Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What You Think Is Good News...

Is not good news. Having just moved into a ridiculously energy-inefficient house, one looks for ways to save on energy bills. So we put the AC at a higher temp. We get rid of an old fridge, and we don't burn lights except in the room we are currently inhabiting. All this hard work saved 706 kWh. Hazzah to the housekeep! But no, those 706 hours translate into an $8 savings. Actually, looking at the bill is not very helpful at all. There is no baseline of usage to compare. They give all these convoluted reasons for this increase and that decrease, but in the end it means nothing. All I do know is that rates increased by 18% and it wiped out all of my energy usage reductions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jefferson had A/C without electricity! Brilliant! You might try it! Candles are also quite nice and do add great ambiance; however, they will surely counteract the effects of the A/C--thus melting your ice! Otherwise, I suppose my advice to you would be to move into a newer place about the size of that ol' fridge you just threw out!