Saturday, August 30, 2008

Party, Palin and Polls

The Republican insiders are not going to happy. The blue blood country club repubs had finally found a way to get rid of those pesky conservatives. There is an unpopular (quasi-conservative) president, the dems were getting religious, and John McCain had won the nomination. I guess McCain is nobody's stooge, thus we see him pick a conservative woman who is about as far from Washington as you can get. Now the entrenched Rockefeller repubs have a serious problem. I believe the blue bloods wanted McCain to lose, the party would be in disarray, and the conservatives would be shut out.

I still don't understand McCain and I think he is a poor choice for a candidate, not because he's unqualified, but because I disagree with his liberal tendencies. I think his pick is politically brilliant. I wonder how loud Hillary swore when the pick was announced. I think McCain knows that Obama is the clear favorite even though the polls show a close race. This pick does a few things for McCain: 1. It appeals to Hillary's disaffected voters, 2. It appeals to conservatives who will not vote for McCain as candidate, and 3. It appeals to independents because Palin is way outside the Beltway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have always disagreed on McCain - I wanted him in 2000....but history is history! I think that McCain really appeals and Palin shows why. He is a maverick and so is she. She really is my kind of politician. Tax the oil companies, but don't do what the liberals do ie spend it on government red tape, she gave it directly to the people, a cheque for around $1200 each - now thats what a government is for - best enabling the people to decide what is best. She is just a hockey mum who took on and smashed corruption - I think she is an outstanding person, she has actually lived her pro-life conviction.

I think McCain/Palin is just about as good as a ticket gets - I'm pumped!!