Saturday, July 28, 2007

Living in Toronto

Greetings all, Mac here. Having only one week to go before the wedding is very exciting. I am tired of living out of a suitcase in friends' and parents' houses. Don't read this as scorning generosity, rather hear my desire to finally settle into living. Our new place on East Queen is in the heart of Toronto's beaches. The neighborhood is great although I am not so sure about Castro's Pub (I get a little queasy paying homage to brutal dictators). The strange thing is that the beer prices are really high. But, I must remember that this is the country of Trudeau. For my Vancouver friends, I have finally taken the plunge and gone East Side (being in Toronto, I'm even farther east than you), although I don't think my car will be stolen as many times as Suzy's.

Friday, July 27, 2007

We have a place to live!!

Yep that's right folks!
we found it!
a place to live!
We'll be living in a one-bedroom down on Queen East in Toronto -- right in the midst of the beaches. Its a great area, walking distance from the lake and tonnes of shops! We just need to find a good church in the area and it'll be great!

Thank you Lord for our home!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

House Hunting

So here we are, 8 days from the wedding and still without a place to live.
We've seen a few places, and have called a number. (We have a list of about 15 possibilities.) Our hope is to find something by the end of the week. we recognize that we don't really need it until the end of August/beginning of September, but we are hoping to have it set by the end of this week. Planning for the wedding is going really well. We've got most things finished up.... Favours are ready, florist is confirmed, numbers are in, we'll get the programs finished up today and then i'm not sure what we're missing (i'm sure there'll be stuff next week that will come up that will need our attention). So things are really coming together well! And its exciting. Now if we can just get the housing situation taken care of that would be great. We are confident that God will provide, He always does! He just has this habit of waiting to the last minute -- probably has something to do with teaching patience and faith.

In other news...... our honeymoon is booked!! Woohoo we're going to the Dominican :) I'm excited! I've never been to the Caribbean before! Yippee!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Less than a month to go!

Greetings friends!

Its hard to believe that there's less than a month to go until our wedding day! This past Friday we headed to the location of our rehearsal dinner to have a meal (we hadn't eaten there before) and it dawned on us that in exactly 4 weeks we'd be back there to eat. Which means that on Saturday there were 4 weeks left until the big day :) Time is ticking down! Sometimes all too quickly other times not quickly enough! We are looking forward to the wedding day and working on pulling together the last few details before everything kicks off!

We'll be heading back to Virginia Beach on Wednesday (probably arriving on Thursday). Its hard to believe that the 2+ weeks in Toronto are already over. Its been a busy time of preaching (Melissa preached at Blythwood on July 1), getting car details figured out and working out some of the wedding details. We still have a list of stuff to accomplish before we head out. It was also good to be able to connect with some friends in Waterloo and Toronto :) giving Mac a chance to meet more of Melissa's people in Canada.

We're looking foward to being in VA Beach for a few days and helping Mac's parents move into their new home on July 19th. Then its back to Toronto for the evening of the 20th with exactly 2 weeks left until the wedding!! Wow! Time is gonna run right past.

We are still looking for a place to live for after the wedding, and are trying to figure out vocationally what we need to do. Its hard make definite plans when we feel like we are living in limbo most of the time. So your continued prayers would be most appreciated. We know that God has things under control and that He will provide. We just need some patience between now and then.