Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Grass Roots Populism or semi-Pogromism

I'm thinking here about how disdain for a certain group is taught. Right now, the target is Wall Street, and rightly so. The wall street gang had the responsibility to say 'no!' to Freddie and Fannie who were the #1 securitizers of subprime debt. But, the culture of earning your way to bank VP was disconnected from the anchor of fiduciary duty to protect the markets and people from bad investments.

What I am concerned about is the political hay being made by blaming only greed and ignoring the ongoing power grab. Obama and McCain are doing this. There were bad policy decisions forced on Americans by the government that are going unscrutinized. So, in order to preserve their power, politicians are blaming Wall Street and fomenting hate. Whats more, this class warfare of Obama dividing the country into 95-5 is unacceptable. The more I think about it, class war is semi-pogromism.

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