Wednesday, April 30, 2008

It Comes to This

I have long suspected and accused the radical environmentalist of being mithanthropes with an anti-human agenda. It is why I ask Christians to be more discerning when supporting causes championed by the Captain Planet crowd. The blatant dualism of these radicals should send up red flags to all good Christians. This dualism claims that humans are somehow alien to the environment thus more humans=environmental destruction. I reject the foundations of this philosophy. If humans are created to live on this planet, then we belong here. The question should not consider humans as invaders rather how are humans to live and multiply and use their brains to better understand and influence the environment for the positive.

In this article, a so-called minister is wrong on many counts...especially his criticism of population growth. Will a Christian please show me the people who should not be on the planet. I have trouble reading my Bible and discerning God's plan for the misanthropic non-crisis of human overpopulation.

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