Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Thunder Snow

Tonight was a first for me. I saw lightning and heard thunder for the first time ever in a snow storm. Toronto is being socked with its second 20cm storm in 5 days. This time the front had so much warm air energy that it produced lightning and thunder. Crazy!

I must admit, and I am sure this is to the frustration of my Toronto friends, that I love the snow. This is the first time since I lived in Washington, DC (25 years ago) that I have experienced such snow events. But it's not over; this coming weekend there will be even more snow falling. As much as I like the snow, this same weather system produced 80 degree temperatures in Virginia Beach today. Sounds like a good day to wash the car.


Anonymous said...

Tell me about the bloomin snow!

I spent all afternoon clearing the paths round here - its a major job! I yanked the old ski injury and felt rather proud of myself. I got into the house and made a cup of tea only to look out the windown and see the snow falling. It took about 2 hours for all of my tracks to be covered up!

My advice - buy a house with a small garden!

Mac said...

that was Mac's comment about thunder snow... but it was my first experience of a thunder storm and snow storm together too!!!

Sorry to hear about your paths Tim! shoveling 31+ cm of snow is no fun!