Saturday, March 8, 2008


I am sure many of my readers (of which there are probably 3) know what corporate social responsibility is? For those who don't, it is corporations' commitment to 'stakeholder' or people who live in an around where the company operates plus its shareholders. So the idea is that the company will take into account 'everyone' when making decisions not just profit considerations. Fair enough, everyone likes a good neighbor and corporations like happy towns.

What I want to call for is Government Social Responsibility. It is time that governments stop seeing people and companies as prey to be taxed. Especially in Ontario, the liberal government has been driving industry out of province by seeing companies as taxable entities rather than organizations of Ontario citizens earning livings, feeding families, and supporting communities. But there lies the issue, liberal governments tend towards wresting power from the individual and community in order to make that individual reliant upon the government. Thus, a cycle of poverty and dependence is established. That does not sound like a socially responsible policy.

It is time for the McGuinty government to stop sending jobs away from Ontario especially as the economy slows and cash becomes tight for families. Lowering corporate taxes is the right thing to do for our communities. It is time to welcome our largest employers as full members of the community and be socially responsible towards them because they are our neighbors.

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