Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Some Thoughts on Today's Inauguration

1. It was good to hear President Obama say: "Nor is the question before us whether the market is a force for good or ill. Its power to generate wealth and expand freedom is unmatched." Let us hope that this is the time we can welcome home Democrats from 40 years in central planning exile.

2. Listening to the media, it is obvious they believed their own propaganda that the USA was too racist to ever elect anyone other than a white male president. They still sounded surprised when Senator Obama become President Obama. I find it humorous that the conservatives I know and read are not surprised that a black man has become the President.

3. The heckling of Pres Bush by the reserve seated guests was rude. I have come to expect this sort of rubbish from the partisans of the left, but every time I see the playing out of such juvenile antics, I am still offended. Good grief, you won the election.

4. On the same point, I won't miss the vile and often time violent mass protests of the far left. Apologizing for terrorism, calling for the murder of politicians, smashing storefronts, and fomenting hate under the auspices of justice is something the right has not adopted. While these parades of rent-a-mob protestors are humorous in their own right, the in-your-face tactics of these groups has created deaf ears and closed minds on those who claim to be the most tolerant and curious among us.

5. The Benediction was dissapointing, divisive, and racist. I don't think Jesus approves of such language. "[God,] we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around ... when yellow will be mellow ... when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right." Did this man just forget what happened? I really hope the African-American community will see President Obama as a main stream reality. Reverend Lowry does not help things by diminishing the accomplishment of this day.

6. Will my Christian brothers and sisters who based their politics on opposing power now be forced to vote Republican? The Dems have swept into office and now hold most of the power in the US. I doubt my Christian siblings will change a thing except their reasoning for being partisan.

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