Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Ugly Side of Evnironmentalism

Thomas Malthus ventured a guess that the planet would run out of food some 200 years ago as the population increased. He was proved wrong, discredited, and dismissed by most common sense thinkers. However, he did create a cult of idea that persists to this day. I am not sure why, but most holders of Malthusian ideology are enviros. Oh who am I kidding? I do know why they hold this ideology, because they see all humans as a cancer upon the pristine earth (except for the enviros of course!). The BBC aired a show where two professors discussed the problems of overpopulation and the best solutions.

Their solution is problematic in two ways: first it is misanthropic and second it is racist. To wish mass death on people is grotesque and dare I say anti-intellectual. Genocidal dreams belie a deeply entrenched racism. The bird flu is predicted to devastate Asia and the sub-continent. For the benefit of doubt, perhaps these egg-heads see WWI and WWII as the culling of the European heard. I seriously doubt it, but with crazy thinking like this, one never knows the depth of the psychosis.

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