Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Do The Dems Want To Lose?

I do not understand left wing thinking. The Dems have the Repubs over a barrel this election and they cannot gain any traction! The latest idiocy comes from the left wing media pundits who are trying to call McCain racist. The left has so overused racism when slandering a political opponent that the accusation is starting to be ignored. Indeed, Olbermann and Alter held a echo-chamber love fest descrying McCain's criticism of Obamania as racism. Sadly, there are real issues out there to talk about, and proper use of the issues will destroy the Repubs.

This is what happens when you rely on conspiracy theories. On the fringes of both parties are people who believe crazy ideas. I remember listening to some right-ring nut who said the UN was setting up concentration camps in the US. Likewise, the left likes to find 'codewords' and symbols that prove racism. In the 1990's the word was 'character' even though MLK desired character, not color, to be the yardstick of equality. Even though Obama wants to run a post-racial campaign, his media backers are not willing to give up such a prominent tool to run down political opponents.

Dems, you have a do nothing congress, an energy situation that is begging for leadership, an economy that needs leadership, and a electorate waiting for a leader to emerge. McCain recognizes this and has so criticized Obama's readiness to lead. And you scream racism? Do you want to lose? Are you having a bit of buyers remorse after McCain has taken the lead regardless of you dog and pony show around the world?

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