Thursday, October 30, 2008


What is the difference between William Ayers and Timothy McVeigh?

I should like to know. Both are homegrown terrorists, however Ayers got a pass while McVeigh is dead at the hands of the justice system. There are classes in humanities departments that study people like McVeigh while Ayers serves in these same humanities department. McVeigh is an icon of everything wrong with America;Ayers is celebrated as a solution to everything wrong in America. McVeigh's attack sought to generate awareness and justice for the wrong type of people (Branch Dividians), whereas Ayers bombings sought to generate awareness and justice for the right type of people. It appears that the ends justify terrorism only in certain cases. On Sept 11, 2001 William Ayers told the New York time he wished he had done more bombing. Apparently, the difference is the media.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Financial Mess Origins

Here is a helpful time line that shows the complicity of government in this financial meltdown. I find it rather peculiar when this problem is blamed on the unrestrained free-market. It actually appears to be a product of Liberal Fascism. The bullying by Government and NGO's is appalling. Don't read this the wrong way, I hold Wall Street accountable for not refusing the Freddie and Fannie Mortgage Backed Securities. But with $2 trillion in trades to make, the commissions are huge. Why Fascism?...because fascists bully the businesses if they are resisted and they promise wealth if the government is complied with. This is why I cringe every time I hear a politician say they will use a carrot and stick policy when it comes to business.

Virginia Lightning

That's right, I'm talking about moonshine. I was in the ABC store yesterday and I saw that moonshine has gone legit. You can purchase corn alcohol...the father of NASCAR racing in state regulated shops. What is this world coming to?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Special Thanks

I would like to recognize George W Bush, Big Oil, and Commodities Speculators for the steeply declining price of oil. We blamed them for the price spikes in the summer, so it is only fair to recognize their efforts in the price slump...n'est pas? Just Sayin'.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Here's what I've noticed

Mac is much more of an active political analyst than I am. I must admit, most days I'm pretty passive when it comes to politics in the States. The campaigning has gone on for so long that I really just don't care any more. I just want it to be over.

That having been said, there are a few trends that I've noticed that bother me from a faith perspective.

1) There is a growing group of Christians who align themselves to the left side of the political arena who seem to think that the government has been given the mantle of the church to save the world. Let me rephrase that -- they seem to think that its the governments job, led by Obama preferably, to take on God's mantle and save the world in general and the United States in particular. Earlier today, or maybe it was yesterday, i'm not sure, I stumbled on a blog that says that Obama is spreading Christian values when he says its the governments job to take the money from people (taxes) and give it to those who don't have money -- to share the wealth around. Maybe I missed this in seminary, but which part of the sermon on the mount was directed to the Roman officials? I thought Jesus was talking to Galilean Jews who had come to listen to Jesus teach. Jesus said that if you see someone in need you should take off your own cloak and tunic as well and give it to the person.

Now I believe that to whom much is given, much is expected and we have a responsibility to share our resources -- be they financial or otheranwise -- with those around us. I think this is the duty of the church, NOT THE GOVERNMENT! And quite frankly, the current financial melt down that has been caused by sloppy governmental handling (to put it nicely) does little to convince me of the Government even being able to adequately meet the needs of the people in the states.

2) Somehow its horrible, anti-Christian and evil if those who are Christians conservatives make projections of what might happen if Obama is elected, but if those who are Christians liberals proclaim what evil McCain will bring its ok. First, neither of them have ever been president (or for that matter, been in an executive office), so we don't know, really, what they will do. Sure we have campaign speeches and they make promises, but we all know the promises can quickly be forgotten when the realities of the office suddenly hit them square in the face. But why is it ok if one group does it and the other one doesn't? These type of statements made on the left side of the equation only cement my earlier conclusions that really Christian liberals are only interested in created a "Religious Left" Theocracy -- the same thing they condemn the Right for wanting.

3) This is what I find most troubling. There is far too much language of hate, animosity and anger within the Body of Christ being directed at other members of the Body of Christ. Asking questions is fine, but I've seen comments that are nothing short of demonizing. That just isn't right. We are brothers and sisters in the Lord first and that is true regardless of our political leanings. I've seen so many blogs that claim to be Christian blogs, but seem to be towing the party line (on both sides), throwing in the odd verse or Christian statement to try and justify their position. I have read more politically informed theology than theologically informed politics and that concerns me. The latter will still lead to different positions in the political realm, but it is (hopefully) less likely to result in us changing the Gospel in order to make it match our politics. When that starts happening, how long will it take us to change other things in the Bible just to make it fit better with what we want to believe?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Why McCain Will (and Should) Lose

I don't like to do a postmortem premortem, but I want to see if my predictions come true. There were two distinct issues going into this campaign with a third showing up smack in the middle of it. The issues are as follows:

1. Energy independence.

2. Raising taxes and increasing spending in recession.

3. The financial meltdown.

The McCain campaign is only now hammering issue 2 which is raising taxes in the face of recession. Thanks to Joe the Plumber, McCain can put a real face on the common American who believes it is service to the community to run a successful business that provides good service and jobs. But this is only half of the equation. McCain should be making a bigger case for cutting government spending. Why is it that only average people need to tighten the belt when times get tough? McCain could have distanced himself from Bush by denouncing the profligate spending over that last 8 years.

Second, what about energy independence? Why isn't McCain stopping in every town saying, "Our American Energy Independence plan will promote your community to develop new energy sources. There is $700 billion being sent overseas that needs to come home to small towns like Springfield, especially as we have an economic slowdown facing our future." Say this everywhere.

Finally, the financial crisis had McCain's so-called maverick reputation written all over it. He bottled the whole thing by going to the nest of vipers instead of using his already established position as reformer. In 2005, McCain submitted legislation to reign in Freddie and Fannie which the Dems blocked. Now $2 trillion in bad paper has infected our financial system with most, if not all, forced down our throat by Government. Why have I not heard a single mention of Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, Henry Waxman et al.? These are the people who supported this wretched practice by blocking reform after reform. McCain had the opportunity and squandered it. The people on Wall Street who fenced this $2 trillion are losing their jobs and hopefully their bonuses. The people in Washington who stole this $2 trillion are safe.

These are all real world issues that effect the average person. The candidate who spoke directly to the people on the issues would have broken the Obama spell. The Obama/Media template is to blame all our ills on the rich and corporations. This is a caricature of reality and an easy myth to dispell, but McCain only grabbed onto the that has Obama as gatekeeper. Because Obama mostly controlled the message of this campaign, he wins.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe Biden is Meanspirited

Biden decided to attack a middle class guy who works in the trades trying to realize what America has to offer for the average Joe. Biden campaigns that he is for these types of folks, but when the constituent question Obama-Biden policies that directly effect his future, Biden belittles the man. Biden is a typical class-warfare bating elitist. Just listen:

Now get the story from Joe the Plumber. He is living the opportunity that America affords to so many people. He has been saving money for years to buy a business and Biden impugns the guys integrity. Typical class warfare.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Live Blogging Debate #3

I will be live blogging the debate under a different format. Where I hear something different, will note it. Everything else will be omitted with analysis to follow. I guess I am making an editorial comment that the debates are boring and too measured. The candidates are passionless and, they are not speaking to the people who are looking for leadership.

Here we go:

Nothing new so far.

Still nothing new.

Something new! Obama addressed his opponent as Senator McCain not John.

McCain a little feisty and more believable on cutting spending.

Good grief this could be a train wreck. McCain's not backing down. Now Obama claims 100% of ads a being negative! that is bald face. Obama just told a big lie about Palin rallies. McCain did not go all the way with the nasty anti-palin t-shirts.

Back to talking points memos

shout out to Canada by McCain

When I buy gas I do not borrow from china so get off that mr obama

More talking points

Controlling health care costs means less service and in a nationalized system, waiting lines. we will negotiate with drug companies? Who is we?

Uh, Obama does not understand employer based health benefits.

Senator Government!!!! Brilliant quip by McCain

Nothing New. In fact, education was a softball for McCain that he whiffed.

Has McCain confused Autism with Down's Syndrome

Ugh! That was boring. Joe the plubmer was the most important person in this debate.

Capitalism Does Not Equal Greed

Capitalism is a way of funding ideas and projects. Ideas or projects are brought to the market, and people can choose to invest or not to invest based on decisions informed by individual ethics and morals. Any project or idea that is not accepted by the people choosing to invest are left unfunded. This system encourages the abuse of self interest where the payoff from investment outweighs the good of people. (example being the porn industry, bad for people; good for profits)

Collectivism is a way of funding ideas and projects. An elite (best case, elected) few decide which project and ideas are to be funded based on an ethic or morality purportedly derived from the people. Any projects and ideas that fall outside the collective process are repressed. This system encourages the abuse of power where controlling people becomes the focus for maintaining power. (example ends justify means, the common good trumps all individual digressions from the collective).

Both systems have their problems with greed. But, collectivism concentrates power and money in the hands of the government. I prefer Capitalism as a force of balance to the government's intrinsic power. Taking away the individuals opportunity to innovate is wrong for the community.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Grass Roots Populism or semi-Pogromism

I'm thinking here about how disdain for a certain group is taught. Right now, the target is Wall Street, and rightly so. The wall street gang had the responsibility to say 'no!' to Freddie and Fannie who were the #1 securitizers of subprime debt. But, the culture of earning your way to bank VP was disconnected from the anchor of fiduciary duty to protect the markets and people from bad investments.

What I am concerned about is the political hay being made by blaming only greed and ignoring the ongoing power grab. Obama and McCain are doing this. There were bad policy decisions forced on Americans by the government that are going unscrutinized. So, in order to preserve their power, politicians are blaming Wall Street and fomenting hate. Whats more, this class warfare of Obama dividing the country into 95-5 is unacceptable. The more I think about it, class war is semi-pogromism.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Live Blogging the Debate #2

Tonight is town hall style with so-called undecided questioners. I expect to hear McCain asked about his negative campaigning. I also expect to find out in a couple of days that one of the questioners is an Obama supporter.

I think it is a McCain's must-win. The electoral map is 100 points in Obama's favour. If McCain cannot (or will not!) make the case for the financial meltdown being at the feat of terrible liberal policies, the Whitehouse is Obama's. He must connect with the middle class and show that concentrating power in Washington led to strong arm liberal tactics that forced bad loans to be made under threat of government penalties and sanctions. He must show he is a leader and those in Washington who really messed this whole thing up will be held to account.

First question on how to give people money. Obama calls for concentrating power in Washington. Class warfare. Spending more money is Obama's answer.

McCain calls for reform pointing out big debts. Washington gets to buy up home loans. Treasury gets more power to tinker with individuals.

Obama talking about his 95% tax cut and Treasury making sure people have good paying jobs?

McCain: Here we go! Freddie and Fannie the problem. Tried to regulate. Obama and his cronies blocked. Good move

Obama: Does a better job of explaining the credit markets. But he just talked about top down economics. Obama doing CYA. Calling for regulations his party blocked 7 times.

McCain: Basically, saying the same as Obama. Jabs back at Obama. Going for a populous message.

Trust is the next question.
Obama: Talking about cutting spending! What a joke. When GB came into office, there were two more buildings in lower Manhattan. Spend money on health, no cuts there. Investments does not equal cuts. Where is he cutting???

McCain: The bipartisan reformer. Obama is a partisan liberal who wants to spend even more of your money. McCain pointing towards Obama's spending records. McCain on energy independence.

Health, energy, entitlements
McCain: Entitlement reforms depend on bipartisanship. New energy intiatives to keep $700b home. No need to put any asside.

Obama: Energy today based on government investment. Healthcare is broken, unless you're sick. Education? New entitlement?

Sacrifices of Americans
McCain: Cut earmarks, Spending freeze, back to healthcare.

Obama: 911 was an atrocity not tragedy. Looking for a call to service. Talking about conservation of energy. Young people want to serve so Obama wants to organize young people all across the nation.

Debt and Easy Credit
Obama: Again on class warfare. Sending the message of resentment. Wealth distribution was the message.

McCain: good point saying you shouldn't raise taxes on small business that creates jobs. No tax increases.

Unfunded Obligations need reformation now
Obama: Apparently Obama is calling McCain's tax cut a departure from Obama's tax plan. Again with the class hatred by Obama. 30% don't pay taxes so how can he cut 95% of people's taxes?

McCain: Social Security is easy to fix? That's crazy talk. Smartest people in America huh, hope it's not the Freddie Fannie crowd.

Congress moved fast, environmental issues.
McCain: Global warming BS. Clean up, green tech, energy independence.

Obama: New energy economy with 5million jobs. National security issue so we must spend money. Trying to pin oil on McCain.

Manhattan Project on Energy
McCain: government should take the lead and give it off to the private sector. Getting bogged down in Senate voting. Bridge gap between oil and new energy initiatives.

Healthcare as profit, is that bad?
Obama: (My premium is $37 a month). Okay, so government is going to make sure prices are low, how? Uninsured will get money to but government style coverage?

McCain: Obama will fine you if you don't have coverage, that's a bit fascist. McCain plan gives tax rebate so people can shop, less government.

right, privilege, responsibility
McCain: responsibility, people have the right to decide

Obama: right, people must have coverage

US a peacemaker
McCain: America greatest force for good in the world. But what will our economic challenges.

Obama: Iraq a mistake. Budget is under pressure. Darfur is fault of Bush.

Doctrine of Force
Obama: Ethnic cleansing is wrong and we must consider intervention. Lot's of cruelty and need allies. but that was the problem in Rwanda, talking let 800,000 people die.

McCain: Do whatever we can to prevent genocide. Must understand the limits of using force.

US in Pakistan
Obama: Bin Laden in Pakistan because US went to Iraq. Change policy when they are under huge pressure from militants. Killing and crushing bin Laden

McCain: Criticized Obama for not understanding Pakistan situation.

Obama: Followup is foolish

McCain: McCain is the responsible one.

Afghan Situation
Obama: Responsible withdrawal in Iraq and help to Afghan. still promoting democracy

McCain: Same strategy in Afghan as in Iraq. Secure the towns so people can lead normal lives. Petraeus is the man for the job.

McCain: No new cold war. Putin is a thug. Cannot let Putin reconstitute USSR. International pressures and all leverage available.

Obama: Resurgent Russia is an issue. Support is both moral and financial. We must predict the future. Anticipate sounds like preemption with Russia. Did Jimmy Carter just hear that? Evil behavior but not USSR.

McCain: must keep an eye on russia.

Iran Attacks Israel
McCain: No waiting on UN. Cannot let Iran get nukes. Going after Obama's 'no pre-conditions'. Tough sanctions through league of democracies. Cannot allow second holocaust.

Obama: No nukes in Iran. Israel stong ally. Military is on the table. Must prevent this scenario from happening. tighter sanctions. direct talks are not 'no pre-condition' talks. CYA.

What don't you know
Obama: It's that challenges that you don't expect. Now moving to final statment. Wages, healthcare, college money, bad Bush economics. Change!

McCain: Don't know the future of america's challenges at home and around the world. He's the man to lead through difficult times because he's been there. Steady hand.

No Knock out blows. McCain did good but he needed to do more. Obama held his own but he was not authoritative. Overall McCain but does he move up in the polls?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Gaffe Everone Missed

Including me. I must admit that when Joe Biden talked about the US along with France kicking Hezbollah out of Lebanon, I scratched my head not remembering such a thing. It appears the lunacy of Biden's statement was psychologically dismissed by everyone watching the debate. The truth is, only Israel warred with Hezbollah in 2006 and the engagement ended with no changes in territory. The notion that Hezbollah was booted from Lebanon is from Mars at best or some senatorial fantasy world at worst. I don't remember any NATO operations except evacuating refugees.

Winning the war on terror, one imaginary victory after another. Obama- Biden, foreign policy leadership based on fantasy.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Live Blogging the VP Debate

For Palin, the going talk is she must do well and be Sarah Palin. But what does 'well' mean? The media message about Palin is that she is not too smart, so any point won by Palin will look great. But what if she completely wins?

For Biden, people think he must avoid the gaffe and not insult the Governor.

Biden has left the door wide open with the bailout question. Palin saying nothing so far. Good answer with the McCain reform bill.

Biden not Polarizing!! First gaffe there. Biden foolishly challenged McCain on bipartisanship.

Palin got the biggest softball and whiffed. Predatory lending?? Okay she made up for it with the personal responsibility card. Whole lot of nothing being said. I am not going to get any satisfaction on the Financial bailout.

Class warfare is now called fairness? Maybe in Marxist philosophy. Good comeback by Palin on the small business point. Ifil's question was leading and answered well by Palin.

Biden just got left in the dust, he is getting wonky and detailed.

Biden is talking numbers numbers numbers over the head of everyone listening. Palin picked a good fight here challenging the energy policy of Washington. Good answer, addressing her newness.

More numbers by Biden. This is his big problem.

Biden is disconnected from reality and going so policy wonky. He sounds like a great Senator. Palin just brushed off Biden. I think she is starting to take over the forum.

Here is comes! Liberal bias. Real changes but there are many variables. she is doing well. Biden is on the Al Gore Cool-aid. Biden is doing a good job with alternative energy but he does not understand the energy needs of the economy. Palin has just chewed up Biden. Biden is not being honest with McCain.

Why the homosexual question? Seems like a gotcha question to paint Palin as one of those crazy Christians. But it has come back on Biden to say no to gay marriage, brilliant!

Biden has caricatured McCain. Palin's comeback was poorly phrased but she has done better towards the end. I don't believe Biden saying McCain cut off funding and neither does anyone else.

Biden just separated with Obama on Pakistan in 'supporting the government'. Palin needs to talk about Pakistan, but otherwise she has done well. Ifil is trying to cover for Obama. Diplomacy is not always president to president. Now Biden is covering for Obama like a good VP. Blowing off Ahmadinijad as not in control is foolishness. the old spain canard. bunch of bluster.

Biden is doing well taking on Hezballah and Hamas. Palin should be careful with defending Bush. Okay, huge blunders, good point. Biden won that point.

Use of Nuclear weapons? What the crap is this question? Deterrent is a good answer blocking proliferation also good. sounds like surge priciples to me Sen Biden. Biden sounds foolish. Palin knows the General's name! She just handed it to Biden.

Biden voted for iraq but was against it!! C'mon Palin get to Sudan and rub it in later. Darfur by both candidates was answered poorly. Back to Iraq. I think this is McCain's advantage

Biden did not hear the question of, how would your administration differ from your presidents? This question played to Palin, she is taking the mainstreet mantle and wearing it well. New flash, Biden spend a lot of time in Home Depot.

Palin just threw some good charm out there. We all like Sarah now.

Biden had a goodwill chance that he just blew. Biden has some anger issues with Cheney, but it is more wonkiness which means nothing to most people.

Palin did not address the opponents good answer. Was that a fake choke up by Biden?

Biden was baited into fussing about McCain, well done Palin. Biden is angry.

Biden admitted he has litmus tests for judges.

Palin won, hands down. She is charming and fresh and did a great job with the facts. She took control of the debate. Biden kept talking about himself and senatorial stuff. He was trapped by the numbers and vote counts.