Monday, March 24, 2008

Pining for the Old Days

Not me! All this fuss over carbon footprints and sustainability seems to be headed for one outcome...Feudalism. What in the name of sanity am I talking about? Indulge me a couple paragraph's time.

I took my carbon footprint the other day and found out that I produce 18 tonnes as year. The average is 20 tonnes, hooray for me...well, not exactly. In order for my life to be 'sustainable' I can only produce 2 tonnes annually. Yikes, what do I need to do? Well first, no cars. Driving 8000 miles a year produces 2.5 tonnes in a 4 cylinder car. Next, no house, I produce 3 tonnes a year by heating with oil and electric service. Next, no planes, 3 flights produced 2 tonnes which is the allowable limit for a full years living. The rest of my modest life-style produced 8 tonnes. The most peculiar line-item was banking. Why is banking in my carbon footprint? I don't know, but I would think taking the New York Times every week would far outweigh the carbon footprint of banking.

Then I started looking at the alternatives. No Car, tiny abode, organic/local/seasonal food, no travel, no packaging, and no monetary economic system...this all equals Feudalism. Yes, those halcyon days where overlords controlled the lives of the peasantry because they were Noble (a rather poor qualification for dictatorial power). So who will the nobles be this time? I'm putting my money on the IPCC and other environmental colonialists. Of course they will need to jet off to Bali meetings on how to control the peasantry or fly to Hollywood to screen the latest fear-mongering 'documentary' on how the average person (not them, mind you) is destroying the world and must be controlled.

Personally, I don't care much for living in squaller even if I am somehow controlling the climate in a good way. Of course if I refuse, the overlord simply throws me off his land and starves my family, which is what leads me to the real agenda...control. Self-determination has always been the bugaboo of these IPCC/environmental types. They lost the great battle between Collectivism and Freedom in the 1900's and now they are trying gain power through environmental colonialism. I will continue to live my modest lifestyle and lookup to see these people flying on private jets to some exotic local to proclaim how my life is destroying this pristine location. I hope you see the foolishness as well.

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