Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Our Nanny Government at Work

"...For the children!" The rallying cry for the vacuous political scoundrel. As we progressively bubble-wrap society and sand-down all of its sharp edges, we give more and more power to the central authorities (because someone needs to monitor and remedy dangerous situations). This mentality is derived from "the system is the problem" worldview. If we mollify the system, everyone will be happy and healthy, i.e. we will finally have justice or at least another step towards utopia.

So, what happens when there is a disturbance in the system, the central authorities put us back on track towards justice and utopia. Notice that the students doing the harm were somehow provoked by a system that allows sign-language. Safety first, for the children. Apparently, bullying is caused by a system that allows for individual expression. As is expected by any central authority bent on collective power, the individual must be crushed in the name of "safety" or "progress" or "justice" or whatever ends can justify the means.

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