Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cowboys and Rednecks

The growing discomfort in the intelligentsia and institutional elites is exciting to see. They are having a real problem with Sarah Palin and her popularity. The common slander of men like her is 'cowboy', the connotation being the unthinking gun-toting hot head. I also see this attitude from Christian elitists especially in the academy. Having spent time in this environment, it was surprising to see the bigotry displayed by Christians when it came to simple folk with simple faith. Simple faith is when the believer tends to lean heavily upon the Bible, the pastor and reads theology sparingly due to time constraints or educational constraints. It is this faith that the Christian Elites condescend to at best or ignore, lampoon, and vilify at worst. I have seen all of it, if only anecdotally. An aside, I don't understand how these people can go to church every week knowing their faith is better in God's eyes compared the other 95% of congregants.

My point is that these elites, Christians included, want desperately to call Sarah Palin a redneck or white trash. They live in their elite echo-chambers with no interaction with common people and have lost touch. They are fearful of someone who doesn't march to their drum beat. It comes down to control and the elites know that she is well...common. Controlling the electorate was easy with Obama, lots of words with lots of charisma. Palin is popular because she is doesn't put on airs, shoots straight and doesn't nuance over the heads of the average person. She prays to do God's will. "Fanfare For the Common (Wo)man" was written for people like her.

Some red meat to drive my point home.

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