Monday, December 21, 2009

Political Demagoguery

One of the chief authoritarian arguments for government meddling in health care has been the rejection of claims by the 'evil' insurance companies. The American Medical Association has scored this claim with the big winner of the 'evil' title going to ......... the government! That's right, the government rejects most claims on a two year rolling average of 5.5% rejection. Their closet competition for the title of 'evil' is Aetna and Anthem at 4.5% rejection.

Of course, all a politician needs to do is throw the word justice around and no one is willing to challenge the assertion that only government has the necessary solution.

Friday, December 11, 2009

A Modest Proposal

This week, a writer in Canada's Financial Post opined that the primary solution to the world's ills lies in the China one-child policy. She uses phrases like "disastrous global birthrate" "unsustainable" and "overpopulation." These are the typical fear mongering tactics the demagogues use when science is not on their side.

Usually, I chafe at environmental wackos like this, but not this time. I think Diane Francis has a point, thus my modest proposal.

How about all government workers, humanities department academics, and journalists voluntarily adopt a no child policy. I specifically choose these people because they are the non-productive members of our world. They do not contribute to the community in a positive way and they demand the producers support their self-important girth. If we can shrink the amount of resources being poured in to the non-productive sector of society, then we can cut back on the amount of materials required from our natural resources. Thus the land gets a rest, we won't need to listen to these self-important academics, bureaucrats, and journos pontificate about our excess as they jet off to another meeting of the self-admiration society, and resulting plenty can be shared.

Now I know that my proposal will be ignored for two reasons: First, it is not a mandate where the "policy is imposed" so the elites will be denied their control and second, it makes too much sense to cut the unproductive sectors of the world.

UPDATE: Turns out that Diane Francis has two children, Indeed!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Simple Question

Now that the science behind global warming extremism appears to be politically based, who is going to deprogram all the children propagandized over the last 20 years? Heaven knows there are kids with PTSD after watching some poor polar bear doomed by their mommy and daddy driving to work in SUVs.

I will have a later post on the whole who-ha.