Friday, July 10, 2009

When Progressives Are Wrong

...Nobody holds their feet to the fire.

I love listening to NPR as they have some NGO interviewee telling the audience about the most pressing human right, woman's sexual rights. Of course, it is usually advertised as a discussion on teen sexual health and the problems of STDs and pregnancy. Over the past eight years, the narrative has been the Bush admins abstinence programs were terrible failures because 1: kids were going to have sex anyway, and 2: a better equipped teen, emancipated from puritanical sexual morals, is what society really needs. These interviews assumed that abstaining from sex was passe, a bygone standard. But what do you expect from a culture that is fed a false representation of promiscuity from Hollywood every day of the week?

So, Britain invested millions of pounds in a sex education program that gave sex advice and contraception to girls because abstinence will never work. Imagine the surprise on when the proggos got the report that the program led to a doubling of the pregnancy rate for those in the program. Alas, there will be no surprise because the intent is all that matters to the progressive.

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