Monday, September 1, 2008

The Right Type of Woman

Sarah Palin is not going to be endorsed by NOW (National Organization of Women). No surprises here. NOW won't say it up front and out loud, but their endorsement has nothing to do with equality of women in society and has everything to do with abortion rights. Palin is a prima facia feminist ideal. She has the family and the career. She holds the highest office in the land of Alaska (they even kept her salary the same as the previous governors!) and seeks the second highest in the USA. A true story of women's rights and equality.

A quick perusal of various democrat and left wing blogs has proven rich. Palin is the wrong type of woman to represent women. After much verbal gymnastics, it comes down to her impecable human rights record. She believes babies are human and deserve protection unlike Obama and Biden (and Pelosi for that matter). NOW and other feminist groups have staked equality on abortion saying that patriarchy grows out of pregnancy. Unless a woman can control the baby's birth then she is oppressed. Sad. I think Bill Bennet said it well in the context of the Clinton sexual harassment debacle of the 90's, 'as long as you are for abortion you can get away with anything[sexually harassing women].'

Palin will be/is being lampooned as a backwoods gun-toting breeder Christian by the leftist elites. I think this will backfire because Northest sensabilities offend most of the electorate. I think she is the right woman because people can relate to her. She is from small town, she is tough, and aparently does not put up with crap. Her husband is a roughneck union guy who likes to fish and hunt. So who do you relate to more an Ivy League couple and a life long US senator, or a Navy guy and a small town family?

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