Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kudos to Walter Williams

Dr Williams asks a great question. In responding to a Christian who says that Capitalism is anti-Christian by failing to protect the poor, Williams responds:

"If you're an unborn spirit, condemned by God to a life of poverty but allowed to choose the country in which to be poor, would you choose a country near the communist end of the economic spectrum or the capitalist end?"

I think the question answers itself. Being poor in Canada is far better than being poor in Cuba (especially if you complain about the lack of food). Christian Anti-Capitalist movements could not flourish outside of the US and other Capitalistic societies because it requires the productivity of capitalism (which it aims to tear down, no less) and its religious freedoms to fund its temper-tantrum.

Obama Jugend

Here we go again. Can someone please point me to the public school children singing the praises of GW Bush?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Jimmy's Rhetoric

Jimmy Carter is at it again. If he hates your policy stance, he labels you as evil. First it was the election of GW and his writing of his book on the decline of America. Second, it was his dislike of Israel's prevention of terrorism. Finally, it is people demonstrating against big (authoritarian) government. In each case, the people who disagree with Carter are labeled evil. The GW Bush people disregard the rule law and civility, Israel becomes an apartheid state, and now protesters are evil racists.

Here is this man's quote:

I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man. I live in the South, and I've seen the South come a long way, and I've seen the rest of the country that share the South's attitude toward minority groups at that time, particularly African Americans.

And that racism inclination still exists. And I think it's bubbled up to the surface because of the belief among many white people, not just in the South but around the country, that African-Americans are not qualified to lead this great country. It's an abominable circumstance, and it grieves me and concerns me very deeply.

The key to understanding Carter's rhetoric is the first sentence. He (I think purposely) says animosity instead of opposition. Keenly, Carter has now called policy differences hatred. This is a classic progressive left wing tactic. In the more progressive nations, these dissenters are called 'counter revolutionaries' or 'enemies of the people'. Carter just calls them enemies of the (black) President, a definite false witness of who these people are. The intellectual dishonesty of Carter's remarks are founded in the left's belief that the opposition is stupid and unthinking, therefore, no thoughtful policy debate can happen, thus these people must be (insert ad hominem attack here).

The real disservice that Carter does to race relations is to deny the President full access to the arena of ideas. What Carter demonstrates for us is the plantation owner mentality of the left. The left believe that minorities do not have the capacity to compete in America without the direction of government. This is the institutional racism of America, the bigotry of low expectations. I actually think that Carter and the left are afraid of the truly successful Obama, they may start to see an secure voting block think outside the party.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Back When The Nobel Peace Prize Mattered

Norman Borlaug died. He lived 95 years. In 1970, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. If you are still wondering who he is and why he won the prize, I will tell you. Dr Borlaug was a scientist who revolutionized agriculture. He is considered the father of the green revolution. His scientific work led to the development of high yield crops and crops that do well in extreme conditions. His work is credited with saving billions from starvation. This was at the same time people like Paul Ehrlich and his Malthusian counterparts were predicting the end of the world through famine. Dr Borlaug is a real environmentalist, instead of calling for the control of human breeding, he sought out productive ways to support both humans and the planet.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Speaking for the Progressive Left

One of the many Czars had loving things to say about people he disagrees with. Mind you, the republican opposition does not have legitimate beliefs (we know that because the talking heads constantly call republicans stupid, just remember the treatment of GW Bush, Sarah Palin, Dan Quayle, Reagan) so the only reason they stand opposed to progressive lefties is because...take it away Czar.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Trading Reason For Madness

I am generally skeptical of the Human caused theories of Global Warming. I do not think humans can control the climate and it is the utmost hubris to suggest that humans can control the climate. Indeed, climate control is the last gasp of Modern Man's attempt to exert his authority in the name of science. And, because many people saw Algore's farce and believed the propaganda, Western nations are implementing policies that are dubious at best and dangerous at worst.

The prime example is the compact fluorescent light. We are about to put billions of these in circulation and the government is forcing us to buy them. So, based on the speculation of climate modeling, we have increased the risk of mercury poisoning. This is where reason has gone out the window. We know that CFLs contain mercury and must be disposed of in a toxic waste approved way. We know that incandescent lights are tungsten, aluminum, and glass (non-toxic). Yet, because of arrogance, we have traded what we know to be reasonable (the toxic for the non-toxic) for the madness of what we don't know (the future climate).