Monday, September 1, 2008

You Can't Make This Stuff Up

A clear divide has been marked in this Presidential season. Sarah Palin has confirmed that her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. What difference am I talking about? Obama has already declared that he would not want his girls 'punished with a child' if they were to become pregnant. This is one of the reasons he endorses abortion on demand. The Palins see their daughter's pregnancy as a blessing and a responsibility, not a punishment. You don't kill inconvenient babies, you love them and care for them. Palin keeps bringing real life to the ticket, an aspect to national politics that has been absent since JFK. There is a show on TV called 'Tougher in Alaska', I think it was aptly named.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was disturbed to see CNN and many other networks trying to make a big story out of Bristol Palin's pregnancy and putting a 17-year-old girl through such scrutiny. No one else wanted this. This was off-limits to the Democrats too as Obama stated. And James Cargill kept trying to change the subject to get off the topic on Larry King Live and trying to address other issues about Sarah Palin, the candidate herself. Yet King kept pressing the issue -- as did other news reporters in other reports. I heard our news up here call this issue a "headache" for McCain. It is not a headache for McCain but a "headline" for all the networks looking for any kind of juicy story they can milk! The political parties don't want this and neither does the public. Only networks and newspapers that want to make news no matter who it hurts, even a teenage girl.