Monday, December 21, 2009

Political Demagoguery

One of the chief authoritarian arguments for government meddling in health care has been the rejection of claims by the 'evil' insurance companies. The American Medical Association has scored this claim with the big winner of the 'evil' title going to ......... the government! That's right, the government rejects most claims on a two year rolling average of 5.5% rejection. Their closet competition for the title of 'evil' is Aetna and Anthem at 4.5% rejection.

Of course, all a politician needs to do is throw the word justice around and no one is willing to challenge the assertion that only government has the necessary solution.

Friday, December 11, 2009

A Modest Proposal

This week, a writer in Canada's Financial Post opined that the primary solution to the world's ills lies in the China one-child policy. She uses phrases like "disastrous global birthrate" "unsustainable" and "overpopulation." These are the typical fear mongering tactics the demagogues use when science is not on their side.

Usually, I chafe at environmental wackos like this, but not this time. I think Diane Francis has a point, thus my modest proposal.

How about all government workers, humanities department academics, and journalists voluntarily adopt a no child policy. I specifically choose these people because they are the non-productive members of our world. They do not contribute to the community in a positive way and they demand the producers support their self-important girth. If we can shrink the amount of resources being poured in to the non-productive sector of society, then we can cut back on the amount of materials required from our natural resources. Thus the land gets a rest, we won't need to listen to these self-important academics, bureaucrats, and journos pontificate about our excess as they jet off to another meeting of the self-admiration society, and resulting plenty can be shared.

Now I know that my proposal will be ignored for two reasons: First, it is not a mandate where the "policy is imposed" so the elites will be denied their control and second, it makes too much sense to cut the unproductive sectors of the world.

UPDATE: Turns out that Diane Francis has two children, Indeed!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Simple Question

Now that the science behind global warming extremism appears to be politically based, who is going to deprogram all the children propagandized over the last 20 years? Heaven knows there are kids with PTSD after watching some poor polar bear doomed by their mommy and daddy driving to work in SUVs.

I will have a later post on the whole who-ha.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Another Perspective on Palin

I read an interesting article trying to explain the left-wing reaction to Sarah Palin. It is one of the best commentaries I have read to date. Sadly, I think it is accurate, not because I am sympathetic towards the former Governor, but because the article finds its critical voice in how Hillary Clinton was treated during the Democrat primaries. I also think it explains the way the McCain campaign treated the Governor as they were worried she would upstage the Senator. Power is the issue with Palin and that scares most of the left and many on the entrenched right. In order to maintain their power, Sarah must be attacked so her supporters see how foolish they are to oppose those in power.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Feeling Rich

Our power has been out for almost 2 days now. The storm dropped many trees, some over power lines. My feeling has nothing to do with electricity, but our lack of it. Thomas Edison said, "We will make electricity so cheap that only the rich will burn candles." I was burning two oil lamps so I could read. I was also burning wood to keep warm.

This caused me to start thinking about what it costs people to light and heat their houses without electricity (that would be a significant portion of the world's population). I spent $15 on wood that will only produce 6 hours of heat. Lamp oil burns slowly, but burning 2 lamps from 5 PM until 10 PM will probably cost a bottle of oil every 3 days. I have not even considered the cost of fueling food preparation. While I have just considered the financial costs, the environmental costs are even more staggering. Can you imagine the smoke pollution from tens of thousands of cooking fires burning every day. Add to that the deforestation required to resource the daily fires and you are looking at shortages within months.

I am thankful for cheap electricity. Electricity lights our homes and keeps our forests standing. It also makes life very manageable. There is a par of me that enjoys the the lack of electricity, but I think that has more to do with my wealth than any deep moral obligation to turn off my electrical appliances. My cheep electricity gives me the option to choose power or no power. I will be sad when the power supply is returned to my home, but it will be short lived as I can once again cook, wash the big pile of clothes stacking up, and heat the house so I don't have to spend $10 each day to have 4 hours of heat in one room. I hope for cheap electricity the world over because it really is a good thing.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Frontline on Healthcare

I watched a television show called "Frontline" last night as its topic was on universal health insurance. The series runs on PBS and is notoriously left-wing in its perspective. Usually, Bill Moyers is the propagandist, but last night it was a different fellow. Sadly, the presenter's bias was easily uncovered. The US health care system was "bad" and the universal insurance systems were "good." The basic arguments presented against US insurance were as follows:

  1. US administrative fees ran at 22% of cost compared to 5-8% in other systems.
  2. US health insurance companies were 'for profit' the other country's' insurers were not.
  3. The US spends 16% of GDP on health whereas the other spent 6-8% of GDP on health.
  4. There are many medical bankruptcies in the US and none anywhere else.
All the topics are good ones to cover, but one would expect some intellectual honesty in the discussion. With each of the topics presented the dialogue seemed to come straight from the Michael Moore guide to screed. The US does this poorly, this other country does so well, why is this? The easy answer was always 'profit'.

Lets pop the profit balloon right now. First, a for profit entity only means that there are equity investors involved at the foundation of the company where year end surpluses may be given to the equity investors (dividends). In a not for profit entity, the year end surpluses are placed in reserves not earnings; there are no dividends, but it is the same thing. These left over earnings in both for and not for profit entities are used to fund future operations.

The second myth on profit is the bottom line. With an insurance industry standard of 2%-6% profit, that will not cause the problems Frontline claims. If the US spends 16% GDP on health care and theoretically the GDP is $100,000, then $16,000 is health costs and of that $320-$960 is profit, or 0.32%-0.96% of GDP is health care profit. As evil as one wants to make profit, the argument is sentimental at best because it carries no water. With profit out of the equation, US health care is 15% of GDP.

Finally, if profit were the true motive of the insurance companies, administrative fees would not be 22%. Administrative fees are the first place any good manager looks to cut costs to increase the bottom line. There must be another reason. The 'Evil of Profit' has become favored the left-wing trope when taking a moral stand.

One topic that the show did not touch upon was medical tort costs which account for 13% of the of health costs. In Germany, medical malpractice insurance is ~$1,400 per year compared to ~$140,000 in the US. The reporter was not ever curious as to why this might be. There is a reason John Edwards lives in an 18,000 square foot home, and health care is expensive in the US. If the show wanted to be fair, the case would have been made that lawyers should not make big profits off of health care in the US.

Overall, the show was incurious emotional propaganda packaged as intellectual argumentation.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Finally, A Judge Has Ruled What We All Know Is True

In the UK, (HT Tim), a judge has ruled that Climate Change Belief is a religion. From now on, I will be referring to this as the Church of CCB with its pope being Al Gore and is Chief Profit being David Suzuki. Apparently, the science is NOT settled and the only way to protect this boil from a healthy lancing is to call it a religion. As for me, I rather enjoyed the apocalyptic narrative that was being force fed to us. Every year the rhetoric became sillier with everything from earthquakes to acne being blamed on global warming. Regent College had a bit about a Lament for the Climate, my lament is for the intellectual climate.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Odds and Ends

Just some random thoughts:

Al Gore has been accused of profiting off of his Global Warming snake oil. His excuse is actually a good one! He wonders why he should not put his money where his mouth is. I agree. Now if he and the left can stop demonizing those who make money in other industries.

Today is election day in a few places. The New Jersey governors race is most interesting. I don't think the republican will win. Why? Because the polls are too tight and in a tight race in the Northeast, the republican ballot box fraudsters are far outnumbers by their democrat counterparts.

I recently read an article by a Christian who remarked that someone was over-housed. I thought the author might be Hugo Chavez, but it was not.

I'm going to vote for a Democrat assemblyman today because the incumbent Republican has been the chief money spender in Virginia for many years and our budget problems are legion (the spending grew faster than inflation and population growth over the past 8 years). I don't expect my vote to change the balance of power in the Assembly, but I hope a new finance chair will be the result.

The evil (so says Pres O!) profiteering health insurance companies make 2-6% income year over year. That's about in line with long term government bonds.

The director of a Texas Planned Parenthood clinic has resigned after watching an ultrasound of an abortion. Good for her.

Friday, October 2, 2009

News Flash

International Olympic Committee wants Obama to Fail:

Pushing aside one of President Obama's job creating plans for America, the IOC has rejected Chicago's Olympic bid. Standing opposed to the new savior of the World (go to the 50 second mark), the IOC has now joined with the Tea Party crowd, the Townhallers, and Rush Limbaugh in opposing Obama. We are waiting on comments from Speaker Pelosi. Will she call the IOC a NAZI organization?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kudos to Walter Williams

Dr Williams asks a great question. In responding to a Christian who says that Capitalism is anti-Christian by failing to protect the poor, Williams responds:

"If you're an unborn spirit, condemned by God to a life of poverty but allowed to choose the country in which to be poor, would you choose a country near the communist end of the economic spectrum or the capitalist end?"

I think the question answers itself. Being poor in Canada is far better than being poor in Cuba (especially if you complain about the lack of food). Christian Anti-Capitalist movements could not flourish outside of the US and other Capitalistic societies because it requires the productivity of capitalism (which it aims to tear down, no less) and its religious freedoms to fund its temper-tantrum.

Obama Jugend

Here we go again. Can someone please point me to the public school children singing the praises of GW Bush?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Jimmy's Rhetoric

Jimmy Carter is at it again. If he hates your policy stance, he labels you as evil. First it was the election of GW and his writing of his book on the decline of America. Second, it was his dislike of Israel's prevention of terrorism. Finally, it is people demonstrating against big (authoritarian) government. In each case, the people who disagree with Carter are labeled evil. The GW Bush people disregard the rule law and civility, Israel becomes an apartheid state, and now protesters are evil racists.

Here is this man's quote:

I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man. I live in the South, and I've seen the South come a long way, and I've seen the rest of the country that share the South's attitude toward minority groups at that time, particularly African Americans.

And that racism inclination still exists. And I think it's bubbled up to the surface because of the belief among many white people, not just in the South but around the country, that African-Americans are not qualified to lead this great country. It's an abominable circumstance, and it grieves me and concerns me very deeply.

The key to understanding Carter's rhetoric is the first sentence. He (I think purposely) says animosity instead of opposition. Keenly, Carter has now called policy differences hatred. This is a classic progressive left wing tactic. In the more progressive nations, these dissenters are called 'counter revolutionaries' or 'enemies of the people'. Carter just calls them enemies of the (black) President, a definite false witness of who these people are. The intellectual dishonesty of Carter's remarks are founded in the left's belief that the opposition is stupid and unthinking, therefore, no thoughtful policy debate can happen, thus these people must be (insert ad hominem attack here).

The real disservice that Carter does to race relations is to deny the President full access to the arena of ideas. What Carter demonstrates for us is the plantation owner mentality of the left. The left believe that minorities do not have the capacity to compete in America without the direction of government. This is the institutional racism of America, the bigotry of low expectations. I actually think that Carter and the left are afraid of the truly successful Obama, they may start to see an secure voting block think outside the party.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Back When The Nobel Peace Prize Mattered

Norman Borlaug died. He lived 95 years. In 1970, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. If you are still wondering who he is and why he won the prize, I will tell you. Dr Borlaug was a scientist who revolutionized agriculture. He is considered the father of the green revolution. His scientific work led to the development of high yield crops and crops that do well in extreme conditions. His work is credited with saving billions from starvation. This was at the same time people like Paul Ehrlich and his Malthusian counterparts were predicting the end of the world through famine. Dr Borlaug is a real environmentalist, instead of calling for the control of human breeding, he sought out productive ways to support both humans and the planet.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Speaking for the Progressive Left

One of the many Czars had loving things to say about people he disagrees with. Mind you, the republican opposition does not have legitimate beliefs (we know that because the talking heads constantly call republicans stupid, just remember the treatment of GW Bush, Sarah Palin, Dan Quayle, Reagan) so the only reason they stand opposed to progressive lefties is because...take it away Czar.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Trading Reason For Madness

I am generally skeptical of the Human caused theories of Global Warming. I do not think humans can control the climate and it is the utmost hubris to suggest that humans can control the climate. Indeed, climate control is the last gasp of Modern Man's attempt to exert his authority in the name of science. And, because many people saw Algore's farce and believed the propaganda, Western nations are implementing policies that are dubious at best and dangerous at worst.

The prime example is the compact fluorescent light. We are about to put billions of these in circulation and the government is forcing us to buy them. So, based on the speculation of climate modeling, we have increased the risk of mercury poisoning. This is where reason has gone out the window. We know that CFLs contain mercury and must be disposed of in a toxic waste approved way. We know that incandescent lights are tungsten, aluminum, and glass (non-toxic). Yet, because of arrogance, we have traded what we know to be reasonable (the toxic for the non-toxic) for the madness of what we don't know (the future climate).

Monday, August 31, 2009

Ted Kennedy's Legacy

We have heard how much Ted loved the oppressed and downtrodden. His tireless political career centered around getting a fair shake for the little guy...unless the little guy lived under the boot of the former USSR. Kennedy, supporter of the weak and champion of our common humanity, saw political opportunity in cutting a deal with the former Evil Empire to undercut his own President. Never mind that the Soviet Union was the touchstone for injustice, it was their intentions on being a worker's paradise that only matters to the progressive. I am sure the people of Russia,Ukraine et. al. are glad Teddy K was wrong.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Burning the Reichstag

There was vandalism at the Denver office of the Dem Party. The hot-headed townhallers were originally blamed. Turns out a young lefty was behind the destruction.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Correcting Some Errors

St Augustine published his Retraciones, so I will put right some improper opinion.

1. I have roundly criticized the Bush Admin for creating the TSA. These are the people who run the airport screenings. My criticism had to do with the frisking and strip searching of the elderly. Logic would say that these people were not terrorists and should not sap valuable resources away from the search for real people seeking to do harm. Was I ever wrong! After this last August, we have not discovered that these old people are domestic terrorists. The left has exposed the great underbelly of the USA, just look at the guy in the picture...terrorist thug.

2. Ted Kennedy is an upstanding fellow. He is always concerned for the other person. Whether its Mary Jo Koepechne, or his constituents, there has never be a self serving bone in the Senior Senator from Massachusetts. Why, just last week he wrote a letter to Gov Deval Patrick asking for a speedy transition to find his replacement as Kennedy is quickly dying from his cancer. The current law of Mass call for a special election which could take as long as 5 months...time that this Senate cannot afford to be without a senator. Never you mind that Kennedy had the law changed 4 years ago to a special election so that Republican Gov Romney could not appoint Sen Kerry's replacement had he won the 2004 Presidential Election. Nothing to see here...for the children, justice!

3. I have been wrong to question the propriety of the health reform legislation being discussed by the current Congress (and lobbied for by the current President). There will be no bureaucracy which determines how to administer care. There will be no health-care-based limitations placed upon people due to weight, smoking habits, and diet. The President and members of Congress have never said they are pushing towards a single payer government system. Individuals will not be fined $2500 for refusing the government mandates. The IRS will not be used to garnish bank accounts. Why can I say this...because there is no final bill being debated, so I should just shut up with my opinions and stop being an un-American dissenter (I am still waiting for my check from the insurance industry, they promised to pay me and bus me to townhall meetings).

4. Dissent is not just un-American, it is racist. Just this last week, pundits have declared political debate and activism to be racist. From Paul Krugman and Joel Klein in the media to NY Gov Paterson, the only reason one opposes the government is due to racism. Two reasons: The Pres is black so any opposition is race based, and minorities will benefit under health reform so opposition is race based (never mind that poor whites far outnumber poor minorities in real numbers).

5. Only right wingers can be compared to jack-boots. This was fully acceptable during Bush's term as protest after protest compared the Bush cabinet to Nazis and called for his assassination (scroll down a bit to see the placards, if you really want to be disgusted continue to peruse the linked site, but I warn you, the pics are not safe for people with easily upset stomachs). Now that the Repubs are out of power, rhetorical extremism is passe and too vile?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Proverbs 27.15

A nagging wife is like water going drip-drip-drip on a rainy day. How can you keep her quiet? Have you ever tried to stop the wind or ever tried to hold a handful of oil?

This article is too funny.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Gordon Brown's Foolish Greed

Left wing politicians love to levy taxes. If the tax targets 'the rich', even better. Britain's PM and Liberal party have raised the top tax rate to 50% on everyone who make 150,000 pounds or more a year. We can all agree that seeing the rich as money machines is fair and just. Demanding more from them should never be an issue. There is a problem brewing and it is not just with the top earners. Top Premier League footballers are leaving for other clubs around Europe. I don't know much about Premier League football, but I do know that the fans take their teams seriously. The fans are from every economic class and they will get angry if their teams hemorrhage players and start to lose games because of Mr Browns left wing lust for more revenue.

Friday, August 7, 2009

When Dissent is Inconvenient

Americans are outraged. The federal government is out of control in its spending. 2 industries have been nationalized. Finally, the health care debate has been duplicitous and the people are starting to see through the politicians' doublespeak. At town hall meetings across the country, angry citizens are challenging the politicians. The liberals and the media have called these protests 'fake' and 'angry mobs' sponsored by the insurance industry. The protesters are too well dressed to be serious Americans.

I think the real problem is the unexpected nature of the protests. Conservatives usually have jobs to go to or businesses to run and don't waste time carrying placards and shouting slogans and liberals know that. However, things are a bit different. These protesters are using tried and true left-wing protest tactics and this has the Dems frustrated. Only Conservatives should be shouted down or intimidated off the stage because only conservatives stand for injustice. So, as a reactionary measure, the Dems are bringing their union muscle to silence dissent.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

It's Time to Regulate

There are two industries in the USA that have carte blanche to operate in any manner they see fit.

First the Movie Industry: Try to get a refund if the movie is bad. This is the last vestige of unregulated buyer-beware commerce in our society. Oh sure, the ratings and review industry tells the viewer what content is there, but every person has an opinion. If I don't like a product I buy at Target, I take it back for a refund. Inevitably someone will like that product. Where is our Ralph Nader to declare movies 'unsafe at any (shutter) speed!'

Second the Trial Lawyers: Just as the combined Attorney's General of many states sued Big Tobacco for the increased health costs due to tobacco use, it is now time to sue Big Law for the increased health costs due to frivolous law suits and decadent lifestyles. Perhaps Pres O! should limit lawyer pay as he seeks to limit executive pay or maybe the congress can pay a 70% tax on lawyer fees associated with health care lawsuits to pay for 'health care reform.'

It is time to reign in these out of control industries that abuse the consumer and earn their ill gotten gains off the backs of the common worker.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Good Primer On Left Wing Agit Prop

The writer is a former propagandist from the USSR. He does a good job of explaining the provenance of current left wing anti-capitalist anti-west thinking. It is a two part series and a long read. Part 1. Part 2. Ignore the writers focus on the current president, it is irrelevant to the history.

I think there is criticism to be made of the West, but let's have original criticism. I am tired of the rent-a-mob crowds that show up to a Noam Chomsky rally parroting the same anti-capitalism lines given them by hardcore leftwingers 50 years ago. From the article, do you recognize these arguments particularly #6 and #9?:

Generated in the depths of KGB think tanks, the Cold War-era propaganda template is comprised of the following linked axioms:

1. Socialism is “progress.”

2. Aversion to “progress” is a sign of outmoded backward thinking.

3. All forward-thinking people are leftists.

4. Leftists always speak for all people.

5. People always unanimously support leftist leaders.

6. Leftists are always under assault from the well-organized capitalist enemy.

7. All workers and peasants hate capitalist exploiters.

8. Armed resistance to a leftist government can only conceivably be staged by CIA agents in the service of American imperialism.

9. Capitalists engage in relentless anti-socialist propaganda, subversion, and sabotage; they will commit any crime in order to kill hope and prevent the masses from liberation.

10. The dying non-socialist sector of the world is run by a criminal conspiracy of capitalist oligarchs operating from the United States (and sometimes from Israel when appropriate).

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Episcopal Irrelevence

The Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church USA has declared salvation the great Western Heresy. More specifically, she thinks that the message of personal salvation has led the all the ills that plague the Western World. The financial crisis and the degraded environment can all be laid at the feet of the western notion of the individual (never mind the crushing poverty and environmental disasters of collectivist societies).

Where the Bishop will get some support from me concerns the 'cheap grace' aspect of certain salvation philosophies. Blabbing a sentence in no way gets me access to God. Likewise, it is wrong for the Bishop to think that salvation is the act of the community. That means there are human gate keepers...our betters who decide what salvation looks like. This is the Marxist heresy. Both philosophies are wrong because salvation alone is the work of the Holy Spirit and the Church has recognized this fact through the ages.

Because Jefferts-Schori is firmly rooted in systematic analysis of all things, she cannot name the one ancient affliction that has plagued humanity for all time, Sin. She sees history as a compilation of bad communities that have let down their constituents because of systematic injustice. So to her, greed and rapacious appetites are the function of an ill ordered community instead of the deep workings of a corrupt heart. By rejecting the salvation of the individual and the responsibility of that person to seek after God's kingdom, the Bishop has not addressed the main cause of injustice in the world...the evil of sin in the heart of every human.

The followers of Christ, from the 12 disciples on, has been a community of radical volunteerism. Radical because it calls for immediate allegiance to a way of life that is contrary to the human systems of the fallen world. Voluntary, because it is the work of the Holy Spirit on the believer's heart, not the compulsion of a neighbor (or the purchase of indulgences for the church community) that brings one to the Kingdom.

I suggest the Very Right Rev. stop reading her liberation theology books and start reading the classics to find the salvation of the individual in Roman times (St. Augustine) and Alexander Solzhenitsyn to find the line of evil that passes through every human heart. Indeed, if she reads the Gospels, she will see Jesus interacting with people in a personal way, not talking about concepts of political organization or abstract principles of ordered systems except to mock James and John who wanted prestige. Concerning moral superiority, Jesus said it was His Kingdom vs. all the rest, and he was speaking in an adversarial manner. Concerning prosperity, the Kingdom of God is like a pearl of great price.

Here is the great irony of this Bishop's statement. She has just poked the eye of at least 575,000,000 Christians. There is not much ecumenism or community bonding going on.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

What Say You, Regent College?

The collective moan at Regent College when I attended always centered around how G W Bush and the religious right were bringing Church and State too close together. This 'religious right' wanted theocracy blah, blah, blah. Anyhow, the right kind of Christian is now the Pres of the USA which leads me to ask about this picture. How will Regent respond? I am sure there will be a feigned demure attitude, but deep in the hearts of many there will be a secret joy.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Canadian HRC To People

"Your religion is rubbish...fairy stories made up by superstitious anti-intellectual rubes from a by-gone era. If you work for the government, you must deny everything you believe when you enter the government building's front door and follow government orders without question. We support your right to believe what you want (even though it is stupid), but we will not defend your right to live peaceably by your beliefs if it interferes with people we deem more entitled to rights than you."

So, are people going to sue under the HRC when someone cannot perform a government service due to language conflicts? This sounds like a targeted hit on this one man because the two men in question were married by another commissioner. I wonder if someone on the HRC put the couple up to going after this guy because he filed his case 6 months prior to the marriage request. I would not surprise me one bit as the HRC has been shown to be a bully.

Nature...Still Stronger than Humans

A peer reviewed paper has once again confirmed the theory that natural forces are far superior to modern man's pedestrian attempts at climate control. After pumping $80 billion dollars into the the man-made global warming yes-man community, all the USA has to show for it is a really bad documentary from a former vice president. Of course this means nothing in a political culture that is convinced CO2 is humanity's bane. The Academy will continue to publish nonsense because the free flowing cash from world governments is too big a prize to forsake for data supported conclusions. And who wants to be labeled a 'denier'.

In related news, Thomas L Friedman, columnist for the NY Times, lamented the US Cap and Tax bill would not reduce Carbon emissions to the level that (junk) science requires for humans to release control of the environment back to nature. Mr Friedman's estate could not be reached for comment.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Reading Genesis

I have a question regarding Genesis Chapter 3:17.

And to Adam he said,

“Because you have listened to the voice of your wife
and have eaten of the tree
of which I commanded you,
‘You shall not eat of it,’
cursed is the ground because of you;
in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life;

Is the curse highlighted above still in effect? There has been an increased focus on creation in many Christian circles. I like creation, because I am a part of it, and by God's definition a good part of it. Therefore it is in my best interest and my neighbors best interest to learn about creation and how to exploit resources without being rapacious and how to encourage the regenerative processes of nature.

However, I have problems with increased focus on the soteriological and eschatological roles of creation. I am not convinced that nature is fully redeemed and the eschaton is somehow frustrated until humans living in 'balance' with nature. I think Genesis 3:17 is in effect until Jesus returns to renew all things. The wheat and tares will grow up together. So, we will deal with the bad and the bounty of nature until the end of the age.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Shameless Advertisement

Come to Virginia Beach and you will see dolphins, or as we call them porpoise. Sorry about the quality, I was trying to steer the boat and shoot the video while managing two foot seas.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

America...Hands Off Honduras

Using its financial and political weight, the United States is bullying the people of Honduras. In an effort to secure influence over the political process in this sovereign country, the USA along with its political pawns in Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba are demanding the constitution of Honduras be scrapped even as evidence mounts showing the illegal actions of the former president Zelaya. The people of Honduras are being threatened with sanctions that will starve children and keep medical supplies away from the old and sick. We must demand justice from the USA and President Obama before the people of Honduras lose their rightful place as a free and self-determining people. The progressives pulling the strings of the Obama administration seek to set up a puppet government in Honduras which will give the USA unfettered access the regions resources. American hegemony must be resisted in Central America.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Progressives and Identity Politics

Senator Boxer is arrogant and condescending. She treats her position, not as service but as power. In this clip, you will see the way racist white liberals treat black people who have left the plantation. It is a rather disgusting display and Senator Boxer tries desperately to back-peddle. To summarize what you are about to see:

Senator Boxer: Look boy, the other darkies don't agree with you, what's your problem?

Harry Alford: Hey, I am an American citizen here to talk about energy. Don't you dare tell me how to think. This is not Jim Crow and I will not sit in the back of the bus with other black people just because you tell me to.


Saturday, July 11, 2009

This Is Eerily Relevant

In a previous post, I suggested:

Did Gov Palin so explode the heads of the progressive elites with her blue collar background, lack of Ivy League pedigree , and five children (one of whom should never have been born per the progressive's playbook) that the successful-woman template as defined by the left is now in jeopardy?

Judith Warner of the New York Times has put Sarah Palin on the poster for all that is wrong with American culture re: women's status. From her article, "This is why Palin — in her down-home aw-shucks posturing — is the 21st-century face of the backlash against women’s progress. " In context, Warner believes that 'thinking women' pose a threat men and traditional women and are the object of increasing attack in our society. By making this statement, Warner assumes Palin is not thinking, but that has been the Mallick-Dowd hate-filled narrative from the beginning. Palin has not sufficiently thrown off 'teh patriarchy' by only going to Idaho State and joining the Republicans.

What is really kooky about the article is that Warner is trying to defend a university professor who left her 5 children at the mall so she could an incident which happened in 2007. Warner's hate for Sara Palin compels her to write the governor into the piece. Because this woman has a PhD and is not down-home and you-betcha, she was treated harshly? Seems to me this Warner can find a bogey-man under any rock she turns over which is a sad commentary on Judith's state of mind. I cannot imagine Sara Palin opposing any of Warner's success or rights to equality save for abortion, and that is Palin's real sin against the sisterhood (well besides joining the Republicans which is teh Patriarchy).

If I were to speculate about Ms Warner's American paradigm, it would be:

1. The USA is a country of systematic oppression through racism and sexism.
2. Minorities and women can only succeed when the oppressors are brought to heal by the government.
3. The oppressive classes must be constantly scrutinized because through shift and graft, they will seek to turn back the clocks of equality and put people 'in their place.'
4. There are code words that represent oppression eg. responsibility, character, small town values, family values, etc.
5. People like Sarah Palin get where they are, not through hard work, but because they are acceptable to the oppressors and are a token only to deflect criticism.
6. Ms Warner sees her duty to fight a war against a political enemy that is constantly lurking in the shadows, pulling the strings of power.
7. Ms Warner thinks it is society's greatest fault that people do not think like she does and this fact points to the embedded oppression.

I find it sad that Ms Warner is trapped in a world of suspicion and cannot see that the USA has afforded people like Oprah Winfrey, a product of the worst Chicago had to offer in public housing, to become the most powerful woman in media. Or, growing up in segregated Mississippi, Condi Rice can earn a PhD and become Secretary of State. And why is Sara Palin as governor a failure for the womyn? Because she chose a different path, outside of the progressive formula.

Friday, July 10, 2009

When Progressives Are Wrong

...Nobody holds their feet to the fire.

I love listening to NPR as they have some NGO interviewee telling the audience about the most pressing human right, woman's sexual rights. Of course, it is usually advertised as a discussion on teen sexual health and the problems of STDs and pregnancy. Over the past eight years, the narrative has been the Bush admins abstinence programs were terrible failures because 1: kids were going to have sex anyway, and 2: a better equipped teen, emancipated from puritanical sexual morals, is what society really needs. These interviews assumed that abstaining from sex was passe, a bygone standard. But what do you expect from a culture that is fed a false representation of promiscuity from Hollywood every day of the week?

So, Britain invested millions of pounds in a sex education program that gave sex advice and contraception to girls because abstinence will never work. Imagine the surprise on when the proggos got the report that the program led to a doubling of the pregnancy rate for those in the program. Alas, there will be no surprise because the intent is all that matters to the progressive.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

How Does Your Garden Grow?

So here are some pics of the garden. Sorry for the quality of the shots. We have 8 foot tomatoes and spastic zucchini. The cucumbers are growing on the trellis. Watermelon and peppers of all kinds are growing on the left. There is an herb section and some corn off in the distance. The boat, sigh, is being ornery and won't run on a regular basis. I am in the process of fixing it with my brother's help.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Obligatory Palin Post

First off, let me say that I am scratching my head at her decision to resign. Second, leaving office mid stream will not bode her well in the future if there is a future. Finally, I don't know the full reasoning for her resignation.

That said, what is the left-wings reason for their visceral hatred of Gov Palin? Why does the liberal media care about a vice-presidential candidate from the losing ticket? It could be that she drew 30,000 to a speech in New York when the same week VP Biden only drew 100, but if that's the case the lefties sure are insecure. Did Gov Palin so explode the heads of the progressive elites with her blue collar background, lack of Ivy League pedigree , and five children (one of whom should never have been born per the progressive's playbook) that the successful-woman template as defined by the left is now in jeopardy?

From Heather Mallick to Maureen Dowd, the naked hatred for the Governor is not resigned to the nutty fringes. Starting with NBC's Brian Williams from the floor of the GOP convention in 2008 who read directly from Democrat talking points re: criticizing Palin and extending to investigative reports on who was actually Trig's mother, the media has been relentless in its attempts to bring down this any means necessary. I don't get it, but I find it too convenient that the media carries the Democrat bucket in personally destroying this woman while the Dem Party chiefs try to extort all of her money through bogus ethics investigations (14 in the past 9 months costing $500,000 to defend with favorable judgments to date). Sounds like Chicago thuggery to me.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

When a Coup is Not a Coup

Honduras, June 2009.

President Zelaya has been exiled from Honduras at the request of Honduras's Congress, Supreme Court, Electoral Tribunal, attorney general, and national prosecutor. Even his party wanted him gone. Zelaya was attempting to change the Honduran constitution so he could become El Presidente y El Jefe for life. He is only allowed one term under the law. Hugo Chavez, Daniel Ortega, and Fidel Castro are all supporters of this man. Chavez even printed up the referendum ballots and shipped them to Honduras. The military refused to deliver the ballots to the polling places, as is there usual election duties, at the request of the Supreme Court that ruled the referendum illegal. Zelaya insisted on the referendum and was ordered arrested for breaking the law by the Congress and Supreme Court.

I thought a coup was when power transferred in an unconstitutional manner. This appears to have been adjudicated with civilian control of the military intact. So why is the rest of the world calling for Zelaya's return? This seems like meddling to me. I thought meddling in a country's affairs was now passe. Or does that only count when the country is hacking to death its protesters with axes and shooting young girls dead in the street.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

New Masters

According to scientist, the Earth has been taken over by a super colony of ants. In the esteemed words of Kent Brockman, "As for this [man], I welcome our new ant overlords."

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Jeff Gannon Redux

Does anyone remember Jeff Gannon and his alleged fake, planted question for President GW Bush? The media went daft over the softball question bemoaning the decline professional standards of the press at the hands of the Bush White House. Yesterday, the Obama White House planted a question with the knowledge of the whole White House press corps using the Huffington Post reporter Nico Pitney. But this is okay because its the chosen O!ne. Is there anyone in the press who will say no to this administration?

Tonight is the ABC sponsored White House anouncement of America's journey to government medicine. Once again, Obama is using the Chavez playbook on how to get on primetime television using a complicit media to force his agenda.


Apparently, the new foreign policy of the USA is isolation. The President said he did not want to meddle in the affairs of other countries so they could not blame the US for their own problems. I am sympathetic to this view but not for the same reasons. I don't want other Western countries to blame the US for the problems in other countries. This has been the prima facia argument against the US used by the progressive Western politicians and left-wing activists for the last 40 years. If the US is not involved, then oppression is not as distasteful to these intellectual sophists. Left-wing icon Noam Chomski famously declared the Cambodian genocide was not as bad becuase of:
"a seriously distorted version of the evidence available, emphasizing alleged Khmer Rouge atrocities and downplaying or ignoring the crucial U.S. role, direct and indirect, in the torment that Cambodia has suffered."
As we know now, it was the communist thugs of the Khmer Rouge who killed millions of people, not the USA's 'invisible hand' that left-wing conspirators love to point to when their ideological chums massacre people. I find a dark comedy where left-wing human rights atrocities are blamed on some form or capitalistic imperialism...either comedy or psychosis.

So, I welcome the isolation. The UN can go back to strongly condemning and then turning a blind eye to oppression. After a few hundred thousand are killed they can convene reconciliation councils and the Western progressive intellectuals can tut-tut the tribalism and religious dogmas that sparked such violence and call for an end to intolerance by passing some new declaration on human rights before heading off to their cocktail parties where they play nice to the next despot who is arming their militia (with Chinese or Russian AK-47s and RPG's) to kill their political rivals and associated tribes in the name of justice.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Human Rights Catastrophe Known as Jimmy Carter

The more I read about this man, the more I find out just how much human misery has come about as a result of his actions. This brings me to my question: Why do people gush over this man? I am thinking about doing a 15 part series on the dictators who Carter has sidled up to. Disturbingly, many (left leaning) Christians point to this man as some model of compassion in leadership. I would suggest that this man's compassion (as best as I can define means talking nicely to dictators) is based on political ideological grounds that have been baptized as Christian.

Today, I point to Robert Mugabe a man of blood lust power. Did you know that Jimmy Carter and Andrew Young (UN Ambassador for the USA) supported this guy? Indeed, the elected moderate Bishop Muzorewa was seen as a Western stooge and a vestige of colonial rule even though he was duly elected in a free election. But because the Soviet and China funded and armed generals were not in the election, the lefties of the world cried foul (along with the other Marxist supported dictators of sub-Saharan Africa). Andrew Young liked the brutal junta men of Nkomo and Mugabe even calling them kind and gentle.

Here's the problem, Muzorewa was anti-Marxist. He was one of those people accused by the left of leading the world to war by being mean to communists. In this time of Detente, the group speak claimed the anti-Marxists were causing the Marxists to kill people. Basically, the Marxists were throwing their murderous tantrums because the mean older brother of Western Capitalism refused to let the Marxists have their time in the toy bin. So under immense pressure from the left, Muzorewa was overthrown and Mugabe put in place for life (you know democratically, like Castro).

So, now we have a new election in 2008 where Mugabe looses yet retains power. We have a Zimbabwe that cannot feed its people. We have a currency that is a joke which means hard assets are required for any sort of trade...which means no food because the new land policies have ruined farming and no one accepts Zim dollars. Thanks Jimmy! I am glad America has lost this value.

Good Craic and Bad Theology

This is a great article on how the academics hoax each other. My favorite line:

[T]o put it another way, he argued that the traditional concept of gravity was just a capitalist fiction that would be made irrelevant by the socialist/feminist/relativist theory of 'quantum gravity.'
Now for the bad theology. Some open theists have used quantum theory to buttress God's limited capacity to foresee randomness. I hope the purveyors of this thinking were not the victims of a hoax because some of their arguments stem from a 'social construct' perspective arguing that God's omniscience is the product of human history not revelation.

I found this hoax to be hilarious on many levels. Of particular delight was the hoax title, "Transgressing the Boundaries: Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity." How many theology papers have I read that said 'Transformative Hermeneutic?'

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Cognitive Dissonance

Some things that I have heard in the media recently:

-Osama Bin Laden's latest tape is no big deal because the head of Al-Quaida is a has been and the Muslim world doesn't pay attention to him anymore because of Barack Obama. A has been? Didn't we ignore OBL in the 1990's?

-The economy is coming back never mind the jobs shed and out-of-control deficit spending. At least the Chinese economic students in Beijing knew to laugh at Treas. Sec. Geitner when he said such things.

-Sen. Leheay (Dem-VT) has ridiculed the treatment of Judge Sotomayor as racist. Yeah, well how does the Honorable Senator explain his treatment of Clarence Thomas, Miguel Estrada, Alberto Gonzalez, and Janice Rogers Brown.

-8 months ago, the media narrative concerning GM and Chrysler was 'no to bankruptcy' because no one would buy the cars or do warranty work. So what has changed other than the government has nationalized the two companies and politically driven the two company's restructuring? Now the media is doing puff pieces on how the gov't is, dare I say...savior of the auto industry.

-Finally, there were two (domestic) terrorist events in the US on Sunday and Monday of this week. I bet most people can only name one. BTW, the under-reported event follows in a string of similar attacks over the last 7 years taking place in Washington, Los Angeles, Seattle, and Chapel Hill.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

The Benefits of Opaque Transparency

The current POTUS promised transparency in his administration. The blinds would be open to whoever wished to peer in the window. Bills would be posted online for 5 days prior to signature, policy meetings would be open, and the kangaroo courts would be televised as the enemies of the revolution were tried and denounced. I digress.

Chrysler has been taken over by the Democrats in Government. Hundreds of dealerships were summarily closed. No one can explain the closure process and the White House disclaims any involvement even though the administration appointed a 'Car Czar,' the Pres personally derided bondholders for not taking his deal, and the White House pressured the bankruptcy court to fast-track the Chrysler reorganization.

Some people are digging into the closure results based upon a political analysis. The results are telling. I hope the assertions are unfounded.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

More Tax News

Revenue to the IRS plunged by 34% in April when turnover is compared year to year. We all know that the economy is suffering, so tax revenues will naturally fall. But, the big and never reported story is the main reason for the decline. The US has tied its revenue cart to the super-wealthy. I have banged this drum many times in the past, but as the Rev J Wright likes to say, "America's chickens are coming home to roost."

The redistributionist tax code of the USA is manageable in the good times. We take 40% from the top 1% and distribute it to the bottom 45% through tax credits and services. The problem occurs when companies lose money and capital gains turn into capital losses. Many of the top 1% are small business owners who pay taxes based on their company's income. No income, no taxes! Yet the government keeps spending (or in this case increases spending!). When 40% of the revenue is tied to a very small group, you court disaster.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bigotry on Display

“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life,” said Judge Sotomayor, who is now considered to be near the top of President Obama’s list of potential Supreme Court nominees. (NYTIMES 5/15/09)

Obama has made his choice, and one need not twist sentences and deconstruct 'code words' to know this woman is a bigot. Simply read the above quote. This stuff really frustrates me. This justice says the white men (the hated enemy of progressive academia, politics, and religion) do not have rich experiences and therefore cannot reach better [more just] decisions than a Latina woman. This is hate speech by the progressives own definition of the term with one major exception, the target is acceptably hated. Good grief, one hundred years ago, these same vacuous arguments were being made to limit women's suffrage.

Can someone please explain to me why this is an acceptable ideology for a Supreme? This is not a joke at some roast where stupidity is de rigueur. This is not some off-colour comment made at a dinner to get under someones skin. This is a speech made at a Law School and therefore is representative of judicial policy.

Justice Sotomayor will not make a good justice precisely because she elevates her race, class, and gender above everyone else. I reject her Balkanized philosophy as it has no place in the American experience. I condemn her racism as the tool of thoughtless bullies represented by the likes of Bull Connor and George Wallace. I condemn her stereotyping of a people-group for many a tyrant has used this tactic to justify oppression.

Monday, May 25, 2009

UN Decisive Action

On Monday, N Korea detonated its second nuclear weapon in a test designed to show the world that starvation is no inhibitor of tyranny. Taking counsel from Barry O! who called for action from the international community, the UN quickly convened to take up two resolutions: 1. To soundly condemn N Korean actions and 2. To forget the whole thing happened by Tuesday because they need to quickly return to controlling the global climate and coddling other, less-bad dictators.

Because the recent N Korean violation has triggered "a firm response" reaction from the UN, the stationary used to write the letter of condemnation will have the facsimile of a clinched fist as the UN's official signature. They really, really, really mean it this time! Take that Dear Leader (Kim not O!).

Meanwhile, the NY Time, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC and others all ran a reprise of Barry O's! great foreign policy victory over 4 teenage boys, I mean pirates, off the Horn of Africa.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Social Welfare and the Environment

Europe, the model for social welfare government programs, has a problem. In order to pay for the lavish benefits offered to citizens, there must be enough people paying taxes into the treasury. The problem occurs as spending rises and more jobs must be created to pay more taxes which means more immigration, larger cities, and dreaded encroachment. Europe is facing a shrinking animal habitat. So, once again we see progressive left-wing ideas at odds with a sustainable environment.

Friday, May 15, 2009

A Question

I have been trying to determine how the word 'injustice' is defined particularly the far left progressive definition. In my reading and listening to 'social justice' types, what I think of as personal responsibility, the far left progressives define as a traditional, systemic, and willful oppression of 'fill in the blank with your special interest'. Specifically, the progressives see the idea of personal responsibility as a bludgeon used by the powerful and integrated into all of society's systems to keep people down. Broadly put, if I make a mess, then it is unjust to assume I will suffer the mess because the traditional, systemic, and willful oppression of society is mostly responsible for my mess and therefore must be made to pay to clean that mess and afterwords be torn down so the mess never happens again. Am I crazy to think this?

More Canadian Fallout

So Canada, bad ole Bush is gone and with him American hubris and hegemony. You were told not to believe the 'rumours' about Obama limiting trade between our two countries. You got your favoured candidate and guess what, he meant what he said about limiting trade. I wish I was there to hear the Toronto chatter about this latest outrage. Most of all, I want to hear how this is all being blamed on Bush and neocons.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I want to make up a new word. It is based on an experiment run by a university student. Having read the story, I propose a few definitions.

Fitzgerald v. - Purposely planting bogus information expecting the media to believe it. This works best with issues the media find tedious and wish to do as little as possible fact-checking or, as in the case of Sara Palin, an issue that the media is sympathetic towards and will spill much ink about before any fact-checking will discover the error (think troopergate, Baby Triggate, wardrobegate, & c).

Sentence usage: "We'll be fitzgeralding the new GOP candidate this weekend using the standard 'he's a white racist line'", J Garofalo said. While at a Monday press conference, Times reporter Libby Rall asked, "How do you explain your racism?" GOP candidate thinks, "Oh boy, I've been fitzgeralded."

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Oh Goody!

The current administration has cut 0.5% of the budget deficit in the now infamous laser-like-specific-targeting-air-strike-precision budgeting process O! promised during his campaign. Too bad the spending increases were not as well thought out! What a joke, Rome is burning while the Congress and Pres figure out ways to pour gas on the flames.

Don't expect some partisan rhetoric from this writer! This all started under the Republicans and Bush. The government gives prescription drugs to the wealthiest class in the country. Meanwhile the busboy at Denny's is being fined 3.75% of his gross pay in order to pay for that giveaway to the rich. Bush and the Republicans also gave us the Dept of Homeland Buffoonery, placing tens of thousands of new employees on the government payrolls. In the previous eight years, the federal government decided to increase its control over the local school systems by funding a huge centrally-planned bureaucratic nightmare that the liberals use as a bludgeon every election cycle saying, "Schools are underfunded, schools are underfunded, republicans hate kids because schools are underfunded." Meanwhile, the teacher's unions strangle the life out of the school systems while demanding that kids be forced to attend crappy schools so they can get their federal funding all the while screaming, "Schools are underfunded." And the vicious cycle starts all over again.

But wait, there's more! The repubs and Bush threw in huge farm subsidies and every spending bill had thousands of earmarks attached. Every budget was larger than the previous year's because we can't live without the new and shiny government spending program. When did we trade reason for madness?

The Federal Bond Auction did not go well today. That means the USA's deficit spending will be more expensive in the future AND it will take more capital out of the productive sector in favor of the non-productive sector.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I Love the Onion

Check out this video:

Monday, May 4, 2009

No Press Bias...He's Just New and Shiny!

This is getting ridiculous. The press poodles so desperately want to be called on the master's lap.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

It Can Now Be Revealed

At the summit of the Americas, the now famous interactions of Hugo Chavez and Barack Obama were not just for propaganda purposes. While Chavez, Castro and Ortega declared mastery over Obama and all things American, the President was actually getting tips from Chavez on how to regularly show up on prime time television to denounce his political enemies without seeming to control the media. The book Chavez gave the President actually was a primer on how to denounce one's enemies while having the academic elites fawn all over your humility and passion for the "truth."

Like a good student, Obama was on prime-time last night for the 3rd time in as many months denouncing any dissent as partisan roadblocks and blaming any shortcomings on the previous corrupt administration. Compare this to Clinton's first term where he was on prime-time twice in 4 years. Papa Chavez must be beaming. Obama has received twice as much coverage in the media as Bush and Clinton combined over their first hundred days with 60% positive coverage (Clinton only received 44% positive).

Friday, April 24, 2009

A Belated Tribute to Earth Day

A few things to note:

1. The USA now considers Carbon Dioxide a poison. Trees could not be reached for comment.

2. The BBC is desperately trying to hold onto the "science is settled" concerning Human Caused climate change. In the wake of dramatic cooling over the past 2 years and temp levels even or in decline over the last 8 years, the Beeb has too much invested in its doom-laden headlines to give up now.

3. Curiously, a dirtier planet and sooty bits in the air is being touted as a solution for Human Caused global warming. This by the very people who railed against such industrial pollution when Earth Day was founded.

4. The co-founder of Earth Day has killed more people than America's largest nuclear disaster at Three Mile Island. Ira Einhorn, hero of the left and all around groovy fella, murdered his girlfriend after she dumped him. The man stuffed her into a trunk and kept her in his apartment for 18 months before the stench alerted neighbors and police. He fled to Europe living on the lam for 16 years before capture and extradition.

5. US air and water quality has improved markedly over the past 40 years.

6. The free enterprise capitalistic system of economics has the absolute and indisputably best environmental record in modern history. The wealth generated by this economic system can afford to clean its messes. Precisely because private business is independent from government, corruption is less pervasive leading to greater adherence to environmental standards.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

So Canada, Is This the Change We Need?

Janet Napolitano, Cabinet Secretary and all around classy gal, has spent the better part of April infuriating all of North America. Tuesday, the Queen of slander decided to set her sights on Canada. She claimed the 9/11 hijackers came through Canada. Really? I thought we finally had brains back in the White House? I thought such arrogance expired January 20? This is what you wanted, right? It is becoming more and more apparent that the Obama administration IS what everyone thought the Bush administration was.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's All Fatty's Fault

Irrefutable proof has been given that fat people are ruining the climate. And we all know that the most fat people live in the USA, so once again, the US is leading the way in destroying the planet. The most puzzling quote was from OXFAM; they claim a 50% increase in climate related disaster over the next 6 years. Really? I predict a 50% decrease in independent thinking and reason based arguments at OXFAM over the next 2 days.

Why doesn't anyone do a study on the carbon emissions caused by despotic thugs and the lack of freedom? How much CO2 is pumped into the atmosphere because the West flies in billions of tonnes of food to nations where people are displaced by power hungry warlords? In the terribly cynical world of my mind, I guess the dead and dying peasantry in these oppressed countries count as carbon offsets to the abuses of the despots and thugs. Nothing to see hear.


This sort of nonsense is working to scare the wits out of children. The fear-mongering of the enviros has a plurality of kids believing the world will be uninhabitable when they are adults!!! Environmentalism seems to have become the last refuge of the scoundrel...or at least the out-of-work totalitarian propaganda writer.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Covering the Background

I am wondering what the jokes will be on late night television. Pres O! covered up any reference to Jesus while speaking in the Jesuit hall of Georgetown University. This is not an unprecedented act by any stretch. Remember, John Ashcroft covered up the naked breast of Lady Justice during his press conferences. He did not want a woman's boob over-shadowing his media time and as such was made fun of by all sorts of people.

Some suggestions:

Jay Leno: Did you see the President gave a speech at Georgetown University? (Cheers and applause) Yeah, he covered up Jesus who was behind him on the wall. Apparently, President Obama did not want to confuse the people watching who was actually speaking. (Uproarious laughter and applause)

David Letterman: Top ten reasons why President Obama covered Jesus during his speech.

#1. He wanted to make sure there was a smooth transition in changing his name to President Therock Obama.

To get the Letterman joke, you must read the last sentence of the article referenced above.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Political Maneuverings

The administration has taken extraordinary steps to dull the sounds of hundreds of thousands of American standing up and calling for a return of sanity to Washington. Today is Tax and Tea day in the USA. All over the country, a community based phenomena is taking place, the Tea Party. These are protests against wasteful government spending and the bailing out of corporations "too big to fail." This orgy of spending started under GW Bush and has gone into overdrive with O!.

Because hundreds of thousands of people are showing up today, the government has made couple preemptive strikes. First, the Department of Homeland Security has released a document warning of the rise in right-wing terrorist activity the same week that the Tea Parties are to be held. Second, the Pres has made to policy speeches absolving the government of any wrong doing by claiming that all economists (straw-man) agree that spending lots of money is the only way for government to act in recession and the crisis is all Wall-Street and greedy bankers fault.

So, the government has come out and condemned today's protests as the gatherings of a bunch of stupid hot heads who may threaten violence and will try to thwart the efforts of the government to get the economy back on track. But wait, the left-wing surrogate of the Soros government have threatened to crash these events and stir things up, while the lefty bloggers are calling this a Fox News cabal of sorts. I must give organizational credit to the left, they have the Pres down to ACORN goose-stepping there way to opposing Tea Parties which can mean only one thing....George Soros is pulling the strings and owns the Democrat Party.

Financial Trivia

Who can name the largest accounting scandal in the history of the USA? The first company that comes to mind is incorrect. There have been no movies produced about this scandal. The corporate officers were not arrested, and they could keep most of their bonuses (tens of millions of dollars) without ACORN showing up at their houses and threatening violence. The accounting manipulations were "deliberately created by management" yet there was no outcry by the media or the so-called corporate watch-dogs. Indeed, when this scandal was uncovered the findings of the investigation stated:

The report “shows that [the company's] faults were not limited to violating accounting and corporate governance standards, but included excessive risk-taking and poor risk management as well,” Randal Quarles, Treasury undersecretary for domestic finance, said in a statement. “OFHEO’s findings are a clear warning about the very real risk the improperly-managed investment portfolios of [the company] pose to the greater financial system.”

This was in 2006, after a two year investigation. Nothing was done with the report. I bet you still don't know what I am talking about. Just yesterday, Pres O! was talking about Wall Street greed and bankers tricking dumb citizens into mortgages they could not afford. The Pres conveniently forgot to mention this company and it's sister organization (another clue). These companies are the political patronage entities of Washington. They are protected because directorships and executive positions are handed out by politicians to those who are looked upon favorably by the pols in DC.

Your Answer:

Monday, April 13, 2009

Random Thoughts

Brain is on scramble today:

Why is the media treating the pirate affair as Obama's first real foreign policy challenge? Can someone explain to me how armed thugs in a life boat is a greater challenge than the launch of a ballistic missile by a country armed with nuclear weapons and a psychotic leader? I know that the UN passed a really really tough non-binding resolution condemning the N Korean government for breaking several other similarly tough worded Security Council resolutions, but the real mettle was Pres. O! picking on 4 men trapped in a dinghy.

I was disappointed that Shane Claiborne couldn't make it to the Indian Ocean to act as a human shield for the pirates like he did for Saddam Hussein. I guess now that Jesu....I mean Obama is President, there was no need because this president is good.

Someone should investigate how over-utilizing the socio-political hermeneutic has led to redefining theological language with political language, some suggested titles:
  1. Jesus and Other Kingdoms: Why God's First Allegiance is to The Church and Why Christians Should Never Seek a King Like the Other Human Kingdom. The Root of Israel's Downfall and Judas' Condemnation.
  2. Embarrassing God: How Stripping the Gospel from Biblical Theology Divides the Church.
  3. Cheapening the Gospel: Why Axe-grinding Theology is Similar to Axe-grinding Politics.
  4. Teaching Hate: Political Language Smuggled into the Church by Abusing the Prophetic Tradition.
  5. Divided we Fail: What the Religious Left Failed to Learn from the Religious Right's Excursion into Politics.

Action Alert!

USA, Hands off Somalia and its pirates, er...I mean people. Your oppressive imperialism perpetuates poverty in the horn of Africa forcing a desperate people to use violence in order to survive. We demand justice be done to the number one terrorist organization in the world, the US military which is the tool of Corporate globalization, an oppressor of Iraq and its people, and a perpetrator of violence against the peaceful people of Afghanistan. We demand global corporations to repatriate all monies and resources stolen from developing countries. We demand and end to global warming, racism, sexism, discrimination and colonialism. We demand fair wages for all workers around the world and the just distribution of assets to be properly maintained by fairly elected governments. No justice, No peace.

That was fun. My first excursion into writing left-wing, ax-grinding, propaganda is now complete and only took a couple minutes. The key is to make unsubstantiated assertions based on loose facts, rumor and suspected conspiracies, mix it with the language of justice, and then you have an unassailable high-ground from which to take pot-shots at all your detractors. Who can be against justice? Who can be against equality? Who can be against the environment? Only people shilling for the military, corporations, and enemies of the people, that's who!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Collect for Gov

Almighty Gov, to whom all wallets are open and all communications are known,
cleanse the aspirations of freedom by the application of your schools,
that we may dutifully serve you and never complain how you spend our money.
We ask this in the name of our better citizens.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Why The Community is Better than The Government

This is why I am for the decentralization of power to the individual and community. A group of Hawaiian residents could not wait for the government, so they repaired it themselves. Not only did they do it themselves, they did it in 8 days compared to the two year estimate of the state's reckoning. Sitting around and waiting for the government would have put many of these people into poverty...I still don't understand why people support liberal policies that encourage people to wait for the government to solve all the problems.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


From the Secret Headquarters of S.P.E.C.T.R.E.

...and the final piece of the plan will be to shoot a layer of pollution into the air and block out the sun thus controlling the planets climate, they will surely pay us trillions of dollars... mwahahahahahaha!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Never About Justice

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) went to see Fidel Castro yesterday. Castro is arguably the most racist leader in the Western Hemisphere. Not only is he racist, but he is a brutal dictator. This is one more reason why I cannot abide the likes of the CBC liberals in Congress. They cry for 'justice' then kiss the face of injustice. I don't think it is about justice anymore. I think it is about politics, specifically left wing politics, even the politics that allow you to lock up librarians if they are political enemies. Be ware the politician who cries for justice but is trained in the art of divisiveness.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Question For The British

There was no rest for Tony Blair as he was accused of being Bush's poodle, now that Gordon Brown is a slobbering leche-cul to Obama, is US hegemony a fine thing in Britain? The complaint from the Brits was of Washington making the decisions for London, a legitimate complaint. If there was principle behind the complaining, one would expect to hear similar noises concerning Brown's obsequiousness.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tax Problem

As the April 15 deadline approaches and another Obama cabinet nomination is forced to pay back taxes, it is apparent that liberals love taxes but hate paying them. That's not my point, but if I had the brain power of Keith Olbermann, that as far as my analysis could go. My point in this post is that the US tax code is too cumbersome to understand and its application is oppressive to ordinary people who can't afford the accountants and attourneys necessary to navigate the treacherous waters. My goodness, the smartest people in America (liberals) could not figure out how much tax to pay. The document itsself is 16,845 pages long without any interpretive literature from Tax Court opinions.

I wish to simplify the code to a tax that is based on consumption. The government saves money by dismantling the IRS and using the already in place sales-tax system. People will receive their full paycheck and are given to freedom to spend or save as they please. The manipulative functions of the tax code will be eliminated from the power hungry and the greedy who lobby Congress for perks and pork under the darkness of obscurantism I call the US tax code. Finally, the billions paid each year in tax preparation fees and time spent compiling paperwork will be reduced to fractions. These groups produce no value for the US economy. Indeed their only function is government compliance and by its nature takes money from the productive sector and gives it to the unproductive. I would rather see autoworkers with jobs that tax attourneys and accountants.

Barack's Sponsorship Scandal?

We all know through our own observations that the established media took unprecedented steps in helping Barack Obama get elected president. From reading leftwing talking-points during live broadcasts to refusing any sort of investigative journalism re: Obama, the journos have been unashamed in their duplicity of swearing to 'objectivity' while campaigning for Obama. I turns out as no surprise that the New York Times spiked a story they called "a game changer" back in October 2008. Obama was double dipping donors, an illegal practice. So, ACORN received donor lists of people who had lots of cash to give but were limited by the law. ACORN agrees to raise funds for Obama. Meanwhile, Obama's campaign is paying ACORN $1,000,000 for election services. Justice Gomery, you are needed in Washington DC.

Friday, March 27, 2009

A Bit of Sanity

The bad economics of these past few months has caused a peculiar psychosis in most western politicians. The US is not immune from this madness. The misuse of Keynesian theory to legitimize increased deficit spending is coming to the breaking point. The clip below raises my spirits that there may be some reason left in politicians. The sanity comes at 2:24 in the clip.

Manufactured News

The mainstream media for some unknown reason thinks that average Americans have issues with intolerance. A couple of years ago, NBC sent a couple of actors dressed as Muslims to a NASCAR race to see if they could provoke some sort of racist outburst from the race fans. Nothing happened. If you remember the 2008 election, the urban legend of rabid racism at Sarah Palin rallies was foisted upon us by Dana Milbank and led to tales of angry mobs with torches and pitchforks. When actually investigated, a single reporter heard a threat from one or two people in a crowd of thousands and calls all the people there racist threatening violence. Again, Nothing Happened. Now, ABC has sent some actors into a sports bar to be flagrantly gay and provoke some sort of homophobic response. Guess what, nothing happened.

Here's what I don't understand: Go to any anti-globalization rally and you will witness violence without provoking it. Go to any anti-Israel rally, and you will experience intimidation. Go to any "peace" rally and you will hear from the podium who to hate. Why don't reporters do something as provocative in these settings? The answer is easy, they know they would suffer harm! In essence these reporters are cowards. For as much as they demonize small town values, they understand that they are safe from harm. Try this crap in the midst of radical left-wingers and anarchists, and you are in far more peril. Go to if you want to see some very disturbing (warning: some are very tasteless) photos of what radical hate looks like.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Acceptable Hate

The Congress just passed a bill singling out a single group of Americans for special punitive treatment. The legislation is clearly a bill of attainder and unconstitutional. Beware the cries of 'justice' from a group of people trained in the art of divisiveness. I really find it troubling that so many people are willing to breathe out threats of violence (just listen to the congressional testimony or watch CNN's viewer mail segments). Most shamefully, Barney Frank the perpetrator of this whole financial mess, has demanded that private citizens be named and come under threat to salve his ego.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Early Start in gardening

By the subject of this blog, its author is probably pretty obvious -- this is Melissa. I have been neglecting this blog, pretty much since i started working, my apologies. Though i do post at -- though that is more of a creative writing outlet for me than an actual blog. It contains the stories of our guiding eye pup, Buffy. She is adorable, but its safe to say that at almost 4 months, she's well into the "terrible twos" of puppy years!

Anyways, gardens. As some of you will remember last year we bought seedlings and planted a garden in the back, sometime in late may, early june. Well being as far south as we are (as compared to Toronto, not Florida) the start of the outdoor planting season is actually April 1. So yesterday Mac and I went on a "gardening date" to Lowes. Well really we went to check out some chair rails for our dining room and I got distracted by the seeds. This year we're going to try to grow veggies and herbs from seed instead of buying the seedlings! We bought corn, onion, hot pepper (cayenne and jalepeno for salsa), radishes, lettuce and a few herbs (basil, oregano, cilantro, rosemary and one other i can't remember off the top of my head). I've been doing research to see what we need to start indoors (well i read the back of the packages) and then did some net research of what we need. I'll be putting together a "to buy" list from mac. I think i'm going to ad some more seeds too (tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet bell peppers etc). Starting from seed is so much cheaper than from seedlings, so if we can make this work, it'll be money in pocket. And then if we have visitors over the summer from up north, we can share from the bounty of our garden. We're also hoping to be able to share with friends from around here.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Liberal Heavyhandedness

From the halls of MSNBC, one of their Liberal talkers thinks Limbaugh should be shot for treason. So now dissent is treason? Good thing conservatives don't emote in such reactionary ways (I refuse to call it thinking). Actually, the liberal had no substantive policy matters to share so she had to reach into the gutter for her commentary. Unlike Limbaugh, who thinks in policy terms, articulates his ideas, and stirs the pot to the annoyance of the Obama disciples. If Limbaugh was ignored, this dust up with the Whitehouse would have already passed. Limbaugh leads Obama 1-0.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


This is a strike I can get behind!. In the US, the so-called rich are forming an informal union and threatening to strike. The purpose of the work action is to depress their wages below the proposed $250,000 top margin. These people feel singled out and put upon for being productive and are refusing to be cash machines for the government. ABC in its ongoing effort to teach class envy and hate has questioned the fairness of this action. Indeed, the network asks if it is fair that a rich person limit their income by working less.

I don't think these people understand that this is not their money to refuse. As I learned from a language prof (initials D.D.) at Regent College, the money is not theirs, it is the state's money and the rich have no say in how much tax to pay or in this case how much they should earn. If these people seek to manage their affairs and limit the power of government, they don't have the love of Christ in their heart (thanks P.L.). This, I also learned at Regent College: Big, powerful, controlling government is the sign of Jesus blessing, unless that big, powerful, controlling government is run by the wrong political party.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Corretive Injustice

Today, in his fifth week in office, President Obama has set back human rights in favor of injustice. This comes on the heals of a similar move a couple weeks ago. Today, anyone serving in the health care industry will no longer be protected if they object to killing a human by means of surgical or chemical abortion. Calling himself a Christian, in the last two months, President Obama has done more to oppress the helpless and attack the weak by promoting and funding abortions around the world more than all previous administrations combined. Let's call it the new (and bloody) war on overpopulation. Matthew 25 be damned, it's only good as a campaign slogan.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dissention in the Ranks

The Ass. Press has broken with the rest of the propagandists in the media! In a surprisingly hard hitting fact check piece, the AP has questioned some of the Dear Leader's statements from last night's address to the people. I was waiting for the wolves to pounce on Jindal's rather poor rebuttal (terrible is a better descriptor).

Monday, February 23, 2009

Oh Dear!

Another shining moment in the new Administration, Sec of Energy Chu has troubles understanding his job description. Just a couple reminders 1) When you are the Cabinet member at a meeting, you are the administration! 2) As the administrations representative on Energy, it is your domain and duty to know when someone asks you about oil production and pricing. But, in his defense he is without an assistant...except for the full resources of the US Gov't and the lifelong bureaucrats of the Dept of Energy.