Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sick and tired of the pro-life attacks

One of the criticisms of Sarah Palin (and I'm pretty sure John McCain as well) that is starting to really annoy me is that she is pro-life/anti-choice. Before i go any further, I'll just state it out right that I am most definitely pro-life. I don't understand how people can see a fetus as anything other than a life being formed. But I don't get why being pro-life is such a detraction for some people!

First of all, the likelihood that any politician or judge is ever going to reverse Roe v. Wade or write a law that outlaws abortion is extremely unlikely.

Secondly, if someone is truly pro-choice, does that not mean that a couple actually has the right to decide either way what they are going to do? To me it seems incredibly hypocritical when someone who is pro-choice objects to someone who chooses to value a baby's life!

Thirdly, does anyone who considering to have or not to have an abortion ever really consider what their vice-president thinks on the subject?? I really don't think anyone thinks that way. No one is that loyal to their vice-president.

I really don't understand why pro-choicers are so upset that someone would think differently then them. It shouldn't matter!


Anonymous said...

I am happy to answer this. As someone who is firmly pro-choice, no one is upset with Sarah Palin for choosing to have a Down's Syndrome child and no one is upset with Bristol Palin's choice to carry her pregnancy to term. As you say, it's Sarah's and Bristol's choice to have or not have children. We're THRILLED that they have the choice.

But make no mistake: Sarah Palin is anti-choice, pro-life, whatever you would like to call it. And what is upsetting about that is that she doesn't want anyone to have the choice whether to carry a pregnancy to term or terminate a pregnancy. There is a very big difference between between personally anti-abortion and wanting your viewpoint enshrined in law for all women.

It's your opinion that Roe v. Wade would never get overturned. Whether that's true, we can never know. But I think it's perfectly valid to be concerned about a potential VP's intentions when it comes to reproductive choice - it may have a very real impact on those of us who wish to maintain our right to make our medical decisions. No one who feels it necessary to have an abortion is going to care what the Vice President thinks, but if the VP is working overtime to overturn Roe v Wade and enact laws/regulations that make it harder for women to access the health care they want...well, it's certainly reason to pay attention.

While I can't speak for all pro-choice people, I would venture to say that none of us care that Sarah Palin thinks differently than us. But we do care that she would like to make her opinion law.

Mac said...

If Palin was running for president, then maybe your concern would be more valid. But a VP doesn't have the same kind of power to enact laws.

Anonymous said...


Your post is so typically leftist. So as long as your view is the law thats ok one with an opposing view is allowed to enact their view into law. By all means hold your view, but if it conflicts with mine then mine wins - thats the left wing view