Friday, February 29, 2008

Identity Politics

I have read and excellent article on the dynamics of voter groups. Through our digestion of media insight and intellectual speculation, we are told that white men are the problem in economics, politics, academia, and the list goes on (just go read Paul Krugman). Well this article paints a more moderate tone. White males are the swing vote in the Democrat primaries and the bigoted stereotype of 'white' or 'male' does not play to the aforementioned media and intellectual assumptions about white men.

But, I don't think white men will avoid the blame in the primary outcome. If Barack wins, then they are chauvinists, or if Hillary wins, they are racists. Because of Barack's huge momentum, if the nod goes to Hillary, the pundits will say something along the lines of, "Well the white male just could not stomach the thought of a Black president."

This is the moral cesspool of identity politics. Never mind that women vote for Hillary or African Americans vote for Barack. The media narrative is whether or not the white man stops voting along race and gender lines regardless of evidence to the contrary (like they vote for issues). So, If McCain wins the presidency, expect 4 years of race (or gender) baiting from pundits and politicians.

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