Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mac is and Tim is

Mac was complaining his post wasn't funny enough before....
so i went digging again.....

Mac is correct with probability
Mac is Czech
Mac is tagged
Mac is slow, ultra slow
Mac is a multifunctional protein
Mac is secure
Mac is a variant
Mac is NOT a typewriter (but i thought he was?!)
Mac is a very very close second (to.....?)
Mac is a icon of Style
Mac is a harsh mistress
Mac is a fashion statement
Mac is rarely difficult (but on occasion......)
Mac is specially designed
Mac is the expensive one
Mac is required (required and expensive?! I'm a lucky girl!)
Mac is doomed (well... if i'm the Black Widow and convicted of manslaughter... that's probably right)
Mac is almost dead..... oh dear, i think i better stop now!!

And because Tim played along a bit, here's some for him:

Tim is not an expert
Tim is a strange reclusive wizard
Tim is 17 years old (um, Tim, have you told Jen?)
Tim is by far one of the best performers we've had in this place!
Tim is a Montreal native
Time is back to class and completely consumed with catching up
Tim is legendary in the UK
Tim is a member of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers
Tim is working for the Sun as Lord High Fixer
Tim is Indiana Jones for the digital age
Tim is a threat
Tim is a long-time computer hacker
Tim is a talking head not really interested in the real story
Tim is playing "Tuvok" in the new Star Trek touring exhibition
Tim is right.


Anonymous said...

I like my legendary like in the UK as a reclusive wizard! and yes I am right. Bit worried that Mac is an icon of style!!

Lord Kerrance said...

Kerry is solid and impervious to reason

Kerry is overweight and unattractive

Kerry is reputedly the agent of offensive talk

kerry is quite possibly the happiest, sweetest thing

Kerry is a good watchdog

Kerry is 26 Weeks Pregnant (It's an Schwarzenegger in "Junior" kind of thing. I don't want to talk about it.)

Kerry is the highlight of many visitor’s Irish holiday

Kerry is an honest hero or a cowardly liar

Unknown said...

You're pregnant?!
I wouldn't want to talk about it either!!