Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Live Blogging the Debate #2

Tonight is town hall style with so-called undecided questioners. I expect to hear McCain asked about his negative campaigning. I also expect to find out in a couple of days that one of the questioners is an Obama supporter.

I think it is a McCain's must-win. The electoral map is 100 points in Obama's favour. If McCain cannot (or will not!) make the case for the financial meltdown being at the feat of terrible liberal policies, the Whitehouse is Obama's. He must connect with the middle class and show that concentrating power in Washington led to strong arm liberal tactics that forced bad loans to be made under threat of government penalties and sanctions. He must show he is a leader and those in Washington who really messed this whole thing up will be held to account.

First question on how to give people money. Obama calls for concentrating power in Washington. Class warfare. Spending more money is Obama's answer.

McCain calls for reform pointing out big debts. Washington gets to buy up home loans. Treasury gets more power to tinker with individuals.

Obama talking about his 95% tax cut and Treasury making sure people have good paying jobs?

McCain: Here we go! Freddie and Fannie the problem. Tried to regulate. Obama and his cronies blocked. Good move

Obama: Does a better job of explaining the credit markets. But he just talked about top down economics. Obama doing CYA. Calling for regulations his party blocked 7 times.

McCain: Basically, saying the same as Obama. Jabs back at Obama. Going for a populous message.

Trust is the next question.
Obama: Talking about cutting spending! What a joke. When GB came into office, there were two more buildings in lower Manhattan. Spend money on health, no cuts there. Investments does not equal cuts. Where is he cutting???

McCain: The bipartisan reformer. Obama is a partisan liberal who wants to spend even more of your money. McCain pointing towards Obama's spending records. McCain on energy independence.

Health, energy, entitlements
McCain: Entitlement reforms depend on bipartisanship. New energy intiatives to keep $700b home. No need to put any asside.

Obama: Energy today based on government investment. Healthcare is broken, unless you're sick. Education? New entitlement?

Sacrifices of Americans
McCain: Cut earmarks, Spending freeze, back to healthcare.

Obama: 911 was an atrocity not tragedy. Looking for a call to service. Talking about conservation of energy. Young people want to serve so Obama wants to organize young people all across the nation.

Debt and Easy Credit
Obama: Again on class warfare. Sending the message of resentment. Wealth distribution was the message.

McCain: good point saying you shouldn't raise taxes on small business that creates jobs. No tax increases.

Unfunded Obligations need reformation now
Obama: Apparently Obama is calling McCain's tax cut a departure from Obama's tax plan. Again with the class hatred by Obama. 30% don't pay taxes so how can he cut 95% of people's taxes?

McCain: Social Security is easy to fix? That's crazy talk. Smartest people in America huh, hope it's not the Freddie Fannie crowd.

Congress moved fast, environmental issues.
McCain: Global warming BS. Clean up, green tech, energy independence.

Obama: New energy economy with 5million jobs. National security issue so we must spend money. Trying to pin oil on McCain.

Manhattan Project on Energy
McCain: government should take the lead and give it off to the private sector. Getting bogged down in Senate voting. Bridge gap between oil and new energy initiatives.

Healthcare as profit, is that bad?
Obama: (My premium is $37 a month). Okay, so government is going to make sure prices are low, how? Uninsured will get money to but government style coverage?

McCain: Obama will fine you if you don't have coverage, that's a bit fascist. McCain plan gives tax rebate so people can shop, less government.

right, privilege, responsibility
McCain: responsibility, people have the right to decide

Obama: right, people must have coverage

US a peacemaker
McCain: America greatest force for good in the world. But what will our economic challenges.

Obama: Iraq a mistake. Budget is under pressure. Darfur is fault of Bush.

Doctrine of Force
Obama: Ethnic cleansing is wrong and we must consider intervention. Lot's of cruelty and need allies. but that was the problem in Rwanda, talking let 800,000 people die.

McCain: Do whatever we can to prevent genocide. Must understand the limits of using force.

US in Pakistan
Obama: Bin Laden in Pakistan because US went to Iraq. Change policy when they are under huge pressure from militants. Killing and crushing bin Laden

McCain: Criticized Obama for not understanding Pakistan situation.

Obama: Followup is foolish

McCain: McCain is the responsible one.

Afghan Situation
Obama: Responsible withdrawal in Iraq and help to Afghan. still promoting democracy

McCain: Same strategy in Afghan as in Iraq. Secure the towns so people can lead normal lives. Petraeus is the man for the job.

McCain: No new cold war. Putin is a thug. Cannot let Putin reconstitute USSR. International pressures and all leverage available.

Obama: Resurgent Russia is an issue. Support is both moral and financial. We must predict the future. Anticipate sounds like preemption with Russia. Did Jimmy Carter just hear that? Evil behavior but not USSR.

McCain: must keep an eye on russia.

Iran Attacks Israel
McCain: No waiting on UN. Cannot let Iran get nukes. Going after Obama's 'no pre-conditions'. Tough sanctions through league of democracies. Cannot allow second holocaust.

Obama: No nukes in Iran. Israel stong ally. Military is on the table. Must prevent this scenario from happening. tighter sanctions. direct talks are not 'no pre-condition' talks. CYA.

What don't you know
Obama: It's that challenges that you don't expect. Now moving to final statment. Wages, healthcare, college money, bad Bush economics. Change!

McCain: Don't know the future of america's challenges at home and around the world. He's the man to lead through difficult times because he's been there. Steady hand.

No Knock out blows. McCain did good but he needed to do more. Obama held his own but he was not authoritative. Overall McCain but does he move up in the polls?

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