Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What Real Dangerous Politcal Types Look Like

This is just a reminder to my myriad of readers. Last September 12, a substantial group of Americans gathered in Washington, DC to voice their disgust with outrageous government spending and the loss of liberty that inevitably occurs when statist policies become de rigeur. The conventional wisdom of the leftist press labeled these gathered folk dangerous to democracy and seething with anger that could lead to violence. Meanwhile, back in their academic caves and political dens, left-wingers continued their tirade against free enterprise and demonized business as the cause of the world's ills.

Jump ahead to Toronto last weekend and you have the outworking of a political philosophy that finds villains under all private business dealings. By beating the drum of "criminal capitalism" is it any wonder that groups of malcontents are emboldened to smash and burn the focus of such hate filled rhetoric? Once again, the philosophies of the left find their voice in division and violence.

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