Saturday, July 25, 2009

Canadian HRC To People

"Your religion is rubbish...fairy stories made up by superstitious anti-intellectual rubes from a by-gone era. If you work for the government, you must deny everything you believe when you enter the government building's front door and follow government orders without question. We support your right to believe what you want (even though it is stupid), but we will not defend your right to live peaceably by your beliefs if it interferes with people we deem more entitled to rights than you."

So, are people going to sue under the HRC when someone cannot perform a government service due to language conflicts? This sounds like a targeted hit on this one man because the two men in question were married by another commissioner. I wonder if someone on the HRC put the couple up to going after this guy because he filed his case 6 months prior to the marriage request. I would not surprise me one bit as the HRC has been shown to be a bully.

Nature...Still Stronger than Humans

A peer reviewed paper has once again confirmed the theory that natural forces are far superior to modern man's pedestrian attempts at climate control. After pumping $80 billion dollars into the the man-made global warming yes-man community, all the USA has to show for it is a really bad documentary from a former vice president. Of course this means nothing in a political culture that is convinced CO2 is humanity's bane. The Academy will continue to publish nonsense because the free flowing cash from world governments is too big a prize to forsake for data supported conclusions. And who wants to be labeled a 'denier'.

In related news, Thomas L Friedman, columnist for the NY Times, lamented the US Cap and Tax bill would not reduce Carbon emissions to the level that (junk) science requires for humans to release control of the environment back to nature. Mr Friedman's estate could not be reached for comment.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Reading Genesis

I have a question regarding Genesis Chapter 3:17.

And to Adam he said,

“Because you have listened to the voice of your wife
and have eaten of the tree
of which I commanded you,
‘You shall not eat of it,’
cursed is the ground because of you;
in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life;

Is the curse highlighted above still in effect? There has been an increased focus on creation in many Christian circles. I like creation, because I am a part of it, and by God's definition a good part of it. Therefore it is in my best interest and my neighbors best interest to learn about creation and how to exploit resources without being rapacious and how to encourage the regenerative processes of nature.

However, I have problems with increased focus on the soteriological and eschatological roles of creation. I am not convinced that nature is fully redeemed and the eschaton is somehow frustrated until humans living in 'balance' with nature. I think Genesis 3:17 is in effect until Jesus returns to renew all things. The wheat and tares will grow up together. So, we will deal with the bad and the bounty of nature until the end of the age.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Shameless Advertisement

Come to Virginia Beach and you will see dolphins, or as we call them porpoise. Sorry about the quality, I was trying to steer the boat and shoot the video while managing two foot seas.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

America...Hands Off Honduras

Using its financial and political weight, the United States is bullying the people of Honduras. In an effort to secure influence over the political process in this sovereign country, the USA along with its political pawns in Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba are demanding the constitution of Honduras be scrapped even as evidence mounts showing the illegal actions of the former president Zelaya. The people of Honduras are being threatened with sanctions that will starve children and keep medical supplies away from the old and sick. We must demand justice from the USA and President Obama before the people of Honduras lose their rightful place as a free and self-determining people. The progressives pulling the strings of the Obama administration seek to set up a puppet government in Honduras which will give the USA unfettered access the regions resources. American hegemony must be resisted in Central America.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Progressives and Identity Politics

Senator Boxer is arrogant and condescending. She treats her position, not as service but as power. In this clip, you will see the way racist white liberals treat black people who have left the plantation. It is a rather disgusting display and Senator Boxer tries desperately to back-peddle. To summarize what you are about to see:

Senator Boxer: Look boy, the other darkies don't agree with you, what's your problem?

Harry Alford: Hey, I am an American citizen here to talk about energy. Don't you dare tell me how to think. This is not Jim Crow and I will not sit in the back of the bus with other black people just because you tell me to.


Saturday, July 11, 2009

This Is Eerily Relevant

In a previous post, I suggested:

Did Gov Palin so explode the heads of the progressive elites with her blue collar background, lack of Ivy League pedigree , and five children (one of whom should never have been born per the progressive's playbook) that the successful-woman template as defined by the left is now in jeopardy?

Judith Warner of the New York Times has put Sarah Palin on the poster for all that is wrong with American culture re: women's status. From her article, "This is why Palin — in her down-home aw-shucks posturing — is the 21st-century face of the backlash against women’s progress. " In context, Warner believes that 'thinking women' pose a threat men and traditional women and are the object of increasing attack in our society. By making this statement, Warner assumes Palin is not thinking, but that has been the Mallick-Dowd hate-filled narrative from the beginning. Palin has not sufficiently thrown off 'teh patriarchy' by only going to Idaho State and joining the Republicans.

What is really kooky about the article is that Warner is trying to defend a university professor who left her 5 children at the mall so she could an incident which happened in 2007. Warner's hate for Sara Palin compels her to write the governor into the piece. Because this woman has a PhD and is not down-home and you-betcha, she was treated harshly? Seems to me this Warner can find a bogey-man under any rock she turns over which is a sad commentary on Judith's state of mind. I cannot imagine Sara Palin opposing any of Warner's success or rights to equality save for abortion, and that is Palin's real sin against the sisterhood (well besides joining the Republicans which is teh Patriarchy).

If I were to speculate about Ms Warner's American paradigm, it would be:

1. The USA is a country of systematic oppression through racism and sexism.
2. Minorities and women can only succeed when the oppressors are brought to heal by the government.
3. The oppressive classes must be constantly scrutinized because through shift and graft, they will seek to turn back the clocks of equality and put people 'in their place.'
4. There are code words that represent oppression eg. responsibility, character, small town values, family values, etc.
5. People like Sarah Palin get where they are, not through hard work, but because they are acceptable to the oppressors and are a token only to deflect criticism.
6. Ms Warner sees her duty to fight a war against a political enemy that is constantly lurking in the shadows, pulling the strings of power.
7. Ms Warner thinks it is society's greatest fault that people do not think like she does and this fact points to the embedded oppression.

I find it sad that Ms Warner is trapped in a world of suspicion and cannot see that the USA has afforded people like Oprah Winfrey, a product of the worst Chicago had to offer in public housing, to become the most powerful woman in media. Or, growing up in segregated Mississippi, Condi Rice can earn a PhD and become Secretary of State. And why is Sara Palin as governor a failure for the womyn? Because she chose a different path, outside of the progressive formula.

Friday, July 10, 2009

When Progressives Are Wrong

...Nobody holds their feet to the fire.

I love listening to NPR as they have some NGO interviewee telling the audience about the most pressing human right, woman's sexual rights. Of course, it is usually advertised as a discussion on teen sexual health and the problems of STDs and pregnancy. Over the past eight years, the narrative has been the Bush admins abstinence programs were terrible failures because 1: kids were going to have sex anyway, and 2: a better equipped teen, emancipated from puritanical sexual morals, is what society really needs. These interviews assumed that abstaining from sex was passe, a bygone standard. But what do you expect from a culture that is fed a false representation of promiscuity from Hollywood every day of the week?

So, Britain invested millions of pounds in a sex education program that gave sex advice and contraception to girls because abstinence will never work. Imagine the surprise on when the proggos got the report that the program led to a doubling of the pregnancy rate for those in the program. Alas, there will be no surprise because the intent is all that matters to the progressive.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

How Does Your Garden Grow?

So here are some pics of the garden. Sorry for the quality of the shots. We have 8 foot tomatoes and spastic zucchini. The cucumbers are growing on the trellis. Watermelon and peppers of all kinds are growing on the left. There is an herb section and some corn off in the distance. The boat, sigh, is being ornery and won't run on a regular basis. I am in the process of fixing it with my brother's help.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Obligatory Palin Post

First off, let me say that I am scratching my head at her decision to resign. Second, leaving office mid stream will not bode her well in the future if there is a future. Finally, I don't know the full reasoning for her resignation.

That said, what is the left-wings reason for their visceral hatred of Gov Palin? Why does the liberal media care about a vice-presidential candidate from the losing ticket? It could be that she drew 30,000 to a speech in New York when the same week VP Biden only drew 100, but if that's the case the lefties sure are insecure. Did Gov Palin so explode the heads of the progressive elites with her blue collar background, lack of Ivy League pedigree , and five children (one of whom should never have been born per the progressive's playbook) that the successful-woman template as defined by the left is now in jeopardy?

From Heather Mallick to Maureen Dowd, the naked hatred for the Governor is not resigned to the nutty fringes. Starting with NBC's Brian Williams from the floor of the GOP convention in 2008 who read directly from Democrat talking points re: criticizing Palin and extending to investigative reports on who was actually Trig's mother, the media has been relentless in its attempts to bring down this any means necessary. I don't get it, but I find it too convenient that the media carries the Democrat bucket in personally destroying this woman while the Dem Party chiefs try to extort all of her money through bogus ethics investigations (14 in the past 9 months costing $500,000 to defend with favorable judgments to date). Sounds like Chicago thuggery to me.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

When a Coup is Not a Coup

Honduras, June 2009.

President Zelaya has been exiled from Honduras at the request of Honduras's Congress, Supreme Court, Electoral Tribunal, attorney general, and national prosecutor. Even his party wanted him gone. Zelaya was attempting to change the Honduran constitution so he could become El Presidente y El Jefe for life. He is only allowed one term under the law. Hugo Chavez, Daniel Ortega, and Fidel Castro are all supporters of this man. Chavez even printed up the referendum ballots and shipped them to Honduras. The military refused to deliver the ballots to the polling places, as is there usual election duties, at the request of the Supreme Court that ruled the referendum illegal. Zelaya insisted on the referendum and was ordered arrested for breaking the law by the Congress and Supreme Court.

I thought a coup was when power transferred in an unconstitutional manner. This appears to have been adjudicated with civilian control of the military intact. So why is the rest of the world calling for Zelaya's return? This seems like meddling to me. I thought meddling in a country's affairs was now passe. Or does that only count when the country is hacking to death its protesters with axes and shooting young girls dead in the street.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

New Masters

According to scientist, the Earth has been taken over by a super colony of ants. In the esteemed words of Kent Brockman, "As for this [man], I welcome our new ant overlords."