Saturday, July 25, 2009

Canadian HRC To People

"Your religion is rubbish...fairy stories made up by superstitious anti-intellectual rubes from a by-gone era. If you work for the government, you must deny everything you believe when you enter the government building's front door and follow government orders without question. We support your right to believe what you want (even though it is stupid), but we will not defend your right to live peaceably by your beliefs if it interferes with people we deem more entitled to rights than you."

So, are people going to sue under the HRC when someone cannot perform a government service due to language conflicts? This sounds like a targeted hit on this one man because the two men in question were married by another commissioner. I wonder if someone on the HRC put the couple up to going after this guy because he filed his case 6 months prior to the marriage request. I would not surprise me one bit as the HRC has been shown to be a bully.

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