Saturday, August 23, 2008

Our newest roommate

Well here's one for the books. This evening i walked into our bedroom to get ready for the evening. Movement caught my eye.... and as i turned I saw a bat flying around our bedroom. I shrieked and yelled for Mac (not one of my bolder moments), saying that we had a bat in the apartment. Now for those of you who don't know, we live in a little apartment in the Beaches neighbourhood of Toronto. Or at least we do until this coming Wednesday when we move Stateside.

Mac walked in to the bedroom and looked around but the bat had already flown out. We looked around and initially couldn't find him.... I will admit i started to wonder if my new muscle relaxants caused hallucinations. But then we found him (or her?). The reason we didn't find it originally is that we were looking for it on the ceiling or flying around somewhere. But it had landed on the floor near our linen closet and bathroom. I was rather uncomfortable with the bat, so i retreated to the bathroom while Mac used a pot and some card stock to confine the bat to taken it outside and release it.

Now this all begs the question... how the heck did it get in here?? Option one: The door to our apartment was propped open this morning for about 5 min, and he flew down the hallway around 10am, in broad daylight and into our home. Option two: we have a screen that doesn't quite fit one of our windows (in the living room) properly. Perhaps he crawled in through there -- but that window is never open except when we're home and usually one or both of us are in the living room, FACING the window. So not sure how we would have missed that. Option three: there is a hole somewhere in this apartment that we haven't found and it crawled in through there and has been living with us for awhile...... ok option three makes my skin crawl.

Our little roommate is now gone and we are back to a family of 2. Glad to keep it that way!!

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