Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Melissa's update

Recently Mac's been doing all of the blogging, so i thought i should take a moment and update people on what's been going on in my portion of the Davis world.

God provided a job which is perfect for our situation right now, and I am so thankful! While its not exactly what I thought i would do right out of seminary, it is a fantastic opportunity. I am working for the Ontario Mennonite Brethren Board of Church Extension to develop a fundraising campaign for gateway churches in Ontario. At this point the MBs just have 2 gateway churches, both of which are in toronto, but they are doing awesome work! It is amazing to be able to see how God is using these two very different churches to build His kingdom. The two lead church planters for these ministries are also working with me on the campaign, which is also amazing. Tara and Shawn are gifted and passionate people who long to see God glorified in their communities.

Through this "job" i get to spend time with both of the churches, seeing what they do and interacting with their communities a bit. I also get to put my theological and homeletical (ie. preaching) talents to good use as I develop sermon plans (not full scripts or outlines) and Bible studies for churches to used during the campaign if they so choose. I also get to revisit my youth ministry days by pulling together some youth events that coordinate with the campaign. New skills will also be developed as we work together to create brochures, videos and other media resources for the churches in Ontario to make use of.

This campaign is really exciting me. It is an awesome opportunity for people within and outside of the MB church to pull together as the greater body of Christ and support these churches who are reaching out to those who have immigrated to Canada and desperately need to experience God's love and hear from Him. I am excited to see what God will do with the campaign -- where He will take it, and how it will effect the lives of all who participate in it.

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