Sunday, March 9, 2008

Boeing's Bluster

In an election year, the unions are trying to blame outsourcing on John McCain. An Air Force tanker deal was given to Northrup Grumman (an American Company) over Boeing. Grumman's partner is Airbus, but all the work will be done in the US. So, jobs will be in the US just not in union states like Ohio and Washington. The secret is Alabama has overtaken Ohio and other states because they are flexible and seek opportunity. I am not going to launch into a discursive about union labor and right-to-work labor. What I am going to say is Ohio sees companies as a necessary evil and taxes business heavily whereas Alabama sees business as a viable part of the community and bids them come as active contributing members not just tax revenues.

Business does not flee taxed locations because they are taxed, business flees locations because they feel unwelcome. The union us-vs-them mentality has much to do with this as it feeds on the New Left's in-your-face style of confrontation. This anti-business activism has seeped into the government so that the state takes the side of one neighbor instead of mediating between the two. This has undermined the community and oppressed average people who simply want a job.

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