Saturday, July 25, 2009

Nature...Still Stronger than Humans

A peer reviewed paper has once again confirmed the theory that natural forces are far superior to modern man's pedestrian attempts at climate control. After pumping $80 billion dollars into the the man-made global warming yes-man community, all the USA has to show for it is a really bad documentary from a former vice president. Of course this means nothing in a political culture that is convinced CO2 is humanity's bane. The Academy will continue to publish nonsense because the free flowing cash from world governments is too big a prize to forsake for data supported conclusions. And who wants to be labeled a 'denier'.

In related news, Thomas L Friedman, columnist for the NY Times, lamented the US Cap and Tax bill would not reduce Carbon emissions to the level that (junk) science requires for humans to release control of the environment back to nature. Mr Friedman's estate could not be reached for comment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is obviously a lot to know about this. I think you made some good points in Features also.