Thursday, September 23, 2010


We cannot let this Gook from Saigon, Vietnam take our seat.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Decalogue

Sorry for the absence; I have been diligently remodeling part of the house. Now back on topic:

There is a series of films by a Polish director Krzysztof Kieślowski that goes by the name. The idea is to put into real life the realities of the Ten Commandments. The series is well done, and the crowning touch is that it all takes place in Communist (read deeply secular) Poland.

On to the question banging about in my head. The first film based on the First Commandment, "You shall have no other gods before me," has a family paying the price for science being their god. In this current age of bringing science and religion into dialogue (I am thinking of Francis Collins and Allister McGrath and Polkinghorne) of which I support wholeheartedly, has Christianity given up too much ground? Specifically, in the Post-modern mindset, is there room to draw a line when it comes to epistemology? Is the Church still willing to call out science when it claims god-like status?