Thursday, April 30, 2009

It Can Now Be Revealed

At the summit of the Americas, the now famous interactions of Hugo Chavez and Barack Obama were not just for propaganda purposes. While Chavez, Castro and Ortega declared mastery over Obama and all things American, the President was actually getting tips from Chavez on how to regularly show up on prime time television to denounce his political enemies without seeming to control the media. The book Chavez gave the President actually was a primer on how to denounce one's enemies while having the academic elites fawn all over your humility and passion for the "truth."

Like a good student, Obama was on prime-time last night for the 3rd time in as many months denouncing any dissent as partisan roadblocks and blaming any shortcomings on the previous corrupt administration. Compare this to Clinton's first term where he was on prime-time twice in 4 years. Papa Chavez must be beaming. Obama has received twice as much coverage in the media as Bush and Clinton combined over their first hundred days with 60% positive coverage (Clinton only received 44% positive).

Friday, April 24, 2009

A Belated Tribute to Earth Day

A few things to note:

1. The USA now considers Carbon Dioxide a poison. Trees could not be reached for comment.

2. The BBC is desperately trying to hold onto the "science is settled" concerning Human Caused climate change. In the wake of dramatic cooling over the past 2 years and temp levels even or in decline over the last 8 years, the Beeb has too much invested in its doom-laden headlines to give up now.

3. Curiously, a dirtier planet and sooty bits in the air is being touted as a solution for Human Caused global warming. This by the very people who railed against such industrial pollution when Earth Day was founded.

4. The co-founder of Earth Day has killed more people than America's largest nuclear disaster at Three Mile Island. Ira Einhorn, hero of the left and all around groovy fella, murdered his girlfriend after she dumped him. The man stuffed her into a trunk and kept her in his apartment for 18 months before the stench alerted neighbors and police. He fled to Europe living on the lam for 16 years before capture and extradition.

5. US air and water quality has improved markedly over the past 40 years.

6. The free enterprise capitalistic system of economics has the absolute and indisputably best environmental record in modern history. The wealth generated by this economic system can afford to clean its messes. Precisely because private business is independent from government, corruption is less pervasive leading to greater adherence to environmental standards.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

So Canada, Is This the Change We Need?

Janet Napolitano, Cabinet Secretary and all around classy gal, has spent the better part of April infuriating all of North America. Tuesday, the Queen of slander decided to set her sights on Canada. She claimed the 9/11 hijackers came through Canada. Really? I thought we finally had brains back in the White House? I thought such arrogance expired January 20? This is what you wanted, right? It is becoming more and more apparent that the Obama administration IS what everyone thought the Bush administration was.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's All Fatty's Fault

Irrefutable proof has been given that fat people are ruining the climate. And we all know that the most fat people live in the USA, so once again, the US is leading the way in destroying the planet. The most puzzling quote was from OXFAM; they claim a 50% increase in climate related disaster over the next 6 years. Really? I predict a 50% decrease in independent thinking and reason based arguments at OXFAM over the next 2 days.

Why doesn't anyone do a study on the carbon emissions caused by despotic thugs and the lack of freedom? How much CO2 is pumped into the atmosphere because the West flies in billions of tonnes of food to nations where people are displaced by power hungry warlords? In the terribly cynical world of my mind, I guess the dead and dying peasantry in these oppressed countries count as carbon offsets to the abuses of the despots and thugs. Nothing to see hear.


This sort of nonsense is working to scare the wits out of children. The fear-mongering of the enviros has a plurality of kids believing the world will be uninhabitable when they are adults!!! Environmentalism seems to have become the last refuge of the scoundrel...or at least the out-of-work totalitarian propaganda writer.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Covering the Background

I am wondering what the jokes will be on late night television. Pres O! covered up any reference to Jesus while speaking in the Jesuit hall of Georgetown University. This is not an unprecedented act by any stretch. Remember, John Ashcroft covered up the naked breast of Lady Justice during his press conferences. He did not want a woman's boob over-shadowing his media time and as such was made fun of by all sorts of people.

Some suggestions:

Jay Leno: Did you see the President gave a speech at Georgetown University? (Cheers and applause) Yeah, he covered up Jesus who was behind him on the wall. Apparently, President Obama did not want to confuse the people watching who was actually speaking. (Uproarious laughter and applause)

David Letterman: Top ten reasons why President Obama covered Jesus during his speech.

#1. He wanted to make sure there was a smooth transition in changing his name to President Therock Obama.

To get the Letterman joke, you must read the last sentence of the article referenced above.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Political Maneuverings

The administration has taken extraordinary steps to dull the sounds of hundreds of thousands of American standing up and calling for a return of sanity to Washington. Today is Tax and Tea day in the USA. All over the country, a community based phenomena is taking place, the Tea Party. These are protests against wasteful government spending and the bailing out of corporations "too big to fail." This orgy of spending started under GW Bush and has gone into overdrive with O!.

Because hundreds of thousands of people are showing up today, the government has made couple preemptive strikes. First, the Department of Homeland Security has released a document warning of the rise in right-wing terrorist activity the same week that the Tea Parties are to be held. Second, the Pres has made to policy speeches absolving the government of any wrong doing by claiming that all economists (straw-man) agree that spending lots of money is the only way for government to act in recession and the crisis is all Wall-Street and greedy bankers fault.

So, the government has come out and condemned today's protests as the gatherings of a bunch of stupid hot heads who may threaten violence and will try to thwart the efforts of the government to get the economy back on track. But wait, the left-wing surrogate of the Soros government have threatened to crash these events and stir things up, while the lefty bloggers are calling this a Fox News cabal of sorts. I must give organizational credit to the left, they have the Pres down to ACORN goose-stepping there way to opposing Tea Parties which can mean only one thing....George Soros is pulling the strings and owns the Democrat Party.

Financial Trivia

Who can name the largest accounting scandal in the history of the USA? The first company that comes to mind is incorrect. There have been no movies produced about this scandal. The corporate officers were not arrested, and they could keep most of their bonuses (tens of millions of dollars) without ACORN showing up at their houses and threatening violence. The accounting manipulations were "deliberately created by management" yet there was no outcry by the media or the so-called corporate watch-dogs. Indeed, when this scandal was uncovered the findings of the investigation stated:

The report “shows that [the company's] faults were not limited to violating accounting and corporate governance standards, but included excessive risk-taking and poor risk management as well,” Randal Quarles, Treasury undersecretary for domestic finance, said in a statement. “OFHEO’s findings are a clear warning about the very real risk the improperly-managed investment portfolios of [the company] pose to the greater financial system.”

This was in 2006, after a two year investigation. Nothing was done with the report. I bet you still don't know what I am talking about. Just yesterday, Pres O! was talking about Wall Street greed and bankers tricking dumb citizens into mortgages they could not afford. The Pres conveniently forgot to mention this company and it's sister organization (another clue). These companies are the political patronage entities of Washington. They are protected because directorships and executive positions are handed out by politicians to those who are looked upon favorably by the pols in DC.

Your Answer:

Monday, April 13, 2009

Random Thoughts

Brain is on scramble today:

Why is the media treating the pirate affair as Obama's first real foreign policy challenge? Can someone explain to me how armed thugs in a life boat is a greater challenge than the launch of a ballistic missile by a country armed with nuclear weapons and a psychotic leader? I know that the UN passed a really really tough non-binding resolution condemning the N Korean government for breaking several other similarly tough worded Security Council resolutions, but the real mettle was Pres. O! picking on 4 men trapped in a dinghy.

I was disappointed that Shane Claiborne couldn't make it to the Indian Ocean to act as a human shield for the pirates like he did for Saddam Hussein. I guess now that Jesu....I mean Obama is President, there was no need because this president is good.

Someone should investigate how over-utilizing the socio-political hermeneutic has led to redefining theological language with political language, some suggested titles:
  1. Jesus and Other Kingdoms: Why God's First Allegiance is to The Church and Why Christians Should Never Seek a King Like the Other Human Kingdom. The Root of Israel's Downfall and Judas' Condemnation.
  2. Embarrassing God: How Stripping the Gospel from Biblical Theology Divides the Church.
  3. Cheapening the Gospel: Why Axe-grinding Theology is Similar to Axe-grinding Politics.
  4. Teaching Hate: Political Language Smuggled into the Church by Abusing the Prophetic Tradition.
  5. Divided we Fail: What the Religious Left Failed to Learn from the Religious Right's Excursion into Politics.

Action Alert!

USA, Hands off Somalia and its pirates, er...I mean people. Your oppressive imperialism perpetuates poverty in the horn of Africa forcing a desperate people to use violence in order to survive. We demand justice be done to the number one terrorist organization in the world, the US military which is the tool of Corporate globalization, an oppressor of Iraq and its people, and a perpetrator of violence against the peaceful people of Afghanistan. We demand global corporations to repatriate all monies and resources stolen from developing countries. We demand and end to global warming, racism, sexism, discrimination and colonialism. We demand fair wages for all workers around the world and the just distribution of assets to be properly maintained by fairly elected governments. No justice, No peace.

That was fun. My first excursion into writing left-wing, ax-grinding, propaganda is now complete and only took a couple minutes. The key is to make unsubstantiated assertions based on loose facts, rumor and suspected conspiracies, mix it with the language of justice, and then you have an unassailable high-ground from which to take pot-shots at all your detractors. Who can be against justice? Who can be against equality? Who can be against the environment? Only people shilling for the military, corporations, and enemies of the people, that's who!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Collect for Gov

Almighty Gov, to whom all wallets are open and all communications are known,
cleanse the aspirations of freedom by the application of your schools,
that we may dutifully serve you and never complain how you spend our money.
We ask this in the name of our better citizens.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Why The Community is Better than The Government

This is why I am for the decentralization of power to the individual and community. A group of Hawaiian residents could not wait for the government, so they repaired it themselves. Not only did they do it themselves, they did it in 8 days compared to the two year estimate of the state's reckoning. Sitting around and waiting for the government would have put many of these people into poverty...I still don't understand why people support liberal policies that encourage people to wait for the government to solve all the problems.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


From the Secret Headquarters of S.P.E.C.T.R.E.

...and the final piece of the plan will be to shoot a layer of pollution into the air and block out the sun thus controlling the planets climate, they will surely pay us trillions of dollars... mwahahahahahaha!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Never About Justice

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) went to see Fidel Castro yesterday. Castro is arguably the most racist leader in the Western Hemisphere. Not only is he racist, but he is a brutal dictator. This is one more reason why I cannot abide the likes of the CBC liberals in Congress. They cry for 'justice' then kiss the face of injustice. I don't think it is about justice anymore. I think it is about politics, specifically left wing politics, even the politics that allow you to lock up librarians if they are political enemies. Be ware the politician who cries for justice but is trained in the art of divisiveness.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Question For The British

There was no rest for Tony Blair as he was accused of being Bush's poodle, now that Gordon Brown is a slobbering leche-cul to Obama, is US hegemony a fine thing in Britain? The complaint from the Brits was of Washington making the decisions for London, a legitimate complaint. If there was principle behind the complaining, one would expect to hear similar noises concerning Brown's obsequiousness.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tax Problem

As the April 15 deadline approaches and another Obama cabinet nomination is forced to pay back taxes, it is apparent that liberals love taxes but hate paying them. That's not my point, but if I had the brain power of Keith Olbermann, that as far as my analysis could go. My point in this post is that the US tax code is too cumbersome to understand and its application is oppressive to ordinary people who can't afford the accountants and attourneys necessary to navigate the treacherous waters. My goodness, the smartest people in America (liberals) could not figure out how much tax to pay. The document itsself is 16,845 pages long without any interpretive literature from Tax Court opinions.

I wish to simplify the code to a tax that is based on consumption. The government saves money by dismantling the IRS and using the already in place sales-tax system. People will receive their full paycheck and are given to freedom to spend or save as they please. The manipulative functions of the tax code will be eliminated from the power hungry and the greedy who lobby Congress for perks and pork under the darkness of obscurantism I call the US tax code. Finally, the billions paid each year in tax preparation fees and time spent compiling paperwork will be reduced to fractions. These groups produce no value for the US economy. Indeed their only function is government compliance and by its nature takes money from the productive sector and gives it to the unproductive. I would rather see autoworkers with jobs that tax attourneys and accountants.

Barack's Sponsorship Scandal?

We all know through our own observations that the established media took unprecedented steps in helping Barack Obama get elected president. From reading leftwing talking-points during live broadcasts to refusing any sort of investigative journalism re: Obama, the journos have been unashamed in their duplicity of swearing to 'objectivity' while campaigning for Obama. I turns out as no surprise that the New York Times spiked a story they called "a game changer" back in October 2008. Obama was double dipping donors, an illegal practice. So, ACORN received donor lists of people who had lots of cash to give but were limited by the law. ACORN agrees to raise funds for Obama. Meanwhile, Obama's campaign is paying ACORN $1,000,000 for election services. Justice Gomery, you are needed in Washington DC.