Friday, May 14, 2010

Immgration Arrogance

I look at the debate over Arizona and its federally compliant immigration law, and I scratch my head in wonder. My bewilderment stems mostly from the outraged protests coming from the laws opponents...or is it feigned protests.

First, from the established political powers in the US. If the Washington leftists and the occasional rightist had read the laws wording they will note that the language matches the federal statute. What has changed concerns the requirement of State Law Enforcement to carry out what federal law enforcement is required to do by law. It is no coincidence that the American Feds are trying to deflect the reality of dead Americans on the Arizona border. Had the Feds done their job, people would be alive and the law would not be necessary.

Second, from the political powers in Mexico. Give me a break when talking about rights. If you actually cared for your people, they would not need to flee Mexico. I also know that the second largest part of your economy is money sent from the USA. Why would any government want its second largest sector of the economy impeded? Mexico, you should be ashamed that you force your sons and daughters into the hands of ruthless 'coyotes' at the expense of life and liberty. Why don't you develop an economy for the common person?

Third, from the intellectuals. Why don't you actually do something other than storming mount grievance to attack people who actually suffer under the oppression created by the current system of lawlessness. Is it because you want to come home and tell your gardener that you care for 'his people' in an effort to assuage your Imperialistic American guilt?

This current immigration problem can be traced back to the 1980s when it was promised by the central government to secure the border in exchange for amnesty. Nothing has happened except for a trashed environment, a list of dead Mexicans and Americans, and an emboldened drug trade that has the Mexican government on its heals and out of control of its northern border.

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