Friday, March 27, 2009

A Bit of Sanity

The bad economics of these past few months has caused a peculiar psychosis in most western politicians. The US is not immune from this madness. The misuse of Keynesian theory to legitimize increased deficit spending is coming to the breaking point. The clip below raises my spirits that there may be some reason left in politicians. The sanity comes at 2:24 in the clip.

Manufactured News

The mainstream media for some unknown reason thinks that average Americans have issues with intolerance. A couple of years ago, NBC sent a couple of actors dressed as Muslims to a NASCAR race to see if they could provoke some sort of racist outburst from the race fans. Nothing happened. If you remember the 2008 election, the urban legend of rabid racism at Sarah Palin rallies was foisted upon us by Dana Milbank and led to tales of angry mobs with torches and pitchforks. When actually investigated, a single reporter heard a threat from one or two people in a crowd of thousands and calls all the people there racist threatening violence. Again, Nothing Happened. Now, ABC has sent some actors into a sports bar to be flagrantly gay and provoke some sort of homophobic response. Guess what, nothing happened.

Here's what I don't understand: Go to any anti-globalization rally and you will witness violence without provoking it. Go to any anti-Israel rally, and you will experience intimidation. Go to any "peace" rally and you will hear from the podium who to hate. Why don't reporters do something as provocative in these settings? The answer is easy, they know they would suffer harm! In essence these reporters are cowards. For as much as they demonize small town values, they understand that they are safe from harm. Try this crap in the midst of radical left-wingers and anarchists, and you are in far more peril. Go to if you want to see some very disturbing (warning: some are very tasteless) photos of what radical hate looks like.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Acceptable Hate

The Congress just passed a bill singling out a single group of Americans for special punitive treatment. The legislation is clearly a bill of attainder and unconstitutional. Beware the cries of 'justice' from a group of people trained in the art of divisiveness. I really find it troubling that so many people are willing to breathe out threats of violence (just listen to the congressional testimony or watch CNN's viewer mail segments). Most shamefully, Barney Frank the perpetrator of this whole financial mess, has demanded that private citizens be named and come under threat to salve his ego.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Early Start in gardening

By the subject of this blog, its author is probably pretty obvious -- this is Melissa. I have been neglecting this blog, pretty much since i started working, my apologies. Though i do post at -- though that is more of a creative writing outlet for me than an actual blog. It contains the stories of our guiding eye pup, Buffy. She is adorable, but its safe to say that at almost 4 months, she's well into the "terrible twos" of puppy years!

Anyways, gardens. As some of you will remember last year we bought seedlings and planted a garden in the back, sometime in late may, early june. Well being as far south as we are (as compared to Toronto, not Florida) the start of the outdoor planting season is actually April 1. So yesterday Mac and I went on a "gardening date" to Lowes. Well really we went to check out some chair rails for our dining room and I got distracted by the seeds. This year we're going to try to grow veggies and herbs from seed instead of buying the seedlings! We bought corn, onion, hot pepper (cayenne and jalepeno for salsa), radishes, lettuce and a few herbs (basil, oregano, cilantro, rosemary and one other i can't remember off the top of my head). I've been doing research to see what we need to start indoors (well i read the back of the packages) and then did some net research of what we need. I'll be putting together a "to buy" list from mac. I think i'm going to ad some more seeds too (tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet bell peppers etc). Starting from seed is so much cheaper than from seedlings, so if we can make this work, it'll be money in pocket. And then if we have visitors over the summer from up north, we can share from the bounty of our garden. We're also hoping to be able to share with friends from around here.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Liberal Heavyhandedness

From the halls of MSNBC, one of their Liberal talkers thinks Limbaugh should be shot for treason. So now dissent is treason? Good thing conservatives don't emote in such reactionary ways (I refuse to call it thinking). Actually, the liberal had no substantive policy matters to share so she had to reach into the gutter for her commentary. Unlike Limbaugh, who thinks in policy terms, articulates his ideas, and stirs the pot to the annoyance of the Obama disciples. If Limbaugh was ignored, this dust up with the Whitehouse would have already passed. Limbaugh leads Obama 1-0.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


This is a strike I can get behind!. In the US, the so-called rich are forming an informal union and threatening to strike. The purpose of the work action is to depress their wages below the proposed $250,000 top margin. These people feel singled out and put upon for being productive and are refusing to be cash machines for the government. ABC in its ongoing effort to teach class envy and hate has questioned the fairness of this action. Indeed, the network asks if it is fair that a rich person limit their income by working less.

I don't think these people understand that this is not their money to refuse. As I learned from a language prof (initials D.D.) at Regent College, the money is not theirs, it is the state's money and the rich have no say in how much tax to pay or in this case how much they should earn. If these people seek to manage their affairs and limit the power of government, they don't have the love of Christ in their heart (thanks P.L.). This, I also learned at Regent College: Big, powerful, controlling government is the sign of Jesus blessing, unless that big, powerful, controlling government is run by the wrong political party.