Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Executive Orders

The USA has a peculiar thing called the executive order. It allows the President to make policy at the stroke of a pen. If the policy is agreeable with partisans, it is lauded as an effective way to quickly reverse government direction without debate. If the policy is disagreeable with partisans, the executive order is lambasted as a power grab by the President without debate. Regardless of objection, this quirky policy tool is here to stay.

President O! has wasted no time in issuing a bunch of these little orders. Being a man in touch with the plight of the oppressed, the President has called for the closing of the terrorist prison at Gitmo so 225 violent and hatefilled men will no longer face the oppressive air conditioners and imperialistic prayer mats of camp X-ray. In the same week, President O! condemned millions of innocent children to death by providing funds to abortion providers in developing countries. Humanitarianism, left wing style!

Before your knickers get in a knot, I am for the closing of Gitmo! The purpose of this post is to show the hypocrisy of selective humanitarianism. There are many voices that wail and moan over the plight of 225 admittedly violent men, yet those same voices fall silent in the face of millions condemned to destruction.


Anonymous said...

do you really think X-ray will be closed? I don't - imagine if one of these guys causes a terrorist act on the mainland! The Pres is toast!

Mac said...

I think it is politically impossible to keep X-ray open. Obama has given himself a year. I am interested to see what is done with the terrorists and if the human rights groups will continue haranguing the US now that Obama is in charge.

Anonymous said...

You show the comparison for what it is: "There are many voices that wail and moan over the plight of 225 admittedly violent men, yet those same voices fall silent in the face of millions condemned to destruction." The agressiveness of some who would destroy human life developing in the womb (in a previous post) and the blatant obfuscation of others for what they are actually doing in calling for and supporting abortion on demand is grievous in the extreme. I am very disappointed with this executive order.