Friday, February 27, 2009

Corretive Injustice

Today, in his fifth week in office, President Obama has set back human rights in favor of injustice. This comes on the heals of a similar move a couple weeks ago. Today, anyone serving in the health care industry will no longer be protected if they object to killing a human by means of surgical or chemical abortion. Calling himself a Christian, in the last two months, President Obama has done more to oppress the helpless and attack the weak by promoting and funding abortions around the world more than all previous administrations combined. Let's call it the new (and bloody) war on overpopulation. Matthew 25 be damned, it's only good as a campaign slogan.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dissention in the Ranks

The Ass. Press has broken with the rest of the propagandists in the media! In a surprisingly hard hitting fact check piece, the AP has questioned some of the Dear Leader's statements from last night's address to the people. I was waiting for the wolves to pounce on Jindal's rather poor rebuttal (terrible is a better descriptor).

Monday, February 23, 2009

Oh Dear!

Another shining moment in the new Administration, Sec of Energy Chu has troubles understanding his job description. Just a couple reminders 1) When you are the Cabinet member at a meeting, you are the administration! 2) As the administrations representative on Energy, it is your domain and duty to know when someone asks you about oil production and pricing. But, in his defense he is without an assistant...except for the full resources of the US Gov't and the lifelong bureaucrats of the Dept of Energy.

Intellectual Dishonesty vs. Honesty

Keith Olbermann vs. Rush Limbaugh. One claims objectivity and one claims bias, can you guess? Next question, based upon your answering to the previous question, which man is the more capable commentator? I have always found it more intellectually honest to disclose your bias so the audience can inform their reading or listening in this case. Olbermann represents the trend of the so-called objective media. This media believes with all their heart that they are correct and no person has the right to question their objectivity. The emperor is disroabing before our eyes and denying he is doing so. Just admit your bias and be intellectually honest.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Democrat Circus

There aren't enough rings for this one:

-Yet another tax scandal is starting to surface as Rahm Emmanuel lived five years rent free in Capitol Hill row house of a fellow Democrat lawmaker (this makes #5 for the administration). These are the same Democrats who fuss about the need to pay more taxes.

-Roland Burris may be kicked out of the Senate after being less than honest about his ties to Blago.

-The Attorney General can't remember that he is black and that the President is black and that the USA has put more minorities in positions of authority compared to most (if not all other) countries.

-40,000 people in New York City pay 50% of the income taxes and the Democrats want to raise their taxes. What happens if they decide to leave?

-California is seeing its most talented people leave the state while those immigrating to the state seek the generous state benefits. 380, 000 Californians pay 40% of all the income taxes, what happens when these people continue to leave?

-The Obama administration seems to be winging it.

-Another big time Democrat money man has been accused of taking billions of dollars.

-Charlie Rangle, D-NY, Chairman of House Ways and Means (spending) Committee, has avoided paying taxes and is under investigation.

-William Jefferson D-LA, is still under investigation after FBI agents found $100,000 in his freezer.

-John Murtha, D-PA is under investigation for funneling million to two defense contractors and political supporters.

-The Stimulus bill was not read by the legislators or put online for 48 hours of scrutiny before passage.

-The transparent government seems to be nominal when important issues are up for discussion.

-The America race-baiting industry seems to think the President wrote the stimulus package. Actually, it was Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid who unilaterally wrote and rammed though the spending bill mauling the American family in the process.

Okay that's all for now.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Deadly Environmentalism

One of the big problems I have with many liberal cause-celebre is the negative impact they have on the poor and oppressed. Global warming hyperbole is quickly turning into deadly situations for people under the boot of do-gooders and without the resources to flee. The Australian fires are a prime example. Several people have died from what now appears to be deliberately set fires. These deaths were helped along by so-called 'green' policies that forbid property owners from clearing bush and trees close to buildings.

If you were rich enough, you could clear your property, pay the fine, and not die in the fires. However, most people don't have the resources to take on the oppressive government while maintaining their property, so they or their family died. Here is a story outlining a tale of two families oppressed by the same governmental law, one lost money the other watched family die.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Change We Can Believe In

I remember hearing people opposed to the Bush administration fussing about dissent being crushed by the heavy hand of demagoguery. Indeed! I wonder if these same beacons of liberty and American Democracy will still say things like, "dissent is the highest form of patriotism," now that the Dems are trying to ram their agenda through? O! promised to eschew the politics of fear, but with the impending financial 'catastrophe' the Pres has become a bit testy with dissent and legislative debate. It appears that dissent in this case has been redefined a partisanship which is bad...dare I say unpatriotic.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What a Joke

The party of big government and high taxes (Liberal) seems to have problems with paying taxes. We now have 3 nominees who aren't very patriotic Americans, at least that's what Joe Biden had to say about people who don't pay their taxes. The shocking thing is the Treasury secretary and Puff Daschle missed $168,000 of combined tax liabilities and the Treasury runs the IRS.

I am getting a bit frustrated with the media parroting the Obama administration lines that theses are "unfortunate distractions" and "honest mistakes." Indeed! I think this is a clarion call to reform the oppressive US Tax Code. If the best and brightest among us (again Liberals) cannot figure out what they owe, it's time for change we CAN believe in.

Executive Orders

The USA has a peculiar thing called the executive order. It allows the President to make policy at the stroke of a pen. If the policy is agreeable with partisans, it is lauded as an effective way to quickly reverse government direction without debate. If the policy is disagreeable with partisans, the executive order is lambasted as a power grab by the President without debate. Regardless of objection, this quirky policy tool is here to stay.

President O! has wasted no time in issuing a bunch of these little orders. Being a man in touch with the plight of the oppressed, the President has called for the closing of the terrorist prison at Gitmo so 225 violent and hatefilled men will no longer face the oppressive air conditioners and imperialistic prayer mats of camp X-ray. In the same week, President O! condemned millions of innocent children to death by providing funds to abortion providers in developing countries. Humanitarianism, left wing style!

Before your knickers get in a knot, I am for the closing of Gitmo! The purpose of this post is to show the hypocrisy of selective humanitarianism. There are many voices that wail and moan over the plight of 225 admittedly violent men, yet those same voices fall silent in the face of millions condemned to destruction.