Thursday, October 30, 2008


What is the difference between William Ayers and Timothy McVeigh?

I should like to know. Both are homegrown terrorists, however Ayers got a pass while McVeigh is dead at the hands of the justice system. There are classes in humanities departments that study people like McVeigh while Ayers serves in these same humanities department. McVeigh is an icon of everything wrong with America;Ayers is celebrated as a solution to everything wrong in America. McVeigh's attack sought to generate awareness and justice for the wrong type of people (Branch Dividians), whereas Ayers bombings sought to generate awareness and justice for the right type of people. It appears that the ends justify terrorism only in certain cases. On Sept 11, 2001 William Ayers told the New York time he wished he had done more bombing. Apparently, the difference is the media.

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