Friday, July 18, 2008


My favorite is the guy who thinks that $8 a gallon is okay. I'm sure he has the cash to pay for it, but what about the poor?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

High gas prices act as a regressive tax, correct. The dirty little secret is that the so-called "compassionate" Progressives (Obama, included) are not so sympathetic to the plight of the middle and lower classes when it comes to the issue of gas prices. Ironically, it is John McCain--that mean, old Republican--who is searching for ways to ameliorate this situation for the American people. Indeed, in his infamous bit of sophistry, "Earth in the Balance," AlGore reinforced the notion that the Left is not the least bit interested in securing ample and affordable supplies of petroleum products for US consumers; rather, he opined that we should rid ourselves of the internal combustion engine and that upward pricing pressures on petroleum were key to doing just that (by suppressing demand and allowing for new alternatives to take form). Of course, since Obama is a spokesperson and not a thinker, he's apt to just reiterate the same nonsense to which you alluded in your original post.