Sunday, September 7, 2008

Palin Coverage

It has occurred to me that their is an underlying reason why the media won't let go of Bristol Palin's pregnancy. You will hear them say something along the lines of bad parenting. But I think it is more insidious than that. And I also think that Obama tipped his hand (and the liberal hand for that matter) when he declared his unequivocal endorsement of abortion by saying, ' I don't want them [his daughters] punished with a baby.' The liberals see the Palins as bad parents because they are punishing their daughter. In the liberal world, the moral option was to have their daughter submit to an abortion. That would have been 'good parenting'.

Here is another stunning example of elitism from the left. Warner is saying that real people are too stupid to recognize that the McCain is treating them as stupid. Why is a successful small town woman a "thoroughgoing humiliation for America’s women?" Because, like Clarence Thomas, she did not pay proper homage to her liberal overlords (remember how CT was pilloried by Joe Biden and was dismissed by Obama a weak minded). This article is full-blown fear-mongering. The libs are in panic mode.

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