Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Paying Taxes

Well, 'ole Warren Buffett (the richest man in the world) is at it again. He complains that he does not pay enough tax. This is just his latest installment in foolishness. As for his complaint, I would think he is better at number crunching than he appears to be. If the top 96% of federal taxes are paid by the top 50% of wage earners, how is that unfairly tilted towards the rich? This means that roughly HALF of the American population does not pay income tax.

To break down the figures even more:
-The top 1% (The extremely wealthy) pay 34% of the US tax burden.
-The top 5% pay 54% of the US tax burden.
-The top 10% pay 66% of the US tax burden.

In my home state of Virginia, a special fund was set up just for people like Warren Buffett to pay more taxes when they felt under taxed. Guess what? The fund has received a paltry few thousand dollars over its lifetime. Sad.

To all of my wealthy liberal friends, feel free at any time to write a check for whatever you believe you owe the government over and above your tax burden. Ted Kennedy, Leo DiCaprio, Jim Wallis, Hillary Clinton, John Two-Americas Edwards, Al Gore...hello anyone.

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