Monday, January 26, 2009

What is That Noise?

For the past few months, Melissa and I have been trying to decide what the next step in our life was going to be. We concluded that the long term approach would determine when any new mouths to feed would occupy the house. We focused on stability as our benchmark for changing things up. I know that sounds oxymoronic, but hang with me. As I am currently unemployed, we thought it was better for me to focus on getting work. Well, sometimes opportunities happen when you least expect them to happen, and you never can tell what you will find (or in this case, what Melissa will find) on the internet. I still don't have a job, in fact getting a job seems far in the distance. But, we do have a new mouth to feed. I would like to present to you our 7 pound little yellow girl, Buffy.

She is our new Yellow Lab that we will be training for the next year and a half to be a guide dog. She is a real character and loves to pee everywhere (hopefully outside after this week is up). If you would like to see pictures and track our progress follow this link Melissa has already posted the story of Buffy's first day with us, and some information about Guiding Eyes, the organization we are partnering with to raise our little "squirt."

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