Monday, April 13, 2009

Random Thoughts

Brain is on scramble today:

Why is the media treating the pirate affair as Obama's first real foreign policy challenge? Can someone explain to me how armed thugs in a life boat is a greater challenge than the launch of a ballistic missile by a country armed with nuclear weapons and a psychotic leader? I know that the UN passed a really really tough non-binding resolution condemning the N Korean government for breaking several other similarly tough worded Security Council resolutions, but the real mettle was Pres. O! picking on 4 men trapped in a dinghy.

I was disappointed that Shane Claiborne couldn't make it to the Indian Ocean to act as a human shield for the pirates like he did for Saddam Hussein. I guess now that Jesu....I mean Obama is President, there was no need because this president is good.

Someone should investigate how over-utilizing the socio-political hermeneutic has led to redefining theological language with political language, some suggested titles:
  1. Jesus and Other Kingdoms: Why God's First Allegiance is to The Church and Why Christians Should Never Seek a King Like the Other Human Kingdom. The Root of Israel's Downfall and Judas' Condemnation.
  2. Embarrassing God: How Stripping the Gospel from Biblical Theology Divides the Church.
  3. Cheapening the Gospel: Why Axe-grinding Theology is Similar to Axe-grinding Politics.
  4. Teaching Hate: Political Language Smuggled into the Church by Abusing the Prophetic Tradition.
  5. Divided we Fail: What the Religious Left Failed to Learn from the Religious Right's Excursion into Politics.

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