Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tax Problem

As the April 15 deadline approaches and another Obama cabinet nomination is forced to pay back taxes, it is apparent that liberals love taxes but hate paying them. That's not my point, but if I had the brain power of Keith Olbermann, that as far as my analysis could go. My point in this post is that the US tax code is too cumbersome to understand and its application is oppressive to ordinary people who can't afford the accountants and attourneys necessary to navigate the treacherous waters. My goodness, the smartest people in America (liberals) could not figure out how much tax to pay. The document itsself is 16,845 pages long without any interpretive literature from Tax Court opinions.

I wish to simplify the code to a tax that is based on consumption. The government saves money by dismantling the IRS and using the already in place sales-tax system. People will receive their full paycheck and are given to freedom to spend or save as they please. The manipulative functions of the tax code will be eliminated from the power hungry and the greedy who lobby Congress for perks and pork under the darkness of obscurantism I call the US tax code. Finally, the billions paid each year in tax preparation fees and time spent compiling paperwork will be reduced to fractions. These groups produce no value for the US economy. Indeed their only function is government compliance and by its nature takes money from the productive sector and gives it to the unproductive. I would rather see autoworkers with jobs that tax attourneys and accountants.

1 comment:

Tim said...

fair is fair - his present for the queen was really good. An ipod loaded with every picture and video footage of the Queen in the USA as well as broadway musicals. A great present! at least he is learning after the last gifts for the UK!!