Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Double Standard

The left is demanding post-partisanship from the right now that a Democrat will be President. Conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh is being roundly criticized for his comments about the new President Elect. It has even made the news in Canada! Whilst I disagree with the sentiment, some research has shown that Limbaugh was quoting Bill Clinton when calling Obama a Chicago thug. When Limbaugh stirs the pot, there is a reason. Now, I don't remember the outrage at Clinton. Indeed I don't remember the outrage at all the agitprop with side by side of Bush and Hitler. Thanks to Newsbusters, Joy Behar represents the face of hypocrisy:

"View" co-host Joy Behar seems to have trouble seeing her own hypocrisy when issuing condemnations of other individual’s comments. On the November 10 edition, Behar objected to Rush Limbaugh, whom she baselessly labeled a "terrorist," labeling Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel "thugs." After Barbara Walters promised to question Rush on that issue in an upcoming interview, Behar exclaimed "he needs to apologize."

Joy Behar, under her own standards, ought to issue several apologies. Beyond the Rush Limbaugh "terrorist" smear, Behar also made such outrageous charges as labeling the Bush administration "liars and murderers," accused Republican presidential candidates of attending "Klan meetings," and called former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld a "Hitler type."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Voter turnout in the recent federal election in Canada was at an all-time low. Part of the reason, I am sure, is voter weariness with the rancour exhibited by people of all political parties. Surely politicians (and commentators) can debate the important issues and programs and viewpoints without disrespectful personal attacks and name-calling. All parties are guilty on both sides of the border from what I've also heard in the recent U.S. election. I'd like to hear differences aired and debated with respect and civility -- please!