Monday, September 8, 2008


As Mac posted a note saying that Hannah was due to pass over us, I figured that I should give the update as to what happened.

Well there was some pretty good rain and wind, but the bulk of the storm past west of us (likely Mac's bro Jon and his family got his worse than we did). There were a bunch of twigs blown of surrounding trees, some leaves came down, and we did lose one tree -- however... it was having issues anyways. The tree was planted after hurricane Isabel (2003 i think) and has never quite stood staight up. So it fell over and unrooted itself. Also the phone and cable lines fell off the pole, but this hasn't interrupted service (the phone company is going to fix it on friday for us).

Also we lost power for a few hours -- a limb fell of a tree down the road from us and cut off the power to our street.

So that was all the excitement to be had for us from Hannah. I wish all were so lucky when Tropical Storms and Hurricanes go past.

In other news, most of our boxes are unpacked and most things are put away. On Saturday (the 13th) we are having a few friends over to celebrate our arrival and Mac's birthday (the 15th) and then on the 15th Mac's parents are coming over to celebrate with us. So I can guarantee you that all will be mostly in order by the time they arrive!

Well that's it for now!

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