for a cold winter after a cold summer. This will make 8 years of declining temperatures.

The Right Type of Woman

Sarah Palin is not going to be endorsed by NOW (National Organization of Women). No surprises here. NOW won't say it up front and out loud, but their endorsement has nothing to do with equality of women in society and has everything to do with abortion rights. Palin is a prima facia feminist ideal. She has the family and the career. She holds the highest office in the land of Alaska (they even kept her salary the same as the previous governors!) and seeks the second highest in the USA. A true story of women's rights and equality.

A quick perusal of various democrat and left wing blogs has proven rich. Palin is the wrong type of woman to represent women. After much verbal gymnastics, it comes down to her impecable human rights record. She believes babies are human and deserve protection unlike Obama and Biden (and Pelosi for that matter). NOW and other feminist groups have staked equality on abortion saying that patriarchy grows out of pregnancy. Unless a woman can control the baby's birth then she is oppressed. Sad. I think Bill Bennet said it well in the context of the Clinton sexual harassment debacle of the 90's, 'as long as you are for abortion you can get away with anything[sexually harassing women].'

Palin will be/is being lampooned as a backwoods gun-toting breeder Christian by the leftist elites. I think this will backfire because Northest sensabilities offend most of the electorate. I think she is the right woman because people can relate to her. She is from small town, she is tough, and aparently does not put up with crap. Her husband is a roughneck union guy who likes to fish and hunt. So who do you relate to more an Ivy League couple and a life long US senator, or a Navy guy and a small town family?

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Cognitive Dissonance Set Aside

I decided to check out a website that is run by Christians endorsing Barack Obama. I am not going to criticize their reasons for supporting O!, however their defense of his positions on abortion are ridiculous. They ignore the Senator's voting record and Obama's very own arguments on the floor of the Illinois Senate. Instead they cite a Relevant Magazine interview from April 2008. This from the same people who constantly berate other Christians for being uncritical of republicans. How are these people supposed to speak "truth to power" if they are this in the tank for Obama? I have always suspected these Christians were just as politically biased in the other direction as they accuse the religious right of being.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Party, Palin and Polls

The Republican insiders are not going to happy. The blue blood country club repubs had finally found a way to get rid of those pesky conservatives. There is an unpopular (quasi-conservative) president, the dems were getting religious, and John McCain had won the nomination. I guess McCain is nobody's stooge, thus we see him pick a conservative woman who is about as far from Washington as you can get. Now the entrenched Rockefeller repubs have a serious problem. I believe the blue bloods wanted McCain to lose, the party would be in disarray, and the conservatives would be shut out.

I still don't understand McCain and I think he is a poor choice for a candidate, not because he's unqualified, but because I disagree with his liberal tendencies. I think his pick is politically brilliant. I wonder how loud Hillary swore when the pick was announced. I think McCain knows that Obama is the clear favorite even though the polls show a close race. This pick does a few things for McCain: 1. It appeals to Hillary's disaffected voters, 2. It appeals to conservatives who will not vote for McCain as candidate, and 3. It appeals to independents because Palin is way outside the Beltway.

Friday, August 29, 2008

An Historic Election

The United States of America will make history this election season. Regardless of who is elected, the White House will employ either an African American or a Woman. Huzzahs to the USA.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Enough Already

The hubris coming from foreign countries during this US election cycle is getting tiresome. The meme states, 'those Americans are too racist to elect a black man even though he will save their (stupid) country.' With all due respect I am waiting for your viable minority candidates. Where is the First Nation party leader? Germany, I'm waiting for that Turkish Candidate. Britain, any Bahamians yet? France, how bout them Algerians?

Sorry if I offended with the unedited version. Hopefully this draft has more decorum.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Our newest roommate

Well here's one for the books. This evening i walked into our bedroom to get ready for the evening. Movement caught my eye.... and as i turned I saw a bat flying around our bedroom. I shrieked and yelled for Mac (not one of my bolder moments), saying that we had a bat in the apartment. Now for those of you who don't know, we live in a little apartment in the Beaches neighbourhood of Toronto. Or at least we do until this coming Wednesday when we move Stateside.

Mac walked in to the bedroom and looked around but the bat had already flown out. We looked around and initially couldn't find him.... I will admit i started to wonder if my new muscle relaxants caused hallucinations. But then we found him (or her?). The reason we didn't find it originally is that we were looking for it on the ceiling or flying around somewhere. But it had landed on the floor near our linen closet and bathroom. I was rather uncomfortable with the bat, so i retreated to the bathroom while Mac used a pot and some card stock to confine the bat to taken it outside and release it.

Now this all begs the question... how the heck did it get in here?? Option one: The door to our apartment was propped open this morning for about 5 min, and he flew down the hallway around 10am, in broad daylight and into our home. Option two: we have a screen that doesn't quite fit one of our windows (in the living room) properly. Perhaps he crawled in through there -- but that window is never open except when we're home and usually one or both of us are in the living room, FACING the window. So not sure how we would have missed that. Option three: there is a hole somewhere in this apartment that we haven't found and it crawled in through there and has been living with us for awhile...... ok option three makes my skin crawl.

Our little roommate is now gone and we are back to a family of 2. Glad to keep it that way!!

Obama and China and Prosperity

Interestingly, Barack Obama wants Americans to look to Beijing for economic and infrastructural models. This vexes me. How can a US presidential candidate approve of confiscating land and displacing people? I thought slave labour was wrong? But then again I believe property ownership is a fundamental human right, sadly certain leftist political theories have a feudalistic foundation of throwing peasants off the land when the lord wants to change use.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

And the Order of Canada Goes To...

Well, I was going to post a scathing criticism of the Canadian government and their glorification of someone know for their anti-human rights record. I don't because of the Human Rights Commission. Can you feel the chill?

Christians at Work 2

This time it's in California...which does not surprise me. Two Christian doctors will be compelled to perform services that conflict with their faith. The wrong interpretation of the US Constitution's first amendment combined with radical secularization is driving the marginalization of faith. I wonder what happens if they continue to refuse?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Race in Elections

I'm not going to do an extensive thought dump on this. I will simply ask a question, and it is based on some observations in this campaign season. The Dems, Obama included, are making race an issue and suggesting opposition to Barack stems from America's endemic racist ways, a notion that I reject. My question is this, when Republicans of color run and lose are they victims of racism?

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Christianity at Work

A chilling reality for Christians seems to be the aggressive secularization of the workplace and private organizations. There is this bothersome thing in Canada called the Human Rights Commission that is verging on a tool of secular persecution. This commission has the power to force Christians to suspend their beliefs in order to accommodate people with other ideas. The Commission cannot force you what to think, but they can fine you for thinking against their ways.

While the western governments won't come after the way Churches worship on Sundays, the way Christians worship the rest of the week is clearly under pressure.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Do The Dems Want To Lose?

I do not understand left wing thinking. The Dems have the Repubs over a barrel this election and they cannot gain any traction! The latest idiocy comes from the left wing media pundits who are trying to call McCain racist. The left has so overused racism when slandering a political opponent that the accusation is starting to be ignored. Indeed, Olbermann and Alter held a echo-chamber love fest descrying McCain's criticism of Obamania as racism. Sadly, there are real issues out there to talk about, and proper use of the issues will destroy the Repubs.

This is what happens when you rely on conspiracy theories. On the fringes of both parties are people who believe crazy ideas. I remember listening to some right-ring nut who said the UN was setting up concentration camps in the US. Likewise, the left likes to find 'codewords' and symbols that prove racism. In the 1990's the word was 'character' even though MLK desired character, not color, to be the yardstick of equality. Even though Obama wants to run a post-racial campaign, his media backers are not willing to give up such a prominent tool to run down political opponents.

Dems, you have a do nothing congress, an energy situation that is begging for leadership, an economy that needs leadership, and a electorate waiting for a leader to emerge. McCain recognizes this and has so criticized Obama's readiness to lead. And you scream racism? Do you want to lose? Are you having a bit of buyers remorse after McCain has taken the lead regardless of you dog and pony show around the world?

Monday, August 4, 2008

Sad Day

Alexandr Solzhenitsyn has died. We have lost one of the great ones. He was a man driven by his convictions and unafraid of the evil that was USSR. He did not finish with the Soviet Union. Indeed he criticized the West for its capitulation and convergence theory and brought steely glares and hisses from his Harvard audience when condemning cooperation with USSR and the lack of courage to make sacrifice in meeting this evil. The West was so caught up in self that is could not be bothered with what was going on in Russia.

Friday, August 1, 2008


I must qualify this post by saying I do not know what I would have done, BUT I hope I would have the sense of justice in this situation. On a bus ride from Alberta to Manitoba, a man attacked and killed another. The shocking part stems from the response of other passengers on the bus. No one attempted to help the victim. What's more, the bus stopped amid the screams of the victim and everyone fled. No person attempted to intervene. The cries of another for help were ignored.

Why did not anyone subdue the criminal? Were there no bags to bludgeon the attacker with? How can 35 people not overpower one? I am sure that it was terrifying to see another man attack another. I cannot imagine fleeing. My heart hurts thinking about this.

Moving on South

Well ladies and gentlemen,
It is now official. I can move to the States and live and work there legally.
The process of getting the paperwork together and mailing it in, and waiting for the final interview only took a year from the time we got married (we celebrate the 1 year mark on Monday). Yesterday we went to the US Consulate office in Montreal, stood in lines, waited for numbers to be called and spoke to a few different people. One woman, i'm sad to say, did not enjoy her job and showed in her (lack of) customer service. However, at the end of it all (4.5 hours later) I was granted my US Visa. For security reasons, they couldn't hand it to me in Montreal, so it was going to be printed yesterday and mailed either yesterday or today and we should have it either tuesday or wednesday. Once we get it, i'll have to cross the border with it to make it official, but other than that, we're all done!

We are so thankful for your prayers -- especially those for a) making them let me in and b) patience. It has been quite the journey, that's for sure. And now we look forward to our move south and set up home in only one home in one city in one country -- no more of this doubling up stuff. That's for the birds.