Sunday, October 26, 2008

Here's what I've noticed

Mac is much more of an active political analyst than I am. I must admit, most days I'm pretty passive when it comes to politics in the States. The campaigning has gone on for so long that I really just don't care any more. I just want it to be over.

That having been said, there are a few trends that I've noticed that bother me from a faith perspective.

1) There is a growing group of Christians who align themselves to the left side of the political arena who seem to think that the government has been given the mantle of the church to save the world. Let me rephrase that -- they seem to think that its the governments job, led by Obama preferably, to take on God's mantle and save the world in general and the United States in particular. Earlier today, or maybe it was yesterday, i'm not sure, I stumbled on a blog that says that Obama is spreading Christian values when he says its the governments job to take the money from people (taxes) and give it to those who don't have money -- to share the wealth around. Maybe I missed this in seminary, but which part of the sermon on the mount was directed to the Roman officials? I thought Jesus was talking to Galilean Jews who had come to listen to Jesus teach. Jesus said that if you see someone in need you should take off your own cloak and tunic as well and give it to the person.

Now I believe that to whom much is given, much is expected and we have a responsibility to share our resources -- be they financial or otheranwise -- with those around us. I think this is the duty of the church, NOT THE GOVERNMENT! And quite frankly, the current financial melt down that has been caused by sloppy governmental handling (to put it nicely) does little to convince me of the Government even being able to adequately meet the needs of the people in the states.

2) Somehow its horrible, anti-Christian and evil if those who are Christians conservatives make projections of what might happen if Obama is elected, but if those who are Christians liberals proclaim what evil McCain will bring its ok. First, neither of them have ever been president (or for that matter, been in an executive office), so we don't know, really, what they will do. Sure we have campaign speeches and they make promises, but we all know the promises can quickly be forgotten when the realities of the office suddenly hit them square in the face. But why is it ok if one group does it and the other one doesn't? These type of statements made on the left side of the equation only cement my earlier conclusions that really Christian liberals are only interested in created a "Religious Left" Theocracy -- the same thing they condemn the Right for wanting.

3) This is what I find most troubling. There is far too much language of hate, animosity and anger within the Body of Christ being directed at other members of the Body of Christ. Asking questions is fine, but I've seen comments that are nothing short of demonizing. That just isn't right. We are brothers and sisters in the Lord first and that is true regardless of our political leanings. I've seen so many blogs that claim to be Christian blogs, but seem to be towing the party line (on both sides), throwing in the odd verse or Christian statement to try and justify their position. I have read more politically informed theology than theologically informed politics and that concerns me. The latter will still lead to different positions in the political realm, but it is (hopefully) less likely to result in us changing the Gospel in order to make it match our politics. When that starts happening, how long will it take us to change other things in the Bible just to make it fit better with what we want to believe?

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