Sunday, April 6, 2008

Where in the world are we?!

Since the end of February we have been unusually immobile -- yes, folks, its true... for the first time in a year, we spent over 6 weeks in the same location! I feel like we should get a prize or something, or be sent to a lab for testing, because being this stable in one location for so long is really quite strange for us it seems.

But the end is looming. Tomorrow we jump on a plane and head west to Vancouver. We're looking forward to reconnecting with friends -- but mostly this trip is about one thing -- getting Mac's degree finished! On Thursday the 10th he sits for his comprehensive exam, then he may or may not have an oral exam on the following Monday. We'll be busy while we're out there -- using the library and connecting with friends. Then we arrive back in Toronto on the 15th. After a few days rest we will get in the car and head south on the 21st for a long-overdue trip to Virginia beach. There we'll be working on finishing up some projects that we started but got interrupted by school work. We'll be in VA beach until around May 5th (we think) and then its back to Toronto for who knows how long (we haven't planned that far ahead yet).

In other news, we still have no word about the visa. We're hoping that we'll here sometime May/June, but whether that is a realistic hope or a fool's hope we don't know. (We're praying its the first!!) We're thinking we may have to go to Montreal as my (Melissa's) passport on record with the visa people is still under the name Lane and its been since updated to Davis. But if we get called to Montreal for a visa interview it'll be a fun little mini-vacation. Both Mac and I have friends in Montreal, so it will be good for a visit. Though, we must admit, that as much as we would love to see our friends, we also just want this waiting to be over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All the best Mac with the exam

Hopefully see you before you head down to Virginia in April