Thursday, April 16, 2009

Covering the Background

I am wondering what the jokes will be on late night television. Pres O! covered up any reference to Jesus while speaking in the Jesuit hall of Georgetown University. This is not an unprecedented act by any stretch. Remember, John Ashcroft covered up the naked breast of Lady Justice during his press conferences. He did not want a woman's boob over-shadowing his media time and as such was made fun of by all sorts of people.

Some suggestions:

Jay Leno: Did you see the President gave a speech at Georgetown University? (Cheers and applause) Yeah, he covered up Jesus who was behind him on the wall. Apparently, President Obama did not want to confuse the people watching who was actually speaking. (Uproarious laughter and applause)

David Letterman: Top ten reasons why President Obama covered Jesus during his speech.

#1. He wanted to make sure there was a smooth transition in changing his name to President Therock Obama.

To get the Letterman joke, you must read the last sentence of the article referenced above.

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